ATOM Afisari: 1410
Categorie: ALARME, APARARE, PAZA >> Sisteme de paza si supraveghere complexe Vizitatori: 626
Harta: Localizare pe harta Romaniei
Contact: Adresa
Str. Adevarului, nr. 49/B, Oradea, judetul Bihor
Phone: Telefon
  0259211125; 0752504866
Web: Internet


-HomePro Z-Wave Motion Detector ZIR010This motion detector (PIR = passive infrared receiver) of the HomePro system detects the presence of a person in a room. The units send information to a controller or any other associated Z-Wave device. Up to 4 devices can be controlled from this unit. The sensor is a battery-powered device, which is in sleeping state unless an action is detected. After a programmable sleeping time the device wakes up and sends a status information. After this the unit goes back to sleeping modus. Batteries can be changed without unscrewing the device from the door or frame. The unit will give a visual warning on the device and sends a warning to the Z-Wave controller, when batteries need to be replaced.The unit offers a tampering control and sends an alarm message when tampered. The device needs to be included into a Z-Wave network by a remote control or any other Z-Wave controller. For configuration of certain behaviour a static controller such as a PC with home automation software or a gateway is recommended.Three different types of operation are possible:1. Light control: control of a lamp depending on motion of a person and the amount of light (default value)2. Sensor: The unit delivers a signal every time a moving person is detected.3. Alarm: An alarm signal is sent when motion is detectedTechnical Data* Wireless behaviour: transmitter* Z-Wave type: slave* Distance: up to 30 m in buildings* Display: LED * Local interaction: one button for inclusion, wakeup and exclusion * Power supply: 4 * Micro AAA Batteries

-EZ Motion Z-Wave 3 in 1 SensorEZmotion is a Z-Wave Certified wireless motion sensor that simplifies your life by turning lights on as soon as you enter a room. Shortly after you leave, EZMotion will automatically turn off the lights. The sensor is smart enough to detect if there is enough natural light already in the room and will leave the lights off until the sun has set or clouds have made the room dark enough to need additional light. The temperature sensor can be used to control the heating and cooling systems of your home or business to keep you comfortable. * Motion Sensor* Light Sensor* Temperature Sensor

-Z-Wave Door and Window SensorThis sensor offers information whether a door or window is open or closed. The product consists of a magnetic element and the main unit. One of the parts is mounted on the moving part of the window or of the door, the other part is placed on the frame. The installation can be done with screws or double-sided tape. The sensor is a battery-powered device, which is in sleeping state unless an action is detected. After a programmable sleeping time the device wakes up and sends a status information. After this the unit goes back to sleeping modus. Batteries can be changed without unscrewing the device from the door or frame. The unit will give a visual warning on the device and sends a warning to the Z-Wave controller, when batteries need to be replaced. The unit offers a tampering control and sends an alarm message when tampered. The units send information to a controller or any other associated Z-Wave device. Up to 4 devices can be controlled from this device.The device needs to be included into a Z-Wave network by a remote control or any other Z-Wave controller. For configuration of certain behaviour a static controller such as a PC with home automation software or a gateway is required.Technical Data:* Wireless behaviour: transmitter* Z-Wave type: slave* Distance: up to 30 m in buildings* Display: LED * Local interaction: one button for inclusion, wakeup and exclusion * Power supply: 1* CR2 battery (3V)* Dimensions: 20x34x79mm

Galerie foto (3)
[Image #1] [Image #2] [Image #3]
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