Compactor fix de mare capacitate STP - HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPACTORS STP Werner & Weber GMBH proiecteaza si produce compactoare stationare seria STP - PRESE DE MARE CAPACITATE Presele din seria STP sunt masini cu o structura deosebit de stabila si robusta pentru aplicatii pretentioase. Fortele generate sunt optim distribuite datorita constructiei robuste cu un cilindru central de presare. Lipsesc foile de tabla telescopice uzuale deasupra pistoanelor de compactare. Astfel, durata de viata este mai mare iar gradul de uzura este mai redus. Domeniul de aplicare Datorita structurii masive, presele sunt adecvate atat pentru volume mari de deseuri, cat si pentru componente voluminoase. Un domeniu tipic de aplicare sunt de exemplu tipografiile, in cadrul carora se genereaza cantitati mari de deseuri din hartie, intr-un timp foarte scurt, care trebuie presate (modelul STP1800S), sau statiile de transfer pentru deseurile comerciale si deseurile municipale (model STP3300S-500). Avantaje: - Constructie foarte robusta prin utilizarea de tabla groasa, extrem de rezistenta-
- Gura de incarcare extrem de mare (2000x1700 mm la STP-3300)
- Capacitate mare de prelucrare, de exemplu STP-3300S 312m3/ora
- Forta extrem de mare de compactare, pana la 600kN, la cerere
- Presa este executata conform directivei CE privind utilajele 2006/42/CE si prevederilor referitoare la protectia impotriva accidentelor si poarta marcajul CE
Echipament Presele din seria STP pot fi personalizate pentru fiecare domeniu de aplicare. Construim masini atat cu agregate standard, cat si cu agregate hidraulice si comenzi individuale. Furnizam accesorii corespunzatoare pentru fiecare domeniu de aplicare, ca: - Instalatie hidraulica de cuplare, semiautomata sau complet automata
- Usa hidraulica a containerului cu mecanism de inchidere.
- Mecanism hidraulic de inchidere a presei
- Instalatii de manevrare a presei sau containerelor.
- Comanda prin bariere luminoase sau senzori care indica nivelul de umplere.
- Sistem de gestionare a uleiului: temperatura // racire // monitorizare.
- Instalatiile de basculare a containerelor sunt integrate in lateral sau frontal
- Notificari privind statusul operarii sau mentenanta de la distanta prin GSM
Preturile exprimate sunt cu titlu informativ si difera de la caz la caz in functie de tipul de press container solicitat de Dvs ---------------------------------------------------- HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPACTORS STPSTP SERIES HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPACTORS / Stationary press containers The compactors of the STP series are built to be particularly sturdy and robust for demanding applications.Their robust constructions can central compaction cylinder allows the forces they produce to be optimally distributed. They also do away with the customary telescopic panels over the ram. This results in a long service life and low wear.Area of application The solid construction of these compactors means that they are suited to both high volumes of waste and bulky parts. Some typical examples of their use include at print works, where high volumes of waste paper are generated and need to be compacted in a short time (model STP1800S), or transfer stations at commercial waste and local authority waste facilities (model STP3300S-500). Benefits - Extremely robust construction, thanks to the use of very thick metal plates
- Extremely large filling opening (2000x1700 mm on STP-3300)
- High processing capacity, e.g. STP-3300S 312m3/hour
- Extremely high compacting force, up to 600kN upon request
- Compactor designed in accordance with the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and German accident prevention regulations ( CE )
Equipment - STP series compactors can be tailored to your respective use case.
- We build these machines both with standard assemblies and with custom hydraulic units and controllers.
- We supply the right additional equipment for every use case, for example:
- Semi-automatic or fully automatic hydraulic coupling device
- Hydraulic container door locking mechanism
- Hydraulic compacting channel closure
- Moving systems for the compactor or container
- Control by means of light barriers or fill level sensors
- Oil management system: Temperature // Cooling // Monitoring
- Integrated container tipping mechanisms attached to the side or front
- Operating status messages or remote maintenance via mobile phone
Multumesc / Thank you Cu stima / Best regards ---------- WERNER & WEBER GmbHIng. Radu Bacila Key account manager for Romania Identificare fiscala / Fiscal identification: - CIF/ UID: ATU14688809
- Registru comertului / No: 107791t
- Commercial Register
- Tribunal comercial /
- Handelsgericht Wien Commercial Court
Contact ptr Romania: - Adresa / Postal addresses: Timisoara - Timis - Romania
- Tel: +40721270891
- Fax: +40356815758
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