| | | | HomePro Z-Wave USB Adapter ZCU201The ACT USB adapter connects a PC to a Z-Wave network using the USB interface. The unit conveys the USB... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | VI-5038 - Camera Supraveghere INTERIOR/EXTERIORCaracteristici:Senzor Imagine: 1/3"SONY color CCDRezolutie Orizontala: 540 TV LinePixeli:... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | Diverse camere de supraveghere marcile Axis, Vivotek detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | KIT Cerber C51 - EXTERIORKitul include:* 1 x Centrală de avertizare la efracţie Cerber C51 în carcasă plastic ignifug +... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | Buton Simplu Z-Wave Radio Connect - System SD - Stainless Steel - MTN_507146 -Buton Dublu Z-Wave Radio Connect - System SD - White -... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | VS QNAP-2008 VioStor - Inregistrator IP (Network Video Recorder) poate inregistra pana la 8 camere IP conectate la reteaua locala... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | - HomePro Single Wall Switch - ZRW230The HomePro single wall switch is switching attached loads and is controlled either by the... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | - HomePro Z-Wave Schuko Plug-in Switch ZRP200This device is a switch plug-in and is used between a standard Schuko wall outlet and... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | -HomePro Z-Wave Motion Detector ZIR010This motion detector (PIR = passive infrared receiver) of the HomePro system detects the presence... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | Controlerele Z-Wave sunt folosite pentru controlul retelelor asociate si sunt de mai multe tipuri: sisteme de control fixe, telecomenzi... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | Telecomenzi radio, senzori miscare, detectoare fum, sirene interior si exterior, detector spargere geam detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | Situate undeva la intersectia dintre un telefon mobil (SmartPhone) si un NetBook, aceste PC-uri va ofera conectivitate si divertisment... detalii >>> | | | |
| | | | Video Servere IP AXIS 241QA - 4 Canale - Server Audio-VideoAXIS 241QA este un video server care permite migrarea a pana la 4 camere de... detalii >>> | | | |