O locatie selecta, cu stil, în centrul orasului Dej, cu terasa si zona special destinata fumatorilor, o locatie unde poti organiza un eveniment privat: nunti, botezuri, zile de nastere, etc. Un loc perfect pentru a petrece clipe de relaxare alaturi de prieteni, la o cafea sau un desert rafinat dupa ce ai servit masa. Va invitam sa ne treceti pragul si nu veti regreta. Meniu 1.Specialitatile bucatarului The chef’s specialties 2.Mic dejun Breakfast 3.Gustare calda Hot snak 4.Pizza Pizza 5.Paste Pastas 6.Preparate din pui Chicken dishes 7.Preparate din porc Pork dishes 8.Preparate din peste Fish dishes 9.Preparate din vita Beef dishes 10.Garnituri Garnish 11.Salate Salads 12.Sosuri Dressings 13.Supe Soups 14.Produse de post Post products 15.Deserturi Deserts 16.Cocktail-uri Cocktails 17.Bauturi alcolice Alcoholic beverages 18.Bauturi racoritoare Refreshments 19.Bere Beer 20.Cafea si specialitati Coffe and specialties Specialitatile bucatarului The chef's specialties POMANA PORCULUI CU MAMALIGUTA 20.00RON Friptura de porc, mamaliga, usturoi, salata de muraturi Pork steak, polenta, garlic, pickles SPECIALITATEA BUCATARULUI 28.00RON Chef’s Specialty Cotlet de porc, sos de smantana, cartofi piure, sote de ciuperci, salata v.arza/ . Pork chops, sour cream, mashed potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, salad MEDALION ”LEMNUL VERDE”28.00RON ”Lemnul Verde” Mix Cotlet de porc, piept de pui, cascaval, rosie, cartofi prajiti, salata de varza Pork chops, chicken breast, cheese, tomato, ench ies, cabbage salad. Mic dejun Breakfast OCHIURI CU CASCAVAL LA CUPTOR6.00RON Oua, cascaval, sare, piper OMLETA SIMPLA/OMELET5.00RON PLACINTA CU BRÂNZA/CARTOFI/VARZA5.00RON OCHIURI SIMPLE/FRIED EGGS5.00RON Mic dejun Puteti adauga urmatoarele ingredinte**/ 50gr/produs: You can add the following ingredients**/ 50gr/item: Sunca/ham – 3 leiCiuperci/mushrooms – 2 lei Ceapa/onions – 1 leuCascaval/cheese – 2 leiKaizer – 4 lei*servim micul dejun pâna la ora 12:00/we serve breakfast until 12:00 **pretul este per ingredient/the quoted price is per ingredient Gustare calda Hot snack CAS PANE10RON Fried Cheese Cascaval, pesmet/ Cheese, bread crumbs BRUSCHEE AL POMODORO6RON Paine, rosii, usturoi, busuioc, oregano,sare, piper, salata iceberg/ Bread, tomatoes, garlic, basil, oregano, salt, pepper, esh leuce CLATITE CU CIUPERCI, SUNCA SI MOZZARELLA12RON Crepes with mushrooms, ham and mozzarella Clatite, ceapa, ciuperci, sunca, vin alb, mozzarella, smantana dulce, usturoi, sare, piper/ Crepes, onion, mushrooms, ham, white wine, mozzarella, sweet cream, garlic, salt, pepper MAMALIGUTA CU BRANZA SI SMANTANA12RON Polenta with cheese and sour cream Pizza Pizza Pizza TARANEASCA23RON Aluat pizza, sos de pizza, slanina, carnati, ceapa, salam, kaiser, porumb, ciuperci, masline, mozzarella Dough, pizza sauce, salo bacon, sausage, onions, salami, bacon, corn, esh mushrooms, olives, mozzarella QUATTRO FORMAGI21RON Aluat pizza, sos pizza, mozzarella, gorgonzola, branza brie, parmezan Dough, pizza sauce, mozzarella, gorgonzola, brie cheese, parmesan POLLO23RON Aluat pizza, sos de pizza, mozzarella, piept de pui, ardei gras Dough, pizza sauce, mozzarella, chicken breast, esh bell pepper QUATTRO STAGIONI21RON Aluat pizza, sos de pizza, mozzarella, sunca, salam, ciuperci, ardei gras Dough, pizza sauce, mozzarella, ham, salami, esh mushrooms, esh bell pepper CAPRICIOSA21RON Aluat pizza, sos de pizza, mozzarella, sunca, kaiser, ciuperci, ardei gras, masline Dough, pizza sauce, mozzarella, ham, bacon, esh mushrooms, esh bell pepper, olives DIAVOLA21RON Aluat pizza, sos de pizza, mozzarella, sunca, salam, ardei iute Dough, pizza sauce, mozzarella, ham, salami, spicy peppers PROSCIUTO COTTO FUNGHI22RON Aluat pizza, sos pizza, mozzarella, ciuperci, sunca Dough, pizza sauce, mozzarella, mushrooms, ham LEMNUL VERDE23RON Aluat pizza, sos de pizza, mozarella, salam de vara, kaiser, sunca, ciuperci proaspete, porumb, masline negre Dough, pizza sauce, mozzarella, sausage, bacon, ham, esh mushrooms, esh bell pepper, corn, black olives PIZZA VEGETARIANA17RON Aluat pizza, sos de pizza, cascaval vegetal. ciuperci proaspete, ardei gras, porumb, masline negre. Dough, pizza sauce, vegetable curd, esh mushrooms, esh bell pepper, corn, black olives Paste Pastas PARMEZAN3RON Parmesan SPAGHETE QUATRO FORMAGI20RON Spaghete, gorgonzola, parmezan, cascaval, branza brie, mozarella Spaghete, gorgonzola, parmesan, cheese, brie cheese, mozarella PENNE CHICKEN AL FREDO22RON Penne, piept de pui, ciuperci, usturoi, parmezan, smantana dulce Penne, chicken breast, mushrooms, garlic, parmesan, sweet cream PENNE SICILIENE23RON Penne, piept de pui, kaiser, ciuperci, ceapa, ardei, sos de rosii, smantana, mozzarella Penne, chicken breast, bacon, fresh mushrooms, fresh onions, fresh bell peppers, tomato sauce, sour cream, mozzarella CARBONARA (PENNE/SPAGHETTI)20RON Spaghete/penne, kaiser, smantana dulce, parmezan, ou Spaghetti/penne, bacon, sweet sour cream, parmesan, egg Preparate din pui Chicken dishes PULPE DE PUI LA GRATAR9RON Grilled chicken drumstick PIEPT DE PUI LA GRATAR14RON Grilled chicken breast ESCALOP DIN PIEPT DE PUI CU CIUPERCI20RON Mushroom chicken breast escalope Piept de pui, smantana dulce, coniac, sunca Chicken breast, sweet sour cream, cognac, ham CRISPY22RON Crispy fried chicken Crispy, cartofi prajiti, sos de usturoi sau sos picant Crispy, french fries, garlic or hot sauce ARIPIOARE PICANTE15RON Spicy chicken wings Aripioare de pui, cartofi prajiti, sos usturoi Chicken wings, french fries, garlic sauce FICAT DE PUI CU CEAPA15RON Chicken liver with onions PAPRICAS DE PUI CU MAMALIGUTA20RON Hungarian chicken paprikash with polenta Carne de pui, ceapa, smantana, usturoi, faina, mamaliga Chicken drumstick, onions, sour cream, garlic, flour, polenta SNITEL DE PUI22RON Chicken snitzel Piept de pui, faina, ou, cartofi prajiti, salata de varza Chicken breast, flour, egg, ench ies, cabbage salad FRIGARUI DE PUI20RON Chicken shish kebab Piept de pui, ardei, ceapa, ciuperci, cartofi piure Chicken breast, bell pepper, onions, mushrooms, mashed potatoes PIEPT DE PUI CU GORGONZOLA22RON Grilled chicken breast with gorgon Piept de pui, sos gorgonzola, smantana dulce Chicken breast, gorgonzola sauce, sweet cream PIEPT DE PUI CU PROSCIUO SI MOZZARELLA25RON Chicken breast with prosciuo and mozzarella Piept de pui, prosciuo, mozzarella, orez cu ciuperci Chicken breast, prosciuo, mozzarella, rice with mushrooms Preparate din porc Pork dishes COTLET DE PORC LA GRATAR15RON Grilled pork chop CEAFA DE PORC LA GRATAR16RON Grilled pork scruff SNITEL DE PORC PANE15RON Battered pork schnitzel Cotlet de porc, faina, pesmet, oua, ulei, sare, piper Pork chops, flour, batter, egg, oil, salt, pepper CIOLAN CU FASOLE17RON Smoked Pork Ham Ciolan de porc, fasole alba Smoked pork ham, white beans ESCALOP ZINGARA20RON Zingara Escalope Cotlet de porc, coniac, sos de rosii, ciuperci, sunca Pork chops, cognac, tomato sauce, mushrooms, ham Preparate din peste Fish dishes PASTRAV PRAJIT IN FAINA DE MALAI12RON Fried trout Pastrav, faina de malai Trout, corn flour PASTRAV LA GRATAR12RON Grilled trout FILE DE SALAU CU SOS DE CAPERE15RON Pike perch fillet with caper sauce Salau file, smantana dulce, capere, patrunjel Pike perch fillet, sweet sour cream, capers, parsley FILE DE SALAU ÎN FULGI DE PORUMB17RON Salau file, faina, ou, sare, piper Pike perch fillet, flour, egg, salt, pepper SPECIALITATE FILE DE SALAU22RON Special pike perch fillet File de salau, sunca, ciuperci, sos dulce, cas, sare, piper Pike perch fillet, ham, mushrooms, sweet sauce, cheese, salt, pepper Preparate din vita Beef dishes PULPA DE VITA LA TAVA DEMI GLACE20RON Roasted beef demi glace Pulpa de vita, morcovi, ceapa, usturoi, pasta de tomate, boia Beef, carrots, onions, garlic, tomato sauce, paprika Garnituri Garnishes LEGUME TOSCANE7RON Tuscan vegetables LEGUME MEXICANE5RON Mixed vegetables SOTE DE CIUPERCI CU CEAPA5RON Sauteed mushrooms with onion CARTOFI PRAJITI5RON French fries CARTOFI AURII6RON Wedge fries CARTOFI PIURE5RON Mashed potatoes OREZ SIMPLU5RON Rice OREZ CU CIUPERCI5RON Rice with mushrooms IAHNIE DE FASOLE6RON Baked beans LEGUME LA GRATAR7RON Grilled vegetables Salate Salads SALATA DE SFECLA ROSIE5RON Beet salad SALATA DE VARZA5RON Cabbage salad SALATA DE VARZA SI ROSII5RON Cabbage and tomato salad MURATURI ASORTATE5RON Pickles Castraveti, gogosari Pickled cucumbers, bell peppers SALATA DE CRUDITATI6RON Fresh salad Rosii, castraveti, ceapa rosie Fresh tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, fresh red onions SALATA DE ROSII5.50RON Tomato salad SALATA DE ROSII CU TELEMEA6RON Tomato salad with Feta Rosii, telemea, ulei de masline Tomatoes, feta, olive oil SALATA DE PUI18RON Chicken salad Salata iceberg, piept de pui, rosii, sos, crutoane Fresh iceberg letuce, chicken breast, tomatoes, dressing, croutons SALATA BULGAREASCA15RON Bulgarian salad Salata iceberg, ou fiert, castraveti, rosii, masline, ardei gras, ceapa, cascaval, sunca, ulei de masline, miere, sare, otet/ Fresh iceberg letuce, boiled egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, bell pepper, onions, cheese, ham, olive oil, honey, salt, vinegar SALATA GRECEASCA15RON Greek Salad Salata iceberg, branza telemea, rosii, ardei, ceapa rosie, castraveti, masline, sos, ulei, otet, oregano Fresh iceberg letuce, feta cheese, fresh tomatoes, fresh bell peppers, fresh red onion, cucumber, olives, dressing Sosuri Dressings TZATZIK4RON Iaurt, castraveti, usturoi, ulei, marar Yoghurt, cucumber, garlic, oil, dil TARTAR4RON Maioneza, ou, ceapa, mustar, patrunjel, condimente Mayonnaise, egg, onion, mustard, parsley, spices REMOULADE4RON Maioneza, castraveti murati, ou, patrunjel, tarhon, piper, mustar, otet, sare Mayonnaise, pickled cucumber, eggs, parsley, tarragon, pepper, mustard, vinegar, salt MUJDEI4RON Garlic sauce Usturoi, sare, ulei, smantana Garlic, salt, oil, sour cream MAIONEZA2.50RON Mayonnaise Oua, ulei, sare, mustar Eggs, oil, salt, mustard HREAN3.50RON Horseradish Hrean, smantana, otet, sare Horseradish, sour cream, vinegar, salt SOS ”LEMNUL VERDE”3.50RON ”Lemnul Verde” Sauce Smantana, mustar, ulei de masline, suc de lamaie, sare, piper Sour cream, mustard, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper ULEI PICANT2RON Hot chilli oil Ulei de masline, ardei iute Olive oil, spicy peppers Supe Soups ARDEI1RON Spicy peppers SMANTANA2RON Sour cream SALATA DE CEAPA ROSIE2.50RON Red onion salad CIORBA RADAUTEANA10RON Radauti Style Soup Piept de pui, legume, ou, smantana Chicken breast, vegetables, eggs, sour cream CIORBA ARDELENEASCA DE PORC10RON Transylvanian Pork Soup Carne de porc, legume, smantana Pork, vegetables, sour cream CIORBA TARANEASCA DE PORC10RON Peasant Pork Soup Carne de porc, legume Pork, vegetables CIORBA DE FASOLE CU CIOLAN AFUMAT10RON Bean soup with Smoked Ham Ciolan afumat, fasole boabe, legume Smoked ham, beans, vegetables CIORBA TARANEASCA DE VITA10RON Beef soup Carne de vita, legume Beef tenderloin, vegetables CIORBA DE BURTA12RON Tripe Sour Soup Burta de vita, legume, ou, smantana Tripe, vegetables, eggs, sour cream *Include ardei iute si smantana *Includes spicy peppers and sour cream Produse de post Post products NEGRESA5RON SAVARINA5RON ISLER5RON PRAJITURA CU MAR4RON CASCAVAL VEGETAL8RON ASORTIMENT DE LEGUME TOSCANE CU OREZ CU CIUPERCI12RON IAHNIE DE FASOLE BOABE8RON SALATA ORIENTALA10RON CHISTELUTE DE CARTOFI CU SOTE DE CIUPERCI12RON CIORBA DE LEGUME6.50RON CIORBA DE FASOLE BOABE6.50RON Deserturi Deserts INGHETATA CASEI, 100% NATURALA4RON Home made Ice Cream, 100% natural Aroma favorita: vanilie, ciocolata, rom cu stafide Your favourite flavour: vanilla, chocolate, rum raisin CHEESECAKE7RON CREMSHNIT CU FRISCA5RON Whipped Cream cremshnit ECLER5.50RON TORT ”LEMNUL VERDE”6.50RON ”Lemnul Verde” Cake CLATITE CU CIOCOLATA12RON Chocolate crepes PAPANASI CU GEM DE AFINE12RON Blueberry jam dumplings Cocktail-uri Cocktails BLUE HAWAIAN12RON Rom, lichior, cocos, curacao, suc ananas, felie de portocala Rum, liqueur, coconut, curacao, pinapple juice, orange slice BLUE LAGOON12RON Vodka, lichior curacao, sprite, sirop lime, felie lamaie Vodka, curacao liqueur, sprite, lime syrup, lemon slice PINA COLADA12RON Rom, sirop cocos, suc ananas, isca, felie de portocala Rum, coconut syrup, pinapple juice, whipped cream, orange slice SEX ON THE BEACH12RON Vodka liqueur, suc de ananas, grenadine, sirop lime, felie de portocala Vodka liqueur, pinapple juice, grenadine syrup, lime, orange slice CUBA LIBRE10RON Rom, Coca-Cola, sirop lime, felie lamaie Rum, Coca-Cola, lime syrup, lemon slice CAMPARI ORANGE10RON Campari, suc de portocale, felie portocala Campari, orange juice, orange slice Bauturi alcolice Alcoholic drinks CRAMELE CRICOVA SAMPANIE CIRESE40RON roze / rose CRAMELE CRIVOCA SAMPANIE ROZE60RON roze / rose CRAMELE CRICOVA ROSU55RON rosu, sec / red, dry CRAMELE CRICOVA ROZE55RON roze, sec / rose, dry MERLOT30RON rosu, demisec / red, semi-dry CHARDONNAY30RON alb, demidulce / white, semi-sweet PINOT NOIR30RON rosu, demidulce / red, semi-sweet CABERNET SAUVIGNON30RON rosu, demisec / red, demisec LACRIMA LUI OVIDIU, 5 ANI40RON alb, licoros / white, fortified UNICUM10RON JAGERMEISTER10RON WEMBLEY7RON MARTINI6RON alb/rosu – white/red ANGELLI5RON alb/rosu – white/red GARRONE5RON alb/rosu – white/red SHERIDANS, COFFEE LAYERED LIQUEUR10RON JIDVEI10RON METAXA 5*9RON MIORITA X.O8RON ALEXANDRION 5*5RON FINLANDIA8RON ABSOLUT8RON STALINSKAYA6RON J.B.10RON CHIVAS REGAL17RON JACK DANIELS13RON BALLANTINES10RON Bauturi racoritoare Refreshments BURN ENERGY DRINK11RON APA MINERALA, PLATA DORNA3.50RON Dorna Plain, Sparkling Water NESTEA5.50RON CAPPY NECTAR5.50RON BAUTURI RACORITOARE4.50RON REFRESHMENTS Coca-Cola, Coke Zero, Coke Light, Fanta Lemon, Fanta Orange Schweppes Lemon, Schweppes Mandarin, Schweppes Tonic, Sprite LIMONADA6RON Lemonade Apa, lamaie, zahar, Water, lemon, sugar Limonada cu arome SUC PROASPAT9RON FRESH JUICE Portocale, grapeuit, mixt Orange, grapeuit, mixed SHIRLEY TEMPLE8RON Sprite, grenadine GREEN APPLE10RON Suc mere verzi, sirop lime, zahar brun, scortisoara Green apple juice, lime syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon FLORIDA10RON Suc portocale, suc grapeuit, grenadine, felie portocala Orange juice, grapeuit juice, grenadine, orange slice SHAKE-URI10RON SHAKES Vanilie, ciocolata, fructe de padure/Vanilla, chocolate, fruits Lapte, inghetata, frisca/Milk, ice cream, whipped cream CEAI5RON Tea Negru, verde, lamaie, fructe, menta Black, green, lemon, fruits, mint Bere Beer TUBORG5RON BECKS LEMON5RON BECKS5RON BERGENBIER5RON BERGENBIER F.A.5RON BERGENBIER LEMON/GRAPEUIT5RON STAROPRAMEN5RON HEINEKEN5RON STELLA ARTOIS F.A.6RON GROLSCH8RON PERONI6RON URSUS COOLER FARA ALCOOL5RON URSUS COOLER CU ALCOOL5RON URSUS F.A5RON URSUS BLACK5RON URSUS RETRO5RON URSUS PREMIUM5RON Cafea Coffe LAPTE CONDENSAT0.60RON Condensed Milk FRISCA1.50RON Whipped Cream LAPTE FIERBINTE1.50RON Hot milk MIERE1.50RON Honey IRISH COFFEE9RON Cafea, whiskey, frisca Coffee, whiskey, whipped cream CAFEA ASTER EIGHT8RON Aster Eight Coffee Cafea, sirop menta, crema lapte, lapte Coffee, mint syrup, milk cream, mi.lk FRAPPE8RON Cafea solubila, zahar, lapte, gheata, frisca Instant coffee, sugar, milk, ice, whipped cream CAFEA HONEY NUT8RON Honey Nut Coffee Cafea, miere, crema de lapte Coffee, honey, milk cream CAPPUCINO CLASIC7RON Classic Cappucino CIOCOLATA CALDA8RON Hot Chocolate CAFEA VIENEZA6RON Viennese Coffee Cafea, frisca Coffee, whipped cream CAFEA DECOFEINIZATA5RON Decaf Coffee CAFEA ESPRESSO5RON Espresso Coffee |