HI 983304 Conductometru impermeabil, cu avertizare vizuală, pentru apă demineralizată HI 983304 is specifically designed for use in demineralized and deionized water. When placed at the output of any demineralization system, the visual alarm will be activated as soon as the demineralizing equipment is exhausted. This exclusive feature will ensure maximum system efficiency with minimum investment. The meter measures from 0 to 19.99 µS/cm and has a built-in 3½-digit LCD. HI 983304 is supplied with an HI 7631/2 direct 2-pin probe with a 2m cable and a ½" thread for flow-thru mounting. This probe is also equipped with a temperature sensor to automatically compensate measurements against temperature changes from 5 to 50°C (41 to 122°F). When operating in the measurement mode, HI 983304's red LED will alert the user as soon as the reading is 1 µS/cm above the set point |