HI 3813 Set de teste combinat pentru alcalinitate şi aciditate This practical test kit is the ideal solution for combined testing of acidity and alkalinity. It includes two indicators, two pre-standardized titration solutions, graduated cylinders for 20 and 100 mL respectively, and a graduated syringe to perform the titrations. The kit also provides two different plastic pipettes (one for each parameter) in order to avoid cross contamination of your sample during testing. The reagent bottles are clearly coded to avoid confusion and can be purchased separately when they run out. Perform over 100 tests each of acidity and alkalinity with this kit. This practical and versatile test kit comes in a rugged portable carrying case, ideal for field use. It's convenient, saves time and keeps your test materials organized and orderly. Dimensiuni370 x 270 x 80 mmGreutate1.0 kgSpecificaţii chimice:Parametru Metodă Domeniu de măsură Increment minim Metoda chimică Număr de teste Aciditate Titrare 0-00 mg/l0-500 mg/l 1 mg/l5 mg/l Metil portocaliu/Fenolftaleină circa 110 Alcalinitate Titrare 0-100 mg/l0-300 mg/l 1 mg/l3 mg/l Fenolftaleină/Albastru de bromfenol circa 110 Dimensiuni370 x 270 x 80 mmGreutate1.0 kgSpecificaţii chimice:Parametru Metodă Domeniu de măsură Increment minim Metoda chimică Număr de teste Aciditate Titrare 0-00 mg/l0-500 mg/l 1 mg/l5 mg/l Metil portocaliu/Fenolftaleină circa 110 Alcalinitate Titrare 0-100 mg/l0-300 mg/l 1 mg/l3 mg/l Fenolftaleină/Albastru de bromfenol circa 110 Dimensiuni370 x 270 x 80 mmGreutate1.0 kgSpecificaţii chimice:ParametruMetodăDomeniu de măsurăIncrement minimMetoda chimicăNumăr de testeAciditateTitrare 0-00 mg/l0-500 mg/l 1 mg/l5 mg/lMetil portocaliu/Fenolftaleinăcirca 110AlcalinitateTitrare0-100 mg/l0-300 mg/l1 mg/l3 mg/lFenolftaleină/Albastru de bromfenolcirca 110Dimensiuni370 x 270 x 80 mmGreutate1.0 kgSpecificaţii chimice:ParametruMetodăDomeniu de măsurăIncrement minimMetoda chimicăNumăr de testeAciditateTitrare 0-00 mg/l0-500 mg/l 1 mg/l5 mg/lMetil portocaliu/Fenolftaleinăcirca 110AlcalinitateTitrare0-100 mg/l0-300 mg/l1 mg/l3 mg/lFenolftaleină/Albastru de bromfenolcirca 110 |