| | | |  | | | Model:Yamaha, Marshall, Ampeg Inchiriem echipament backline pentru concerte live. Set tobe Yamaha Standard I, set... detalii >>> | | | | |  | | | Inchiriem echipamente sceno-tehnica pentru evenimente indoor sau outdoor. Realizam standuri sau orice fel de stucturi pe baza de truss... detalii >>> | | | | |  | | | Model:FBT MAXX Series Inchieriem echipamente de sunet complete pentru conferinte, simpozioane, lansari si toata gama de... detalii >>> | | | | |  | | | Model: QUBE Inchiriem echipamnete complete de sunet pt evenimente si petreceri indoor/outdoor, cu puteri cuprinse intre 2 - 45... detalii >>> | | | | |  | | | Model:ALLEN&HEATH ML4000-832 Allen& Heath ml4000-832, Console with VCA, 32+2/8/3, 3 operation modes (FOH, Recording,... detalii >>> | | | | |  | | | Model:QUBE QM 115 Two way monitor speaker system; 15” woofer - 2” coax driverThe QM 115 floor monitor features a low... detalii >>> | | | | |  | | | The QUBE PA 360 delivers 850w RMS per channel @ 8 ohms, 1200w RMS per channel @ 4 ohms, 1700 w RMS per channel @ 2 ohms, 3400w RMS... detalii >>> | | | | |  | | | Addressing the growing demand for a compact and portable professional sound system, Qube developed the QSA112 Constant Curvature Line... detalii >>> | | | | | | |