ATOM Afisari: 1410
Categorie: ALARME, APARARE, PAZA >> Sisteme de paza si supraveghere complexe Vizitatori: 626
Harta: Localizare pe harta Romaniei
Contact: Adresa
Str. Adevarului, nr. 49/B, Oradea, judetul Bihor
Phone: Telefon
  0259211125; 0752504866
Web: Internet


- HomePro Z-Wave Schuko Plug-in Switch ZRP200This device is a switch plug-in and is used between a standard Schuko wall outlet and lamps connected to a wall outlet by cable. The unit is rated IP 20 and can therefore be used in dry environments only. The unit is included into a Z-Wave network by a remote control, PC software or any other kind of Z-Wave controller. It switches all kind of loads. Local operation is possible by pressing the button on the device.Technical Data:* Power rating: 230V, 50 Hz* Maximum load: 10A* Wireless behaviour: receiver* Z-Wave type: slave* Distance: up to 100 m outdoor, up to 30 m in buildings* Display: -* Local Interaction: one button for switching, inclusion, exclusion and association* Power supply: via 230 V power

-Z-Wave Schuko Plug SwitchThis device is a switch plug-in and is used between a standard Schuko wall outlet and lamps connected to a wall outlet by cable. The unit is rated IP 20 and can therefore be used in dry environments only. The unit is included into a Z-Wave network by a remote control, PC software or any other kind of Z-Wave controller. It switches all kinds of loads. Local operation is possible by pressing the button on the device.Technical Data:* Power rating: 230V, 50 Hz* Maximum load: up to 16 A* Wireless behaviour: transmitter* Z-Wave type: slave* Distance: up to 100 m outdoor, up to 30 m in buildings* Display: red LED inside push button* Local interaction: one button for switching, inclusion, exclusion and association* Power supply: via 230 V power

-Duwi Z-Wave Plugin Switch - ExteriorThis is a switch plug-in and is used between a standard Schuko wall outlet and electrical loads connected to a wall outlet by cable. The unit is rated IP 44 and can therefore be used in wet environments like bathrooms. The device switches all kinds of loads. The unit is included into a Z-Wave network by a remote control, PC software or any other kind of Z-Wave controller.* Power rating: 230V, 50 Hz * Maximum load: 0 ... 3500W (16A) * Wireless behaviour: receiver * Z-Wave type: routing slave * Distance: up to 100 m outdoor, up to 30 m in buildings * Display: multicolour-LED * Local interaction: one button for switching, inclusion, exclusion and association * Power supply: via 230 V power

Galerie foto (3)
[Image #1] [Image #2] [Image #3]
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