Dr. Shalbaf - clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str.. Doamna Ghica, nr. 175, sector 2, 0760670767,0212406503
Bucuresti | harta
Str.. Doamna Ghica, nr. 175, sector 2, 0760670767,0212406503
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Diamonds Studio - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr.20, parter, sector 1, Bucuresti 0212240942, 0726229039
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr.20, parter, sector 1, Bucuresti 0212240942, 0726229039
Bucuresti | harta
Eurodent B.P.-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Calea Vacaresti, nr. 252-254, sector 4 , 0723817632
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Vacaresti, nr. 252-254, sector 4 , 0723817632
Bucuresti | harta
Activ Dent-clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Bd. Camil Ressu, Nr. 15, bl. 57, sc. A, ap. 2, sector 3 (zona Dristor), Bucuresti, sector 3 0216485769,0729122444
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Camil Ressu, Nr. 15, bl. 57, sc. A, ap. 2, sector 3 (zona Dristor), Bucuresti, sector 3 0216485769,0729122444
Bucuresti | harta
Anca Dent - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Ardeleni, nr. 16, sector 2, 0744320711, 0212104833
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ardeleni, nr. 16, sector 2, 0744320711, 0212104833
Bucuresti | harta
Astrident - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Barca, nr.18, bl.M108, ap.6 , sector 5 0766299129
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Barca, nr.18, bl.M108, ap.6 , sector 5 0766299129
Bucuresti | harta
Bavaria Medical- laborator tehnica dentara - Bucuresti
Str. Aron Cotrus , nr. 51-59, vila 1, sector 1 , 0371489362,0766277579
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Aron Cotrus , nr. 51-59, vila 1, sector 1 , 0371489362,0766277579
Bucuresti | harta
Biostom - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai, nr. 1A, sector 4 0318058958,0318058959
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai, nr. 1A, sector 4 0318058958,0318058959
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Dr. Barbu- cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr 6, sector 1, 0219155
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr 6, sector 1, 0219155
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Grigoras Cerasela-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Virgiliu, nr. 42, sector 1 , 0216372441,0314053331
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Virgiliu, nr. 42, sector 1 , 0216372441,0314053331
Bucuresti | harta
Dentland-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd.Aviatorilor, nr.23, sector 1, Tel.0212532315,0722940073
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Aviatorilor, nr.23, sector 1, Tel.0212532315,0722940073
Bucuresti | harta
Ceramdent - laborator dentar Bucuresti
Str. A. D. Xenopol, nr. 19, sc. B, ap. 2, parter, interfon 021, sector 1 0212103289,0734370000
Bucuresti | harta
Str. A. D. Xenopol, nr. 19, sc. B, ap. 2, parter, interfon 021, sector 1 0212103289,0734370000
Bucuresti | harta
Doctor Serban - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti sector 1
Str. Daniel Danielopolu , nr. 36, Ap.3, Parter,Sector 1 , 0758074415
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Daniel Danielopolu , nr. 36, Ap.3, Parter,Sector 1 , 0758074415
Bucuresti | harta
Stomasan - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Aleea Lunguletu, Nr.5, Bl.V3, Parter, Sector 2, 0212523132,0744316691
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Lunguletu, Nr.5, Bl.V3, Parter, Sector 2, 0212523132,0744316691
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Georgescu Oana - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 255, bl. 43, sc. A, ap. 1 (Morarilor - vis-a-vis de Circa 9 Politie), sector 2, 0726.787.636,021.628.58.79
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 255, bl. 43, sc. A, ap. 1 (Morarilor - vis-a-vis de Circa 9 Politie), sector 2, 0726.787.636,021.628.58.79
Bucuresti | harta
Hajdu Despina Elena-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Splaiul Unirii, nr. 8, bl. B4, sc. 2, et. 1, ap. 21, int. 21C, sector 4, 0213195367,0744674367
Bucuresti | harta
Splaiul Unirii, nr. 8, bl. B4, sc. 2, et. 1, ap. 21, int. 21C, sector 4, 0213195367,0744674367
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Elit - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Nicolae Grigorescu, nr. 18, sector 3 0216433817,0723208564
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Nicolae Grigorescu, nr. 18, sector 3 0216433817,0723208564
Bucuresti | harta
Dentexpert -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Baltita, nr. 2, bl. B18, sc. 3, parter, ap. 67, sector 4 , 021.6363081,0728138218
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Baltita, nr. 2, bl. B18, sc. 3, parter, ap. 67, sector 4 , 021.6363081,0728138218
Bucuresti | harta
Duo Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd.Camil Ressu, nr. 52, bl. C16, ap. 12 , sector 3 , 0216736730,0731326536
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Camil Ressu, nr. 52, bl. C16, ap. 12 , sector 3 , 0216736730,0731326536
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Solutions-cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Calea Calarasilor, nr. 315A, sector 3 , 021.324.39.42
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Calarasilor, nr. 315A, sector 3 , 021.324.39.42
Bucuresti | harta
Dentacon - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Lacul Tei, nr. 79, Bl.15A, sector 2 0766278930
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Lacul Tei, nr. 79, Bl.15A, sector 2 0766278930
Bucuresti | harta
Dentalex 2000-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Pravat , nr. 8, bl. P5, sc. 6, ap. 103-104, sector 6, 0217461401,0214132433
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pravat , nr. 8, bl. P5, sc. 6, ap. 103-104, sector 6, 0217461401,0214132433
Bucuresti | harta
Dentestet-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Aviatorilor nr. 15, sector 1, 0744602020
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Aviatorilor nr. 15, sector 1, 0744602020
Bucuresti | harta
Dentimar-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 81, bl. 77A, et. 3, ap. 9, int. 009, sector 5, 0744344898,0748221533
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 81, bl. 77A, et. 3, ap. 9, int. 009, sector 5, 0744344898,0748221533
Bucuresti | harta
Dento Nic - Cabinet stomatologic Popesti Leordeni
Str. Laurentiu Raiciu, nr 18, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0721389089
Ilfov | harta
Str. Laurentiu Raiciu, nr 18, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0721389089
Ilfov | harta
EraDent-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Radu Beller, nr. 33, sector 1, 0212316262,0721370991
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Radu Beller, nr. 33, sector 1, 0212316262,0721370991
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Teodor Georgescu - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Berzei nr. 33, parter, sector 1, 0744526562
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Berzei nr. 33, parter, sector 1, 0744526562
Bucuresti | harta
German Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Pietii, nr. 36-42 (vis-a-vis de teatrul Masca), sector 1, 0216674452,0726282896
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pietii, nr. 36-42 (vis-a-vis de teatrul Masca), sector 1, 0216674452,0726282896
Bucuresti | harta
Happy Dent-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Dinicu Golescu, nr. 19, sector 1, 0213189949,Fax 0213189949
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Dinicu Golescu, nr. 19, sector 1, 0213189949,Fax 0213189949
Bucuresti | harta
Impladent - Clinica implantologie, Bucuresti
Str.Av.Radu Beller, Nr. 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0213109131,0744439515
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Av.Radu Beller, Nr. 1, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0213109131,0744439515
Bucuresti | harta
LLL Dental-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea Mosilor , nr. 296, bl. 46, sc. C, parter,/1 Ap. 72-74, 0216102337,0728320700
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Mosilor , nr. 296, bl. 46, sc. C, parter,/1 Ap. 72-74, 0216102337,0728320700
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Art-cabinet stomatologic- Oradea
Str. Parc Ion C Bratianu, nr. 5, Oradea, judetul Bihor 0359444422,0771732938
Bihor | harta
Str. Parc Ion C Bratianu, nr. 5, Oradea, judetul Bihor 0359444422,0771732938
Bihor | harta
Master Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 96, sector 2 021250 8438,0767594571
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 96, sector 2 021250 8438,0767594571
Bucuresti | harta
Morello - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr 4, sector 2, 0212526659, 0721237886
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr 4, sector 2, 0212526659, 0721237886
Bucuresti | harta
Ortodent-clinica dentara- Bucuresti
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr. 17A, sector1, 0213210700,0799281299
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr. 17A, sector1, 0213210700,0799281299
Bucuresti | harta
Societatea Civila Medicala Doctor Popescu Daniel si Asociatii
Calea Serban Voda nr. 211, sector 4, Tel/Fax 021.335.55.03
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Serban Voda nr. 211, sector 4, Tel/Fax 021.335.55.03
Bucuresti | harta
Upgrade Dental - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Calea Victoriei, nr. 155, Bl. D1, Sc.8, Et.1, Sector 1 0774654047,031426037
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Victoriei, nr. 155, Bl. D1, Sc.8, Et.1, Sector 1 0774654047,031426037
Bucuresti | harta
Soladent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 150A, ap. 1, sector 1, 0737142140,0722289110
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 150A, ap. 1, sector 1, 0737142140,0722289110
Bucuresti | harta
Ortoridente-cabinet ortodontie-Bucuresti
Str. Munteniei , nr 63 A, sector 1, 0747520720
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Munteniei , nr 63 A, sector 1, 0747520720
Bucuresti | harta
Dentaklinik - cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Varfureni, nr.12, sector 3, 0720138788
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Varfureni, nr.12, sector 3, 0720138788
Bucuresti | harta
Intermedica High Care-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Calea Vitan, nr. 28, sector 3, Tel.021.2117793,0730005687
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Vitan, nr. 28, sector 3, Tel.021.2117793,0730005687
Bucuresti | harta
Dr.Dumitrasc-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Cercului, nr. 6, bl. 5-7, sc. b, parter, ap. 39, sector 2, 0216191616
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Cercului, nr. 6, bl. 5-7, sc. b, parter, ap. 39, sector 2, 0216191616
Bucuresti | harta
LC Dental-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Viorele, nr. 51, bl. 37, parter,sector 4 , 0723139184,0723453058
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Viorele, nr. 51, bl. 37, parter,sector 4 , 0723139184,0723453058
Bucuresti | harta
Perfect Smile Glim - Clinica Stomatologica Magurele
Str. Bucuresti, nr. 68-70, loc. Varteju, Magurele, judetul Ilfov 0721702820
Ilfov | harta
Str. Bucuresti, nr. 68-70, loc. Varteju, Magurele, judetul Ilfov 0721702820
Ilfov | harta
FildesDent-cabinet stomatologic- Roman
Str. Dr. Felix, bl. 1, sc. E, ap. 46, Roman, judetul Neamt 0233726391,0740047873
Neamt | harta
Str. Dr. Felix, bl. 1, sc. E, ap. 46, Roman, judetul Neamt 0233726391,0740047873
Neamt | harta
Andrada Nicolae Maier - Cabinet stomatologic, Baia Mare
Str. 22 Decembrie , Nr. 5, Baia Mare, judetul Maramures 0765728728
Maramures | harta
Str. 22 Decembrie , Nr. 5, Baia Mare, judetul Maramures 0765728728
Maramures | harta
Diadent Medical Unirii cabinet stomatologic sector 3
Bd. Unirii, nr. 57,sector 3, 0723998717
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Unirii, nr. 57,sector 3, 0723998717
Bucuresti | harta
Alb Studio-cabinet stomatologic - Cluj Napoca
Str. Ion Mester, nr. 12, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364144509,0751155749
Cluj | harta
Str. Ion Mester, nr. 12, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364144509,0751155749
Cluj | harta
Beauty Smile - cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Calea 13 Septembrie, Nr.133, Bl. T2b, Sc.A, Ap.2, parter, sector 5, 0217947501,0723245871
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 Septembrie, Nr.133, Bl. T2b, Sc.A, Ap.2, parter, sector 5, 0217947501,0723245871
Bucuresti | harta
Hyperdent-cabinet stomatologie-Braila
Bd. Dorobantilor , nr.13, Braila, judetul Braila 0726082673
Braila | harta
Bd. Dorobantilor , nr.13, Braila, judetul Braila 0726082673
Braila | harta
Aqua Dental - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Banul Manta, , Nr. 39, sector 1, 0749097534
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Banul Manta, , Nr. 39, sector 1, 0749097534
Bucuresti | harta
Elmadenta - Clinica Stomatologica Sector 3, Bucuresti
Bd. Camil Ressu, Nr. 27, bl. N1, sc.1, parter, ap. 2, interfon 02C, sector 3, Bucuresti 075047494,0736692967
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Camil Ressu, Nr. 27, bl. N1, sc.1, parter, ap. 2, interfon 02C, sector 3, Bucuresti 075047494,0736692967
Bucuresti | harta
Dentus Dentino - Centru Stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 62, sector 1 0310054444
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 62, sector 1 0310054444
Bucuresti | harta
Persident - Clinica Dentara Bucuresti
Bd. Dinicu Golescu, Nr. 43, Bl. 7, sc. 3, parter, ap. 66, sector 1, Bucuresti 0213122567,0766434344
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Dinicu Golescu, Nr. 43, Bl. 7, sc. 3, parter, ap. 66, sector 1, Bucuresti 0213122567,0766434344
Bucuresti | harta
Deos Dental - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Sperantei, nr. 20, sector 2 0310051302,0784011430
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sperantei, nr. 20, sector 2 0310051302,0784011430
Bucuresti | harta
Advanced Dentistry - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Libertatii, nr. 12, sector 4 0314338311
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Libertatii, nr. 12, sector 4 0314338311
Bucuresti | harta
A&A Dent-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Str. Vlad Judetul, nr. 6, Bl. V 12, Ap. 1, Parter, Sector 3, 0758179223
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vlad Judetul, nr. 6, Bl. V 12, Ap. 1, Parter, Sector 3, 0758179223
Bucuresti | harta
Zana Maseluta Dent-cabinet stomatologie-Bucuresti
Bd. Camil Ressu, nr. 72, bl. PM 31, ap. 37, sector 3, 0213483554,0722160621
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Camil Ressu, nr. 72, bl. PM 31, ap. 37, sector 3, 0213483554,0722160621
Bucuresti | harta
Dentist Holiday-Clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Sevastopol, nr. 13-17,sector 1, 0748037806,0213106355
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sevastopol, nr. 13-17,sector 1, 0748037806,0213106355
Bucuresti | harta
Betty Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str.Dr.Felix, nr. 41, bl. C2, sc. 3, parter, ap. 75, sector 1, 0722950007
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Dr.Felix, nr. 41, bl. C2, sc. 3, parter, ap. 75, sector 1, 0722950007
Bucuresti | harta
Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta pentru Copii M.S. Curie
Bd.Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 20, sector 4, Bucuresti 0214604260,0214603026
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 20, sector 4, Bucuresti 0214604260,0214603026
Bucuresti | harta
Adident - Clinica de medicina dentara Bucuresti
Str. Simetriei, nr. 22, sector 2 0724532909
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Simetriei, nr. 22, sector 2 0724532909
Bucuresti | harta
VoxDentalCare -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Leonida Varnali, nr. 23, sector 1, 0213107365,0722522136
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Leonida Varnali, nr. 23, sector 1, 0213107365,0722522136
Bucuresti | harta
Crystal Dental Clinic-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Olteni, nr. 10, Sector 3, 0723503525
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Olteni, nr. 10, Sector 3, 0723503525
Bucuresti | harta
Velvet Dental-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Herastrau, nr. 1,sector 1, 0722453012,0728326438
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Herastrau, nr. 1,sector 1, 0722453012,0728326438
Bucuresti | harta
The Dentist-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Maria Rosetti, nr. 39, sector 2, 0212112127,0722786069
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Maria Rosetti, nr. 39, sector 2, 0212112127,0722786069
Bucuresti | harta
Stoma - Urgent dr. Radulescu Dan Ovidiu - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Vasile Lascar, nr. 8, sector 2, 0723869694
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vasile Lascar, nr. 8, sector 2, 0723869694
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Lazar Sorin- cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, nr.9, bl.I1 sc.2 ap.42 parter (interfon 42), sector 1, 0212314823
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, nr.9, bl.I1 sc.2 ap.42 parter (interfon 42), sector 1, 0212314823
Bucuresti | harta
Prima Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Emil Garleanu, nr. 12, bl. A1, sc. 2, ap. 39, sector 3, 0318070174,0773998598
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Emil Garleanu, nr. 12, bl. A1, sc. 2, ap. 39, sector 3, 0318070174,0773998598
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Care -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Basarabia, nr. 106, bl. D5, ap.3, sector 2, 0213245481,0730567567
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Basarabia, nr. 106, bl. D5, ap.3, sector 2, 0213245481,0730567567
Bucuresti | harta
Leodent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
P-ta Gh. Cantacuzino, nr. 4, sector 1,,
Bucuresti | harta
P-ta Gh. Cantacuzino, nr. 4, sector 1,,
Bucuresti | harta
Evident Med - Clinica Dentara Bucuresti
Str. Emanoil Porumbaru, nr. 58, sector 1, 0763876648
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Emanoil Porumbaru, nr. 58, sector 1, 0763876648
Bucuresti | harta
Dentalspark-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 434,sector 3, 0723238728
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 434,sector 3, 0723238728
Bucuresti | harta
Sensident Med -clinica dentara-Bucuresti
Bd. Decebal nr. 8, bl. S9, sc. 1, et. 1, ap.1, sector 3, 0213223539,0744232612
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Decebal nr. 8, bl. S9, sc. 1, et. 1, ap.1, sector 3, 0213223539,0744232612
Bucuresti | harta
Vita Dent-clinica stomatologica -Bucuresti
Str. Ceaikovski, nr. 8 Sc. B, parter, Ap. 14, sector 2 , 0212304861,0735564840
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ceaikovski, nr. 8 Sc. B, parter, Ap. 14, sector 2 , 0212304861,0735564840
Bucuresti | harta
Cerisdent-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Stirbei Voda, Nr. 38, Sector 1, 0723169690
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Stirbei Voda, Nr. 38, Sector 1, 0723169690
Bucuresti | harta
Best Dent Dr. Silviu Panescu-cabinet stomatologic - Turnu Severin
Str. Kiseleff , nr. 18A, Drobeta Turnu Severin, judetul Mehedinti 0741111656,0742367661
Mehedinti | harta
Str. Kiseleff , nr. 18A, Drobeta Turnu Severin, judetul Mehedinti 0741111656,0742367661
Mehedinti | harta
Dr. Marineci-cabinet stomatologic-Craiova
Str. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 36A, cartier Craiovei, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0747053363
Arges | harta
Str. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 36A, cartier Craiovei, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0747053363
Arges | harta
Elite Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Teheran, nr. 1, sector 1, 0212315737,Fax 0213172131
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Teheran, nr. 1, sector 1, 0212315737,Fax 0213172131
Bucuresti | harta
Elan Dent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Zece Mese, nr. 2, bl. 14, ap. 4, sector 2, 0770283656,0212108942
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Zece Mese, nr. 2, bl. 14, ap. 4, sector 2, 0770283656,0212108942
Bucuresti | harta
Symbio Dent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Cameliei, nr.31, sector 1, 0314356892,0733377355
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Cameliei, nr.31, sector 1, 0314356892,0733377355
Bucuresti | harta
Karies Dent -cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 232, bl. 47, sector 2, 0722384895
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 232, bl. 47, sector 2, 0722384895
Bucuresti | harta
Shine Grup - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Sura Mare, nr. 1, Bl. 1B, Sc. D, Et.1, Sector 4 0213323668,0723323668
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sura Mare, nr. 1, Bl. 1B, Sc. D, Et.1, Sector 4 0213323668,0723323668
Bucuresti | harta
StyleDent-clinica stomatologica- Iasi
Str Strapungere Silvestru , nr. 9 bl. V1-V3, sc. B, parter, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0232255200,0742255029
Iasi | harta
Str Strapungere Silvestru , nr. 9 bl. V1-V3, sc. B, parter, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0232255200,0742255029
Iasi | harta
Dr. Gheorghe Oana-cabinet stomatologic- Pitesti
Str. Exercitiu, Bl A8, Sc. D, Ap1, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348450762,0723206866
Arges | harta
Str. Exercitiu, Bl A8, Sc. D, Ap1, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348450762,0723206866
Arges | harta
Dr.Oprisan-clinica dentara-Bucuresti
Str. Brezoianu, nr. 20 (langa Parcul Cismigiu),sector 1, 0722228638
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Brezoianu, nr. 20 (langa Parcul Cismigiu),sector 1, 0722228638
Bucuresti | harta
Dr Bobos Diana -cabinet stomatologic-Cluj
Str Brassai Samuel , nr. 15, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740874087
Cluj | harta
Str Brassai Samuel , nr. 15, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740874087
Cluj | harta
RDent - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Aleea Valea Viilor, Nr. 1, Bl M34, sector 6 0748200046
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Valea Viilor, Nr. 1, Bl M34, sector 6 0748200046
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Image-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Liviu Rebreanu, nr. 16, bl. A4, sc. 4, ap. 36, sector 3, 0216434050,0740353586
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Liviu Rebreanu, nr. 16, bl. A4, sc. 4, ap. 36, sector 3, 0216434050,0740353586
Bucuresti | harta
Danobby Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Glinka Mihail, nr. 2, sector 2, 0723368723
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Glinka Mihail, nr. 2, sector 2, 0723368723
Bucuresti | harta
Alveolo Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Alexandru Obregia, nr. 10-14, bl. 10-14, sc. 4, ap. 134, Parter Sector 4 0744772307,0771398892
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Alexandru Obregia, nr. 10-14, bl. 10-14, sc. 4, ap. 134, Parter Sector 4 0744772307,0771398892
Bucuresti | harta
BD Medical - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 18, Bl. B7, Sector 4 0744913584,0214606837
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 18, Bl. B7, Sector 4 0744913584,0214606837
Bucuresti | harta
Clar Estet-clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Baba Novac nr. 11, bl. G17, sc. B, ap. 47, sector 3, 0213244356,0729144114
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Baba Novac nr. 11, bl. G17, sc. B, ap. 47, sector 3, 0213244356,0729144114
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica 32-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Banu Manta, nr. 79, bl. 30, sc. 1, ap. 2, sector 1, 0316203030
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Banu Manta, nr. 79, bl. 30, sc. 1, ap. 2, sector 1, 0316203030
Bucuresti | harta
Ultradent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Brasov , nr. 11A, bl. Z27, sc. 1, parter, ap. 1, sector 6, 0217464747,0744433126
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Brasov , nr. 11A, bl. Z27, sc. 1, parter, ap. 1, sector 6, 0217464747,0744433126
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Sinus - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Constantin Caracas, Nr. 7, Sector 1 0723516904
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Constantin Caracas, Nr. 7, Sector 1 0723516904
Bucuresti | harta
MgDental -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Crangului, nr.4, sector 1, 0219369,0212110379
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Crangului, nr.4, sector 1, 0219369,0212110379
Bucuresti | harta
Dentland - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Calusei, nr. 12, et. 1, sector 2, 0212532315,0722940073
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Calusei, nr. 12, et. 1, sector 2, 0212532315,0722940073
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Braniste Andrei - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str Alunisului, nr. 53-55-57, Ap 1, sector 4, 0722746402 ,0722808511
Bucuresti | harta
Str Alunisului, nr. 53-55-57, Ap 1, sector 4, 0722746402 ,0722808511
Bucuresti | harta
Dentexcela 3-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str.Andrei Muresanu, nr. 11-13, sector 1, 0729933313
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Andrei Muresanu, nr. 11-13, sector 1, 0729933313
Bucuresti | harta
Happy Smile-cabinet stomatologic-Otopeni
Str. Aviator Adrian Iovan, nr. 5, Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0752102523,0744314763
Ilfov | harta
Str. Aviator Adrian Iovan, nr. 5, Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0752102523,0744314763
Ilfov | harta
Perlo - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Emanoil Ionescu, nr. 41, sector 1 0744649762,0743332447
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Emanoil Ionescu, nr. 41, sector 1 0744649762,0743332447
Bucuresti | harta
Dentistul tau - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 64-88, sc. 1, parter, ap. 2, interfon 02, sector 2, 0722324913,0720051998
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 64-88, sc. 1, parter, ap. 2, interfon 02, sector 2, 0722324913,0720051998
Bucuresti | harta
DentalMed -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 102, bl. 48A, sector 5, 0214028735,0372330300
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 102, bl. 48A, sector 5, 0214028735,0372330300
Bucuresti | harta
German Dental Center - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Iacob Felix, nr. 41, bl. C2, sc. 3, ap. 75, sector 1, 0724838556, 0213176375
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Iacob Felix, nr. 41, bl. C2, sc. 3, ap. 75, sector 1, 0724838556, 0213176375
Bucuresti | harta
Ceram King Art - Laborator tehnica dentara Bucuresti
Str. Polona, nr. 55, sector 1, 0722615811
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Polona, nr. 55, sector 1, 0722615811
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Progress -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Maior Dimitrie Giurescu, nr. 4A, sector 1, 0751336825
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Maior Dimitrie Giurescu, nr. 4A, sector 1, 0751336825
Bucuresti | harta
Xtradent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr. 85A, sector 1, 0727300143,Tel/Fax 0213196426
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr. 85A, sector 1, 0727300143,Tel/Fax 0213196426
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Tes - cabinet stomatologic Crangasi
Str. Vintila Mihailescu, nr. 8, bl. 78, sc. 2, ap. 59, parter, int. 59, sector 6, 0732826068
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vintila Mihailescu, nr. 8, bl. 78, sc. 2, ap. 59, parter, int. 59, sector 6, 0732826068
Bucuresti | harta
DentAlex - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 55, Bl T5, Ap 2, interfon 02, Sector 5 0734258258
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 55, Bl T5, Ap 2, interfon 02, Sector 5 0734258258
Bucuresti | harta
Clarisse - Clinica Estetica Dentara Bucuresti
Str. Docentilor, Nr 16, sector 1 0213188279,0721022208
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Docentilor, Nr 16, sector 1 0213188279,0721022208
Bucuresti | harta
Ciso-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Burebista, nr. 1, bl D15, sc 3, parter,sector 3, 0786095170,0721208884
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Burebista, nr. 1, bl D15, sc 3, parter,sector 3, 0786095170,0721208884
Bucuresti | harta
Maracdent-clinica stomatologie -Cluj Napoca
Str. Rapsodiei, nr. 6A, ap. 2, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740825617
Cluj | harta
Str. Rapsodiei, nr. 6A, ap. 2, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740825617
Cluj | harta
Dr. Craciunescu Adrian Gabriel - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 7 - Policlinica Apaca, cab. nr. 7, et. 1, sector 6 0723639299
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 7 - Policlinica Apaca, cab. nr. 7, et. 1, sector 6 0723639299
Bucuresti | harta
Atelierul de Zambete Colordent-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Str.Campia Libertatii ., nr. 42, bl. B2, sc. E, ap. 163, sector 3, Tel. 0744504182
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Campia Libertatii ., nr. 42, bl. B2, sc. E, ap. 163, sector 3, Tel. 0744504182
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Durbac, Bucuresti - Stomatologie generala, implantologie, estetica dentara
Schitu Magureanu, Nr.7, Sector 1 (In cadrul clinici Stomatologice Delta Clinic Dent), Programari telefonice 0733108757
Bucuresti | harta
Schitu Magureanu, Nr.7, Sector 1 (In cadrul clinici Stomatologice Delta Clinic Dent), Programari telefonice 0733108757
Bucuresti | harta
Dentexpert Magic -clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Bd. Eroilor, nr. 30, bl. C2, sc. A, ap. 20, interfon 20C, sector 5, 0755108501
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Eroilor, nr. 30, bl. C2, sc. A, ap. 20, interfon 20C, sector 5, 0755108501
Bucuresti | harta
Spring Dental,-cabinet ortodontie si stomatologie - Bucuresti
Calea Vacaresti, nr. 274,sector 4, 0318058546,0721931251
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Vacaresti, nr. 274,sector 4, 0318058546,0721931251
Bucuresti | harta
DentalAlex- cabinet stomatologic- Brasov
Str. Carpatilor , nr. 7, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268326432, 0744376931
Brasov | harta
Str. Carpatilor , nr. 7, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268326432, 0744376931
Brasov | harta
Auris Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Constanta
Str. Krakovia , nr. 4, Bl. C1, Ap. 1, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0722393202,0787855110
Constanta | harta
Str. Krakovia , nr. 4, Bl. C1, Ap. 1, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0722393202,0787855110
Constanta | harta
MdClinic-clinica stomatologica- Cluj Napoca
Str Frederic Joliot Curie , nr 2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0723203639,0364143029
Cluj | harta
Str Frederic Joliot Curie , nr 2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0723203639,0364143029
Cluj | harta
High Class Dental - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Theodor D. Sperantia, Nr. 100, Bl. S27, sc. 1, parter, ap. 02, sector 3, Bucuresti 0739599589
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Theodor D. Sperantia, Nr. 100, Bl. S27, sc. 1, parter, ap. 02, sector 3, Bucuresti 0739599589
Bucuresti | harta
Doctor Mina Vasiliu - clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Iacob Felix, nr. 76, 0213206090,0744335475
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Iacob Felix, nr. 76, 0213206090,0744335475
Bucuresti | harta
Grant Dent by Dr. Alina Filipescu - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Ceahlau, Nr.15, Bl. 75, Sc. 2, Ap. 58, Int. 08, Parter, Sector 6, 0212212842,0724356735
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ceahlau, Nr.15, Bl. 75, Sc. 2, Ap. 58, Int. 08, Parter, Sector 6, 0212212842,0724356735
Bucuresti | harta
Anamaria Pangrat-cabinet stomatologic-Constanta
Bd. Mamaia, nr.60, Bl. LD4B, Sc. B, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0766559063
Constanta | harta
Bd. Mamaia, nr.60, Bl. LD4B, Sc. B, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0766559063
Constanta | harta
Denta Stil -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 13, bl. B16, sc. 4, sector 4, 0314160359,0770149388
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 13, bl. B16, sc. 4, sector 4, 0314160359,0770149388
Bucuresti | harta
Dentaplus-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara , nr. 35, sc. A, ap. 8 ,sector 1, 0311079525,0733524365
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara , nr. 35, sc. A, ap. 8 ,sector 1, 0311079525,0733524365
Bucuresti | harta
Dentville - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Dumitru Zosima, nr. 91, sector 1, 0743368422
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dumitru Zosima, nr. 91, sector 1, 0743368422
Bucuresti | harta
Implantodent-clinica stomatologica Constanta
Bd.Mamaia, nr. 1, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0729437700
Constanta | harta
Bd.Mamaia, nr. 1, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0729437700
Constanta | harta
Implant & Esthetic Center -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Lujerului, nr. 50, bl. 3, parter,sector 6, 0771175025
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lujerului, nr. 50, bl. 3, parter,sector 6, 0771175025
Bucuresti | harta
Andreea Dental Studio -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Justinian, nr. 15A, sector 2, 0744346901
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Justinian, nr. 15A, sector 2, 0744346901
Bucuresti | harta
Bote San Clinique-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str.Observatorului , nr. 11, bl. OS 12, ap. 25 (Zorilor), Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj Tel/Fax.0364804677,0732124385 (urgente)
Cluj | harta
Str.Observatorului , nr. 11, bl. OS 12, ap. 25 (Zorilor), Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj Tel/Fax.0364804677,0732124385 (urgente)
Cluj | harta
DentoMed - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Vatra Luminoasa, nr. 2-24, bl. D6, sc. B, ap. 50, Parter, sector 2, 0787389952
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vatra Luminoasa, nr. 2-24, bl. D6, sc. B, ap. 50, Parter, sector 2, 0787389952
Bucuresti | harta
Divin Dental- cabinet stomatologic- Ploiesti
Intrarea Caminelor, nr. 1, bl. 27B, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0725585802
Prahova | harta
Intrarea Caminelor, nr. 1, bl. 27B, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0725585802
Prahova | harta
Dentex Steph - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Baba Novac, Nr.21, Bl. G11, Ap.2, parter, sector 3, Bucuresti 0733243000
Bucuresti | harta
Baba Novac, Nr.21, Bl. G11, Ap.2, parter, sector 3, Bucuresti 0733243000
Bucuresti | harta
Well Dental-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Med. Zlatescu Constantin , nr. 9, sector 2, 0751926238,0213201825
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Med. Zlatescu Constantin , nr. 9, sector 2, 0751926238,0213201825
Bucuresti | harta
Life Dent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Elev Stefan Stefanescu, nr. 2, bl. 462, sc. A, ap. 4, interfon 04, sector 2, 0212507311,0721630951
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Elev Stefan Stefanescu, nr. 2, bl. 462, sc. A, ap. 4, interfon 04, sector 2, 0212507311,0721630951
Bucuresti | harta
Apolonia Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Brasov
Str. Saturn , nr. 50, sc. D, ap.3, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0368460203,0748189438
Brasov | harta
Str. Saturn , nr. 50, sc. D, ap.3, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0368460203,0748189438
Brasov | harta
Ogodent - cabinet stomatologic- Ploiesti
Str. Cartier Albert, nr. 784, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0726282641,0344269781
Prahova | harta
Str. Cartier Albert, nr. 784, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0726282641,0344269781
Prahova | harta
Camident - Clinica de stomatologie & radiologie Bucuresti
Str. Zizin, nr. 7, bl 80B, sc 1, parter, sector 3, Bucuresti 0213231200,0734301050
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Zizin, nr. 7, bl 80B, sc 1, parter, sector 3, Bucuresti 0213231200,0734301050
Bucuresti | harta
SoriDent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Vatra Luminoasa , nr.1-27, bl. D7, sc. A, ap. 3, interfon 03, sector 2, 0314209909,0770889776
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vatra Luminoasa , nr.1-27, bl. D7, sc. A, ap. 3, interfon 03, sector 2, 0314209909,0770889776
Bucuresti | harta
Biadent'all-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Sfantul Spiridon, nr. 9, sector 2, 0728335033,0212121011
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sfantul Spiridon, nr. 9, sector 2, 0728335033,0212121011
Bucuresti | harta
Ada Dental Center-clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Str. Justinian, nr. 1, sector 2 , Bucuresti 0212246155,0723071014
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Justinian, nr. 1, sector 2 , Bucuresti 0212246155,0723071014
Bucuresti | harta
Cermamed-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Al. Dobrina, nr. 4 bl. 49B ap. 46 sector 2, Bucuresti 0216275267
Bucuresti | harta
Al. Dobrina, nr. 4 bl. 49B ap. 46 sector 2, Bucuresti 0216275267
Bucuresti | harta
B.P. Dental Office -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Sos. Berceni, nr. 6-8 bis Sector 4, 0216340235,0770672817
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Berceni, nr. 6-8 bis Sector 4, 0216340235,0770672817
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Estet 4Kids-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Av. Petre Cretu, nr. 21,sector 1, Bucuresti 0743113333,0212243333
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Av. Petre Cretu, nr. 21,sector 1, Bucuresti 0743113333,0212243333
Bucuresti | harta
Medimpex-centru stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. M. Kogalniceanu, nr.30 (intersectia cu str. V. Parvan),sc. A, parter, ap. 1, sector 1 , 0213131678
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. M. Kogalniceanu, nr.30 (intersectia cu str. V. Parvan),sc. A, parter, ap. 1, sector 1 , 0213131678
Bucuresti | harta
Best Dental-clinica stomatologie - Bucuresti
Calea Grivitei, nr 111, sector 1, 0213181974,0730185035
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Grivitei, nr 111, sector 1, 0213181974,0730185035
Bucuresti | harta
NeoClinique-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Th. Sperantia , nr. 14, et 1,Sector 3, 0371000111
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Th. Sperantia , nr. 14, et 1,Sector 3, 0371000111
Bucuresti | harta
D. Medical Dent -Cabinet stomatologic -Urgente NON-STOP- Bucuresti
Bd. Camil Ressu, nr 74, bl S2, sc A, parter, ap 4, Sector 3, 0744349699,0314381399
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Camil Ressu, nr 74, bl S2, sc A, parter, ap 4, Sector 3, 0744349699,0314381399
Bucuresti | harta
Urgent Dental - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 288A , ap 3, parter, sector 3, 0723383327
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 288A , ap 3, parter, sector 3, 0723383327
Bucuresti | harta
Dentsmile Anca- clinica stomatologica-Cluj Napoca
Str. Victor Babes , nr. 31, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264597677,0744777743
Cluj | harta
Str. Victor Babes , nr. 31, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264597677,0744777743
Cluj | harta
Dentalevo -clinica stomatologie -Bucuresti
Str. Gheorghe Titeica, nr. 142, sector 2, 0212111302
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Gheorghe Titeica, nr. 142, sector 2, 0212111302
Bucuresti | harta
Dental West-clinica stomatologica- Brasov
Str. Livada Vulturului, nr. 10, et. 2, ap. 24 - In cladire cu Pol. de Diagnostic Rapid, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268324225,0732336825
Brasov | harta
Str. Livada Vulturului, nr. 10, et. 2, ap. 24 - In cladire cu Pol. de Diagnostic Rapid, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268324225,0732336825
Brasov | harta
Rodenta-clinica dentare- Oradea
Str. George Enescu , nr. 22, Oradea, judetul Bihor 0259419668,0359192055
Bihor | harta
Str. George Enescu , nr. 22, Oradea, judetul Bihor 0259419668,0359192055
Bihor | harta
Denta G International-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Carol I, nr. 37, sector 2, 0213138714,0720501499
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Carol I, nr. 37, sector 2, 0213138714,0720501499
Bucuresti | harta
Aesthetics One by Dr. Ionescu-clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Str. Bucovina, nr. 2, sc.2, parter, ap. 22, sector 3, 0371101101
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Bucovina, nr. 2, sc.2, parter, ap. 22, sector 3, 0371101101
Bucuresti | harta
CharmDental - Cabinet Stomatologie Ploiesti
Str. Bucegi, nr. 13, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244.546.428
Prahova | harta
Str. Bucegi, nr. 13, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244.546.428
Prahova | harta
Younis Dent -clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr. 36-38, Sc. A, Interfon 01, sector 1, 0318003004,0723530170
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr. 36-38, Sc. A, Interfon 01, sector 1, 0318003004,0723530170
Bucuresti | harta
Extradent -cabinet stomatologic-Constanta
Str. IL Caragiale, nr.47, Bl.D3, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0749396690,0773398641
Constanta | harta
Str. IL Caragiale, nr.47, Bl.D3, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0749396690,0773398641
Constanta | harta
Clinica Dr. Nicolae Robert Specialist Chirurg & Implantolog Bucuresti
Str. Traian, nr 187-189, sector 2, Bucuresti 0762111222 ,0727720433
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Traian, nr 187-189, sector 2, Bucuresti 0762111222 ,0727720433
Bucuresti | harta
Xeladent - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Aviatiei, nr. 6, Bl. 5D, Sc. 1, Ap. 2, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0742005122
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Aviatiei, nr. 6, Bl. 5D, Sc. 1, Ap. 2, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0742005122
Bucuresti | harta
Helpdent-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Ion C. Bratianu, nr. 34 , sector 3, 0744311607,0314379208
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion C. Bratianu, nr. 34 , sector 3, 0744311607,0314379208
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Dentik - cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr.197,Zona Prosper Center - Mariott, 0734323723
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr.197,Zona Prosper Center - Mariott, 0734323723
Bucuresti | harta
Irastom-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Calea Serban Voda, nr. 204, sector 4, 0314053559,0722174067
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Serban Voda, nr. 204, sector 4, 0314053559,0722174067
Bucuresti | harta
Eladent-clinica stomatologie -Bucuresti
Str. Proletarului, nr. 9, sector 1, 0762.905.805
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Proletarului, nr. 9, sector 1, 0762.905.805
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Crib - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Despot Voda, Nr. 48, Bl. 36, Sc. B, Ap. 41 (Parter), Sector 2 0790538469
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Despot Voda, Nr. 48, Bl. 36, Sc. B, Ap. 41 (Parter), Sector 2 0790538469
Bucuresti | harta
Gloria Dental - cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str.Mendeleev, nr. 37, sector 1, 0213353620,0773801922
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Mendeleev, nr. 37, sector 1, 0213353620,0773801922
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Andreica-cabinet stomatologic-Iasi
Sos. Arcu, nr 23, Bl. CL3, parter, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0332882860,0740265525
Iasi | harta
Sos. Arcu, nr 23, Bl. CL3, parter, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0332882860,0740265525
Iasi | harta
Dental Standard-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Fluierului, nr. 17D,sector 2, 0726429472,0758336825
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Fluierului, nr. 17D,sector 2, 0726429472,0758336825
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica 11 Iunie - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. 11 Iunie, nr. 10, et. 2, sector 4, Bucuresti 0213363350,0722540786
Bucuresti | harta
Str. 11 Iunie, nr. 10, et. 2, sector 4, Bucuresti 0213363350,0722540786
Bucuresti | harta
Spitalul Clinic de Chirurgie Oro-Maxilo-Faciala "Prof. Dr. Dan Theodorescu"
Calea Plevnei, nr. 17-21, sector 1 , Tel/Fax.0213158815,0213155217
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Plevnei, nr. 17-21, sector 1 , Tel/Fax.0213158815,0213155217
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Fasola Mihai-cabinet stomatologic-Sascut
Dispensar Medical Pancesti-Sascut, Sascut, judetul Bacau 0769673918
Bacau | harta
Dispensar Medical Pancesti-Sascut, Sascut, judetul Bacau 0769673918
Bacau | harta
Medsana-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Nanu Muscel nr. 12, sector 5, Call Center: 0219607
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Nanu Muscel nr. 12, sector 5, Call Center: 0219607
Bucuresti | harta
RomGerMed - Clinica Medicala Bucuresti
Calea Plevnei, nr. 137C, , sector 6, Tel.0213110075,0213110072
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Plevnei, nr. 137C, , sector 6, Tel.0213110075,0213110072
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. V. Gomoiu, Centrul Medical Bucuresti
Bd. Basarabia nr. 21, sector 2 , 0314136700 ,0314136701
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Basarabia nr. 21, sector 2 , 0314136700 ,0314136701
Bucuresti | harta
Hipocrat 2000-clinica medicala-Bucuresti
Bd.Chisinau, nr. 16, bl. M7, sc. 1, ap. 1, sector 2 , 0219605
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Chisinau, nr. 16, bl. M7, sc. 1, ap. 1, sector 2 , 0219605
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Mladinescu Claudia-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Nicolae Grigorescu, nr. 19, bl. V18, ap. 1, Sector 3, 0213406339,0318099312
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Nicolae Grigorescu, nr. 19, bl. V18, ap. 1, Sector 3, 0213406339,0318099312
Bucuresti | harta
Premium Dental-clinica stomatologica- Arad
Str. I.C.Bratianu, nr. 5 A, Arad, judetul Arad 0770707601
Arad | harta
Str. I.C.Bratianu, nr. 5 A, Arad, judetul Arad 0770707601
Arad | harta
Ceradent-clinica stomatologica-Galati
Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 8 bl. S8 parter, Galati, judetul Galati 0236460762
Galati | harta
Str. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 8 bl. S8 parter, Galati, judetul Galati 0236460762
Galati | harta
Dentanet Lab-cabinet stomatologic-Targu Mures
Str. Kos Karoly, nr. 11, Targu Mures, judetul Mures 0753037996,Fax 0365441717
Mures | harta
Str. Kos Karoly, nr. 11, Targu Mures, judetul Mures 0753037996,Fax 0365441717
Mures | harta
Crisdent-cabinet stomatologic-Piatra Neamt
Bd.Decebal, nr.9, Piatra Neamt, judetul Neamt 0722237089,Tel/Fax 0233278686
Neamt | harta
Bd.Decebal, nr.9, Piatra Neamt, judetul Neamt 0722237089,Tel/Fax 0233278686
Neamt | harta
Stomalux-clinica stomatologica- Iasi
Str. Podu de Piatra, nr.5, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0758084433
Iasi | harta
Str. Podu de Piatra, nr.5, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0758084433
Iasi | harta
Ozzyes Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Alexandru Moruzzi Voievod , nr. 4A,sector 3, 0727646343
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Moruzzi Voievod , nr. 4A,sector 3, 0727646343
Bucuresti | harta
Para Luxadent-clinica stomatologica- Timisoara
Str. Cetatii, nr. 77, etaj 1, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0356454354
Timis | harta
Str. Cetatii, nr. 77, etaj 1, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0356454354
Timis | harta
Dr. Ene Daniela-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Ionel Perlea, nr. 9A, et. 3, ap. 5, sector 1, 0744487274,Tel/Fax 0213134104
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ionel Perlea, nr. 9A, et. 3, ap. 5, sector 1, 0744487274,Tel/Fax 0213134104
Bucuresti | harta
Smiley Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Constanta
Bd. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 88, bl. AV36, sc. G, parter, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0724781146,0767707179
Constanta | harta
Bd. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 88, bl. AV36, sc. G, parter, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0724781146,0767707179
Constanta | harta
Dental Care-cabinet stomatologic-Iasi
Str. Sf. Andrei, nr. 6C, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0723630983
Iasi | harta
Str. Sf. Andrei, nr. 6C, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0723630983
Iasi | harta
Dr.Geraldine Nitoi-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str.Tudor Vianu, nr. 48 sector 1, Bucuresti 0722508944
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Tudor Vianu, nr. 48 sector 1, Bucuresti 0722508944
Bucuresti | harta
Armonia Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Calea Calarasilor, nr. 176, bl.59, ap.1, sector 3, 0722840804
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Calarasilor, nr. 176, bl.59, ap.1, sector 3, 0722840804
Bucuresti | harta
Corneea Med - cabinet stomatologic-Bacau
Str. Nicu Enea, nr. 46, sc A, ap. 2, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0234525452
Bacau | harta
Str. Nicu Enea, nr. 46, sc A, ap. 2, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0234525452
Bacau | harta
Artex Dental-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Radu Boiangiu, nr. 8, bl.38, Sc. C, ap. 90, parter, Sector 1 , 0212247444,0762202202
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Radu Boiangiu, nr. 8, bl.38, Sc. C, ap. 90, parter, Sector 1 , 0212247444,0762202202
Bucuresti | harta
Implantodent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Ioan Voda Caragea, nr. 6, sector 1, 0785264009,0785264000
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ioan Voda Caragea, nr. 6, sector 1, 0785264009,0785264000
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Cerici Mina-cabinet stomatologic-Ploiesti
Str. Bobalna, Nr. 8, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244595522
Prahova | harta
Str. Bobalna, Nr. 8, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244595522
Prahova | harta
LauraMED - Stomatologie si Implantologie Craiova
Calea Bucuresti, nr. 97, Policlinica de stomatologie, Et. 1, Cabinetul 10, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0747421759
Dolj | harta
Calea Bucuresti, nr. 97, Policlinica de stomatologie, Et. 1, Cabinetul 10, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0747421759
Dolj | harta
Dr. Moga&Moga-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Septimiu Albini, nr.23, ap. 5, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740000767
Cluj | harta
Str. Septimiu Albini, nr.23, ap. 5, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740000767
Cluj | harta
Sirona -clinica stomatologica-Voluntari
Sos. Pipera-Tunari, nr. 50, et.2, ap.10, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0212674222,0722600922
Ilfov | harta
Sos. Pipera-Tunari, nr. 50, et.2, ap.10, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0212674222,0722600922
Ilfov | harta
Dentist Who Dr. Opris Denise-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare , nr. 39, bl. 32, sc. B, ap. 42,sector 2, 0745080794,0745085034
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare , nr. 39, bl. 32, sc. B, ap. 42,sector 2, 0745080794,0745085034
Bucuresti | harta
Stephanie's Dental Clinic- clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Poiana Campina , nr.1, Bl. A5, Sc. B, Parter, Ap. 23, sect. 6, 0758834683,0314253418
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Poiana Campina , nr.1, Bl. A5, Sc. B, Parter, Ap. 23, sect. 6, 0758834683,0314253418
Bucuresti | harta
Sadighian Dental -clinic stomatologie-Bucuresti
Bd. Pipera, nr. 38,sector 1, 0319484,0756069966
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Pipera, nr. 38,sector 1, 0319484,0756069966
Bucuresti | harta
Trident-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Louis Pasteur , nr 1A,sector 5, 0213175865,0310050938
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Louis Pasteur , nr 1A,sector 5, 0213175865,0310050938
Bucuresti | harta
BeautyDentExpert - stomatologie estetica, implantologie -Bucuresti
Sos. Oltenitei, nr. 26, Bl. 4C, Sc. A , sector 4, 0216344071,0723166180
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Oltenitei, nr. 26, Bl. 4C, Sc. A , sector 4, 0216344071,0723166180
Bucuresti | harta
Dentosan M.H - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Marin Serghiescu, nr. 5, Sector 2, 0722657064
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Marin Serghiescu, nr. 5, Sector 2, 0722657064
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Art-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Putul lui Zamfir, 14,sector 1, Bucuresti,
Bucuresti | harta
Putul lui Zamfir, 14,sector 1, Bucuresti,
Bucuresti | harta
German Dental -clinica stomatologica-Oradea
Str. Petru Rares, nr. 1 A, Oradea, judetul Bihor 0359405407,0771430469
Bihor | harta
Str. Petru Rares, nr. 1 A, Oradea, judetul Bihor 0359405407,0771430469
Bihor | harta
Green Dental-clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Grigore Alexandrescu, nr. 7,sector 1, 0723602020
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Grigore Alexandrescu, nr. 7,sector 1, 0723602020
Bucuresti | harta
Dipa Dent Clinic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Louis Pasteur, nr. 56 , Sector 5 0799858589,0212521174
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Louis Pasteur, nr. 56 , Sector 5 0799858589,0212521174
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Studio Dr. Leustean - Stomatologie si medicina dentara Premium
Str. Dr. Victor Poloni, nr. 3, sector 5 0723166180
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Victor Poloni, nr. 3, sector 5 0723166180
Bucuresti | harta
Orizont Dental Clinic-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Mihaela Ruxandra Marcu, bl. B5, sc. B, parter, sector 6, 0214400511,0723026752
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Mihaela Ruxandra Marcu, bl. B5, sc. B, parter, sector 6, 0214400511,0723026752
Bucuresti | harta
Denta Stil-clinica stomatologie-Bucuresti
Bd-ul Constantin Brancoveanu, nr.13, bl. B16, sc.4, parter, ap.93, interfon 03, sector 4, Bucuresti 0314160359, 0770149388
Bucuresti | harta
Bd-ul Constantin Brancoveanu, nr.13, bl. B16, sc.4, parter, ap.93, interfon 03, sector 4, Bucuresti 0314160359, 0770149388
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Dragos Totolici-cabinet stomatologic -Constanta
Str. Moldovei , nr. 2, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0241619448, 0787658466
Constanta | harta
Str. Moldovei , nr. 2, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0241619448, 0787658466
Constanta | harta
Smile Academy-clinica stomatologica- Galati
Str. Traian , nr. 121, Galati, judetul Galati 0236320504
Galati | harta
Str. Traian , nr. 121, Galati, judetul Galati 0236320504
Galati | harta
Medicine & Smiles-clinica stomatologica-Carcea
Str. T. Vladimirescu , Nr. 8, Carcea, judetul Dolj 0351416250
Dolj | harta
Str. T. Vladimirescu , Nr. 8, Carcea, judetul Dolj 0351416250
Dolj | harta
Premium Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Radu Boiangiu, nr.22, sector 1, 0212245225,0721881299
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Radu Boiangiu, nr.22, sector 1, 0212245225,0721881299
Bucuresti | harta
Dental-T - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Turda, nr. 129, Bl.1, Sc. E, Ap. 197, interfon 197C , 0747474744
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Turda, nr. 129, Bl.1, Sc. E, Ap. 197, interfon 197C , 0747474744
Bucuresti | harta
Dentimage -clinica stomatologica-Cluj Napoca
Str. Closca , nr. 7, ap. 7. et. 1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264448745,0735212409
Cluj | harta
Str. Closca , nr. 7, ap. 7. et. 1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264448745,0735212409
Cluj | harta
Dr. Ghise Sorin-clinica stomatologica-Sibiu
Str. Uzinei, nr. 15, sc. 2, Ap. 20-21 , Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0744704545
Sibiu | harta
Str. Uzinei, nr. 15, sc. 2, Ap. 20-21 , Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0744704545
Sibiu | harta
Lozan Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Brasov
Str. Eftimie Murgu , nr. 1, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268541844
Brasov | harta
Str. Eftimie Murgu , nr. 1, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268541844
Brasov | harta
Medident-cabinet stomatologic-_Bucuresti
Str.JS Bach, nr 3,sector 1, Bucuresti 0212306486, 0723200447
Bucuresti | harta
Str.JS Bach, nr 3,sector 1, Bucuresti 0212306486, 0723200447
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Makers - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Sfantul Ilie, nr. 5, Sector 4 0731472489
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sfantul Ilie, nr. 5, Sector 4 0731472489
Bucuresti | harta
City Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Teheran , nr. 2, et. 2, sector 1, 0219614,0721317370
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Teheran , nr. 2, et. 2, sector 1, 0219614,0721317370
Bucuresti | harta
Pro Smile Med-clinica stomatologica- Ploiesti
Str. Bobalna, nr. 81A, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0722720448,0344101515
Prahova | harta
Str. Bobalna, nr. 81A, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0722720448,0344101515
Prahova | harta
Dentomed-clinica stomatologica- Ploiesti
Str.Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, nr. 216A , bl.131D, Sc.B, Ap.21, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244.593.652,0731.984.960
Prahova | harta
Str.Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, nr. 216A , bl.131D, Sc.B, Ap.21, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244.593.652,0731.984.960
Prahova | harta
AcorDent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Iasomei , nr 6, Bl.20, sc A, Ap.2, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268312380,0730095508
Brasov | harta
Str. Iasomei , nr 6, Bl.20, sc A, Ap.2, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268312380,0730095508
Brasov | harta
Belous Dental Group - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Matei Basarab, nr. 49A, sector 3 0771109051
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Matei Basarab, nr. 49A, sector 3 0771109051
Bucuresti | harta
DentalClinica -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Matei Voievod, nr. 112, sector 3, 0749521499,0213110676
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Matei Voievod, nr. 112, sector 3, 0749521499,0213110676
Bucuresti | harta
Dental District - Clinica Stomatologica by Dr. Alina Scortea
Str. Zagazului, Nr. 3, Sector 1 0765340191
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Zagazului, Nr. 3, Sector 1 0765340191
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Science-clinica dentara-Bucuresti
Str. Dezrobirii, nr. 40, bl. 08, sc. 3, parter, ap. 109, sector 6, Bucuresti 0744490624
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dezrobirii, nr. 40, bl. 08, sc. 3, parter, ap. 109, sector 6, Bucuresti 0744490624
Bucuresti | harta
Medisante - Clinica dentara Stefanestii de Jos
Str. Aurorei, nr.3, bl. K5, Com. Stefanestii de Jos, Cartier Cosmopolis, Ilfov, Bucuresti, judetul Ilfov 0722206309
Ilfov | harta
Str. Aurorei, nr.3, bl. K5, Com. Stefanestii de Jos, Cartier Cosmopolis, Ilfov, Bucuresti, judetul Ilfov 0722206309
Ilfov | harta
Elveto Dent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd Pache Protopopescu, nr. 131, sector 2, 0732519508
Bucuresti | harta
Bd Pache Protopopescu, nr. 131, sector 2, 0732519508
Bucuresti | harta
Art Implant-clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Bd.Corneliu Coposu, nr.35, ap.2, et.1, sector .3, Bucuresti 0731321111,0213211111
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Corneliu Coposu, nr.35, ap.2, et.1, sector .3, Bucuresti 0731321111,0213211111
Bucuresti | harta
Prodenta Serv - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Fat Frumos, nr.8 ,bl. P16, ap. 57, Interfon 57C ,sector 5, Bucuresti 0722500198
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Fat Frumos, nr.8 ,bl. P16, ap. 57, Interfon 57C ,sector 5, Bucuresti 0722500198
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Hospital-Spital privat de stomatologie-Bucuresti
Str. Racari, nr. 5, sector 2, 0733045855,0721021855
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Racari, nr. 5, sector 2, 0733045855,0721021855
Bucuresti | harta
Eurodent B.P.-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Calea Vacaresti, nr.252-254, Bucuresti 0723817632
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Vacaresti, nr.252-254, Bucuresti 0723817632
Bucuresti | harta
Implantologie -clinica stomatologie-Bucuresti
Bd.Gheorghe Sincai, nr.12,sector 4, Bucuresti 0725515999
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Gheorghe Sincai, nr.12,sector 4, Bucuresti 0725515999
Bucuresti | harta
Gold Medical Clinic-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr.325 ,sector 3, Bucuresti 0733938882
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr.325 ,sector 3, Bucuresti 0733938882
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Implant - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Tunari, nr. 5-7, sector 2, Bucuresti 0212117713,0722221677
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Tunari, nr. 5-7, sector 2, Bucuresti 0212117713,0722221677
Bucuresti | harta
Dentomatic Med-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Turda , nr. 122, bl. 39, sc. C, sector 1, 0311095878,0799994010
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Turda , nr. 122, bl. 39, sc. C, sector 1, 0311095878,0799994010
Bucuresti | harta
Elan Dent-stomatologie sector 2
Str.Zece Mese, nr. 2, bl. 14, sc. A, ap.. 4,sector 2, Bucuresti 0212108942,0770283656
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Zece Mese, nr. 2, bl. 14, sc. A, ap.. 4,sector 2, Bucuresti 0212108942,0770283656
Bucuresti | harta
Imperial Dent-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Muntii Tatra, nr 4-10,sector 1, 0752364590
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Muntii Tatra, nr 4-10,sector 1, 0752364590
Bucuresti | harta
Biodentix -clinica stomatologie -Bucuresti
Str. Alunisului, nr. 74, sector 4, 0216344888,0722489177
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alunisului, nr. 74, sector 4, 0216344888,0722489177
Bucuresti | harta
Denta Max-clinica stomatologie - implantologie Arad
Str. N Grigorescu, nr.1-3, Arad, judetul Arad 0257214757 ,0727445377
Arad | harta
Str. N Grigorescu, nr.1-3, Arad, judetul Arad 0257214757 ,0727445377
Arad | harta
Prolident-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Memorandumului, nr.8, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264542446,0741215513
Cluj | harta
Str. Memorandumului, nr.8, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264542446,0741215513
Cluj | harta
Liren -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Toamnei , nr. 105, parter, sector 2, 0743191291,0213133979
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Toamnei , nr. 105, parter, sector 2, 0743191291,0213133979
Bucuresti | harta
HappyDental-cabinet stomatologic- Ploiesti
Str.Malu Rosu, nr. 19, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0725532496,0746570390
Prahova | harta
Str.Malu Rosu, nr. 19, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0725532496,0746570390
Prahova | harta
Dr. Daciana Zmarandache-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Drumul Timonierului, nr.11-13, bl. 109, sc.3, ap. 97 parter, Sector 6, 0744549003,0314106383
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Timonierului, nr.11-13, bl. 109, sc.3, ap. 97 parter, Sector 6, 0744549003,0314106383
Bucuresti | harta
T-Dent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Panait Cerna, nr. 10, bl. M43, sc. 2, ap. 37 sector 3, 0721300867,0721239500
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Panait Cerna, nr. 10, bl. M43, sc. 2, ap. 37 sector 3, 0721300867,0721239500
Bucuresti | harta
Piano Cabinet-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Emil Racovita, nr. 35, vila AP08, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0734462133
Ilfov | harta
Str. Emil Racovita, nr. 35, vila AP08, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0734462133
Ilfov | harta
MidentStyle-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Sos. Colentina, nr. 16, bloc IRIS (A2), Complex ROSE GARDEN, 0213802637,0722452975
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Colentina, nr. 16, bloc IRIS (A2), Complex ROSE GARDEN, 0213802637,0722452975
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Petrescu Laura -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Alexandru Obregia, nr. 4, bl. OD1, sc. 4, ap. 133, sector 4, 0723024207,0745677270
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Alexandru Obregia, nr. 4, bl. OD1, sc. 4, ap. 133, sector 4, 0723024207,0745677270
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Poll Bianca-cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Aleea. Lunca Bradului , nr.8 bl.M31K,sc.B,ap.46, sector3, 0722851198
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea. Lunca Bradului , nr.8 bl.M31K,sc.B,ap.46, sector3, 0722851198
Bucuresti | harta
HM Dent clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 295, bl.15, sc 1, 0726592171,0314298730
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 295, bl.15, sc 1, 0726592171,0314298730
Bucuresti | harta
Rodenta-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
P-ta. Pache Protopopescu, nr. 15, et. 1, interfon 08,sector 2, 0728874544,0213111188
Bucuresti | harta
P-ta. Pache Protopopescu, nr. 15, et. 1, interfon 08,sector 2, 0728874544,0213111188
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Flash-clinica stomatologica-Cluj Napoca
Str.Zaharia Stancu, nr.3, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264599177,0722336756
Cluj | harta
Str.Zaharia Stancu, nr.3, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264599177,0722336756
Cluj | harta
Swissdent-clinica stomatologica- Ploiesti
Str. Gh. Doja , nr.7 Bl.35F, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0721179179
Prahova | harta
Str. Gh. Doja , nr.7 Bl.35F, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0721179179
Prahova | harta
DentArt -clinica stomatologica-Bucharest
Str. Putul de Piatra, nr. 1, sector 1, 0744305852,0216504254
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Putul de Piatra, nr. 1, sector 1, 0744305852,0216504254
Bucuresti | harta
FlorDent - cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Sos. Fundeni , nr. 4, bl 11C, sc.B, ap.46, sector 2, 0212555013,0723058281
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Fundeni , nr. 4, bl 11C, sc.B, ap.46, sector 2, 0212555013,0723058281
Bucuresti | harta
Dentalsana-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Pestera Dambovicioara, nr. 2, bl. M12, sc.2, ap. 37, parter, Interfon 37, sector 6, 0726101387
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pestera Dambovicioara, nr. 2, bl. M12, sc.2, ap. 37, parter, Interfon 37, sector 6, 0726101387
Bucuresti | harta
Andodent Expert-clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Sos.Giurgiului, nr. 121 A, sector 4, 0769696591,0741097653
Bucuresti | harta
Sos.Giurgiului, nr. 121 A, sector 4, 0769696591,0741097653
Bucuresti | harta
Ardelean Emil-cabinet stomatologic - Cluj Napoca
Str. Dorobantilor , nr. 102, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745268761
Cluj | harta
Str. Dorobantilor , nr. 102, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745268761
Cluj | harta
Dr. Dumitrescu Dan Mugur-clinica dentara-Ploiesti
Str. Sportului, nr. 2B, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0722229309,0244547126
Prahova | harta
Str. Sportului, nr. 2B, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0722229309,0244547126
Prahova | harta
Nobel Dental Clinic -clinica stomatologica -Bucuresti
Str. Valea Ialomitei , nr. 1A, bl C18A, sc 2, 0214441218,0730005365
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Valea Ialomitei , nr. 1A, bl C18A, sc 2, 0214441218,0730005365
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Vereanu -Clinica dentara pentru adulti si copii -Bucuresti
Str. Paris , nr. 22, sector 1, 0212310808,0740606606
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Paris , nr. 22, sector 1, 0212310808,0740606606
Bucuresti | harta
Cris Smile-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Malcoci, nr. 2, Bl. 36, Sc.B, parter, sector 5, 0765499033,0723918404
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Malcoci, nr. 2, Bl. 36, Sc.B, parter, sector 5, 0765499033,0723918404
Bucuresti | harta
iDentity Clinic- clinica stomatologie-Bucuresti
Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti, nr. 17, sector 1, 0728000011
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti, nr. 17, sector 1, 0728000011
Bucuresti | harta
Fiziodent Implant Center-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Bd. Chisinau, nr. 22, Bl. M13, Sc. A, Parter, Ap. 2,,0726.772.671
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Chisinau, nr. 22, Bl. M13, Sc. A, Parter, Ap. 2,,0726.772.671
Bucuresti | harta
Dentotal Clinic- clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd. Mircea Voda , nr. 24, sector 3, 0213115616,0742063627
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Mircea Voda , nr. 24, sector 3, 0213115616,0742063627
Bucuresti | harta
CMI Dr. Rizea Bogdan -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Fortunei, nr. 34, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0740313283
Prahova | harta
Str. Fortunei, nr. 34, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0740313283
Prahova | harta
Dr. Matiz Vasile- cabinet stomatologic- Satu Mare
Str. I.C. Bratianu, nr. 9/20, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0745560966
Satu Mare | harta
Str. I.C. Bratianu, nr. 9/20, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0745560966
Satu Mare | harta
Dr. Nonosel Steliana-cabinet ortotontie -Cluj Napoca
Str. Observatorului, nr.115,, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0744517568
Cluj | harta
Str. Observatorului, nr.115,, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0744517568
Cluj | harta
Stomproced-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Tudor Stefan, nr.22, Ap 1, sector 1, 0311052505,0742029005
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Tudor Stefan, nr.22, Ap 1, sector 1, 0311052505,0742029005
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Center Baneasa-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Belizarie, nr. 23, sector 1, 0723362696
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Belizarie, nr. 23, sector 1, 0723362696
Bucuresti | harta
Es Dent- clinica stomatologica- Brasov
Str. Carpatilor, nr. 39, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0368808111
Brasov | harta
Str. Carpatilor, nr. 39, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0368808111
Brasov | harta
DentCof -clinica stomatogologica - Timisoara
Str. Simion Barnutiu, nr. 62, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256219197,0726274426
Timis | harta
Str. Simion Barnutiu, nr. 62, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256219197,0726274426
Timis | harta
Dr. Cazacu Stomatologie CNC Dental ART Bucuresti
Str. Silvestru, nr. 31, sector 2, 0723240665,0724229228
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Silvestru, nr. 31, sector 2, 0723240665,0724229228
Bucuresti | harta
Dentalll, Clinica Stomatologica - Bucuresti
Bd. Maresal Averescu, nr. 40, sector1, 0314364637,0724544520
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Maresal Averescu, nr. 40, sector1, 0314364637,0724544520
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Adam Stella-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Putul de Piatra, nr. 1, sector 1, 0744305852,0216504254
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Putul de Piatra, nr. 1, sector 1, 0744305852,0216504254
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Tarlev Sergiu-cabinet stomatologic-Ploiesti
Str. Stefan Greceanu, nr. 14, Bl J4 Ap 1 Parter, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0788112006
Prahova | harta
Str. Stefan Greceanu, nr. 14, Bl J4 Ap 1 Parter, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0788112006
Prahova | harta
ID Smile-cabinet stomatologic- Cugir, jud. Alba
Str. Viilor, nr. 29, Cugir, judetul Alba 0258752807,0787520317
Alba | harta
Str. Viilor, nr. 29, Cugir, judetul Alba 0258752807,0787520317
Alba | harta
Biodentis-clinica stomatologica- Slatina
Bd.Nicolae Titulescu , nr. 41, Slatina, judetul Olt 0747533754
Olt | harta
Bd.Nicolae Titulescu , nr. 41, Slatina, judetul Olt 0747533754
Olt | harta
CMI Dr. Manzat-Rus Liana-clinica stomatologica-Cluj Napoca
Str. Stefan Cel Mare, Nr. 5, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745544411
Cluj | harta
Str. Stefan Cel Mare, Nr. 5, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745544411
Cluj | harta
A2 Dental-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Bd. Timisoara, nr.19, Bl.C6, sc.1,parter, ap.1, sector 6, 0751323232
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Timisoara, nr.19, Bl.C6, sc.1,parter, ap.1, sector 6, 0751323232
Bucuresti | harta
Dr Fatu Sebastian-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Mihaela Ruxandra Marcu, nr 2, bl B4 , sc 3, sector 6 , 0731276389
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Mihaela Ruxandra Marcu, nr 2, bl B4 , sc 3, sector 6 , 0731276389
Bucuresti | harta
Houston Dental Clinic-clinica stomatologica -Bucuresti
Calea Dudesti , nr. 145, et. 3, sector 3, 0761896183
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Dudesti , nr. 145, et. 3, sector 3, 0761896183
Bucuresti | harta
Advanced Gentle Dentist - clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str.Constantin Aricescu, nr.36,sector 1, 0726773377
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Constantin Aricescu, nr.36,sector 1, 0726773377
Bucuresti | harta
White Kiss-clinica stomatologica- Craiova
Bd.1 Mai, bl.D4A, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0771471327,0351421813
Dolj | harta
Bd.1 Mai, bl.D4A, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0771471327,0351421813
Dolj | harta
CMI Diana Vitalariu-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Prof. Ion Filibiliu, nr. 12, sector 3, 0735360379
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Prof. Ion Filibiliu, nr. 12, sector 3, 0735360379
Bucuresti | harta
Cristal Dental-cabinet stomatologic-Targu Jiu
Str. Unirii , Nr. 2A (Piata Centrala), Targu Jiu, judetul Gorj 0744272412,0742753760
Gorj | harta
Str. Unirii , Nr. 2A (Piata Centrala), Targu Jiu, judetul Gorj 0744272412,0742753760
Gorj | harta
Neurodent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Vidin, nr. 6, bl. 54, sc. A, ap. 2, interfon 02, sector 2 0212423394
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vidin, nr. 6, bl. 54, sc. A, ap. 2, interfon 02, sector 2 0212423394
Bucuresti | harta
Dentexclusiv -cabinet stomatologic - Iasi
Str. Moara de Foc, nr 4, Bl. 405, Sc. B, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0754850152,0332144975
Iasi | harta
Str. Moara de Foc, nr 4, Bl. 405, Sc. B, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0754850152,0332144975
Iasi | harta
Dentaprod -clinica stomatologica- Timisoara
Str.Ripensia, nr. 30, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256220717
Timis | harta
Str.Ripensia, nr. 30, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256220717
Timis | harta
Happy Tooth CMI Dr. Alina-Maria Diaconu-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr. 66, Bl. OS6, sc. 3, ap. 81, sector 6, 0740023676
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr. 66, Bl. OS6, sc. 3, ap. 81, sector 6, 0740023676
Bucuresti | harta
DentoPlus -cabinet stomatologie si implantologie- Constanta
Str. Corbului, nr. 27, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0721259258
Constanta | harta
Str. Corbului, nr. 27, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0721259258
Constanta | harta
Diana Smile-clinica stomatologica- Brasov
Str. Dumbrava Rosie, Nr. 37, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0720.718.228,0268.420.957
Brasov | harta
Str. Dumbrava Rosie, Nr. 37, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0720.718.228,0268.420.957
Brasov | harta
Secara Florentina-laborator de tehnica dentara-Bucuresti
Aleea Jieneasca, nr. 7, bl. 33, sc. 3, ap. 32, int. 32, sector 3, 0726305609
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Jieneasca, nr. 7, bl. 33, sc. 3, ap. 32, int. 32, sector 3, 0726305609
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Galescu Crina - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Johanes Kepler, Nr. 25, sector 2, 0727374774
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Johanes Kepler, Nr. 25, sector 2, 0727374774
Bucuresti | harta
Perfectdent -clinica stomatologie-Bucuresti
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr.93 bl.14 ,sc.1, sector 1, 0212242401
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr.93 bl.14 ,sc.1, sector 1, 0212242401
Bucuresti | harta
Q-Euro Dentimex -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Nicolae Grigorescu, nr. 33, Sector 3, 0766725400
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Nicolae Grigorescu, nr. 33, Sector 3, 0766725400
Bucuresti | harta
Prodent Care-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea Rahovei, nr. 251-253, sector 5, 0724873551
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Rahovei, nr. 251-253, sector 5, 0724873551
Bucuresti | harta
3D Dental- clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
P-ta. Alba Iulia , nr. 7, bl. I6, 0728628600
Bucuresti | harta
P-ta. Alba Iulia , nr. 7, bl. I6, 0728628600
Bucuresti | harta
TQ Dent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai , nr. 14, bl. 11, sc. 2, ap. 30, sector 4, 0742871347
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai , nr. 14, bl. 11, sc. 2, ap. 30, sector 4, 0742871347
Bucuresti | harta
Epistatu Dragos Dr., Dental Institute -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea Dorobantilor, nr. 188-190, Ap.4, Interfon 4, Sector 1, 0212311234,0722422901
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Dorobantilor, nr. 188-190, Ap.4, Interfon 4, Sector 1, 0212311234,0722422901
Bucuresti | harta
Respiro Dental-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Hristo Botev, nr. 7,sector 3, 0755120021,0727336825
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Hristo Botev, nr. 7,sector 3, 0755120021,0727336825
Bucuresti | harta
Artistic Dent -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str.Maximilian Popper, nr. 45, sector 3, 0318084956,0765507665
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Maximilian Popper, nr. 45, sector 3, 0318084956,0765507665
Bucuresti | harta
Ghinea Dent - Cabinet stomatologc Bucuresti
Str. Theodor D. Sperantia, Nr. 135, Bl. 83, Sc. 2, parter, Ap. 34, sector 3, 0314029922,0727459671
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Theodor D. Sperantia, Nr. 135, Bl. 83, Sc. 2, parter, Ap. 34, sector 3, 0314029922,0727459671
Bucuresti | harta
Dental One-clinca stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Clucerului, nr. 82 E, sector 1, 0314362082,0725481941
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Clucerului, nr. 82 E, sector 1, 0314362082,0725481941
Bucuresti | harta
Moni Star Dent-clinica stomatologica- Voluntari
Bd. Voluntari, nr. 44, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0213529667,0717244808
Ilfov | harta
Bd. Voluntari, nr. 44, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0213529667,0717244808
Ilfov | harta
Safe Dental Clinic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Baba Novac, nr. 2, bloc U1, sector 3, 0737665636
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Baba Novac, nr. 2, bloc U1, sector 3, 0737665636
Bucuresti | harta
Danydent-cabinet stomatologic- Iasi
Sos. Nicolina, nr. 80, bl. 993, sc.B, CUG, vis -a vis de Ana Pharm, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0724409179
Iasi | harta
Sos. Nicolina, nr. 80, bl. 993, sc.B, CUG, vis -a vis de Ana Pharm, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0724409179
Iasi | harta
Alverna Dental Studio-clinica de stomatologie - Cluj Napoca
Str. Alverna, nr. 33, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0748085933,0728085933
Cluj | harta
Str. Alverna, nr. 33, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0748085933,0728085933
Cluj | harta
Healthy Teeth-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Robert K.Koch, nr. 2, sector 5, 0720937201
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Robert K.Koch, nr. 2, sector 5, 0720937201
Bucuresti | harta
Omega Omnident -clinica dentara- Bucuresti
Intr. Moneasa, nr. 7, ap. 1, sector 1, Piata Romana, 0314307201,0771791263
Bucuresti | harta
Intr. Moneasa, nr. 7, ap. 1, sector 1, Piata Romana, 0314307201,0771791263
Bucuresti | harta
Lyr Dent-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Sos. Orhideelor, nr. 19, sector 1, 0722518617
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Orhideelor, nr. 19, sector 1, 0722518617
Bucuresti | harta
Ortodont-clinica stomatologica- Baia Mare
Bd. Republicii, nr. 2, Baia Mare, judetul Maramures 0771139461
Maramures | harta
Bd. Republicii, nr. 2, Baia Mare, judetul Maramures 0771139461
Maramures | harta
CMI Dr. Popescu Anca -cabinet stomatologie -Bucuresti
Str.Telita, nr. 14, bl. 52A, sc. 2 - parter, Ap. 55, interfon 554, sector 5, 0740203002
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Telita, nr. 14, bl. 52A, sc. 2 - parter, Ap. 55, interfon 554, sector 5, 0740203002
Bucuresti | harta
Delta Clinic Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd Schitu Magureanu, nr. 7, sector 1, 0733108757,0314212792
Bucuresti | harta
Bd Schitu Magureanu, nr. 7, sector 1, 0733108757,0314212792
Bucuresti | harta
AZdent -cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. N. Titulescu, nr 24, sc 1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0747293368,0757293368
Cluj | harta
Str. N. Titulescu, nr 24, sc 1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0747293368,0757293368
Cluj | harta
Dr. Radu Madalina - cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Bd. Lascar Catargiu, nr. 24-26, intrarea B, parter, apartament 3, sector 1, 0766455154
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Lascar Catargiu, nr. 24-26, intrarea B, parter, apartament 3, sector 1, 0766455154
Bucuresti | harta
Swiss Ecodent Klinik - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Serghei Vasilievici Rahmaninov, nr. 2A, sector 2, 0219394
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Serghei Vasilievici Rahmaninov, nr. 2A, sector 2, 0219394
Bucuresti | harta
Eurodentalmed - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr 7, Sector 6, Policlinica APACA, 0733443388
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr 7, Sector 6, Policlinica APACA, 0733443388
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Lux Total-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Lazareni , nr 58, sector 3, 0749044377,0212561356
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lazareni , nr 58, sector 3, 0749044377,0212561356
Bucuresti | harta
Stomestet-clinica stomatologica- Cluj Napoca
Calea Manastur , nr 68A, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264427234,0740084459
Cluj | harta
Calea Manastur , nr 68A, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264427234,0740084459
Cluj | harta
Dr. Pestritu Liviu-cabinet stomatologic- Timisoara
Str. Zavoi , nr. 3, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0720778408
Timis | harta
Str. Zavoi , nr. 3, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0720778408
Timis | harta
Ecadent-cabinet stomatologic-Miercurea Ciuc
Str. Bolyai, nr. 5, Miercurea Ciuc, judetul Harghita 0743062503,Tel/Fax 0266311111
Harghita | harta
Str. Bolyai, nr. 5, Miercurea Ciuc, judetul Harghita 0743062503,Tel/Fax 0266311111
Harghita | harta
Ivory Dentfix- clinica stomatologica -Bucuresti
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 313 - 315,sector 2, 0314382828
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 313 - 315,sector 2, 0314382828
Bucuresti | harta
Centrul de Excelenta in Implantologie si Estetica Dentara Dr. Melnic-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Biserica Alexe , nr. 2,sector 4, 0733743287,0742213664
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Biserica Alexe , nr. 2,sector 4, 0733743287,0742213664
Bucuresti | harta
Plaza Mediclinic-centrul stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Timisoara, nr. 69A, bl. C13B, sc. A, sector 6, 0314320897,0724256464 (urgente)
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Timisoara, nr. 69A, bl. C13B, sc. A, sector 6, 0314320897,0724256464 (urgente)
Bucuresti | harta
Nouman Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Moroeni, nr 47, Sector 2 , 0723142818,0732125710
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Moroeni, nr 47, Sector 2 , 0723142818,0732125710
Bucuresti | harta
Magic Smile -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Tudor Vianu , nr. 6-8, sector 1, 0736002222
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Tudor Vianu , nr. 6-8, sector 1, 0736002222
Bucuresti | harta
Doctor Cocerhan Dental Clinic Bucuresti
Calea Floreasca, Nr. 74, sector 1 0724412222
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Floreasca, Nr. 74, sector 1 0724412222
Bucuresti | harta
Cris Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Calea 13 Septembrie , nr. 231, Sector 5, 0744342506
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 Septembrie , nr. 231, Sector 5, 0744342506
Bucuresti | harta
Stati Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Horea, nr. 40, et. 3, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745533396
Cluj | harta
Str. Horea, nr. 40, et. 3, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745533396
Cluj | harta
New Dent -cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Bucurestii Noi, nr. 50A, tronson B, parter, sector 1, 0741999510
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Bucurestii Noi, nr. 50A, tronson B, parter, sector 1, 0741999510
Bucuresti | harta
Spadent-cabinet stomatologic-Constanta
Str. Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 22, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0724294222
Constanta | harta
Str. Tudor Vladimirescu, nr. 22, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0724294222
Constanta | harta
RB Dental - Dr Razvan Balcu-cabinet stomatologic-Ramnicu Sarat
Str Independentei, nr 1 , Ramnicu Sarat, judetul Buzau 0725144410
Buzau | harta
Str Independentei, nr 1 , Ramnicu Sarat, judetul Buzau 0725144410
Buzau | harta
Signature Smile -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Mihai Eminescu , nr. 252 Sector 2, 0737442858,0737442856
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Mihai Eminescu , nr. 252 Sector 2, 0737442858,0737442856
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Premier - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Maria Rosetti, nr. 26 A, sector 2, 0758791817,0742288440
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Maria Rosetti, nr. 26 A, sector 2, 0758791817,0742288440
Bucuresti | harta
Rasmin Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Petre Ispirescu, nr. 2, sector 5, 0731052333
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Petre Ispirescu, nr. 2, sector 5, 0731052333
Bucuresti | harta
Elle Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Craiova
Str. Nanterre, nr. 11E, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0745634562,0766782775
Dolj | harta
Str. Nanterre, nr. 11E, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0745634562,0766782775
Dolj | harta
Atdent - Dr. Tirpea Andrei-Cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 240, bl. 59A, sc. 1, et. 1, ap. 1, sector 2, 0744362055
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 240, bl. 59A, sc. 1, et. 1, ap. 1, sector 2, 0744362055
Bucuresti | harta
AlphaDent-cabinet stomatologica- Targu Jiu
Str. IL Caragiale , nr. 17, Targu Jiu, judetul Gorj 0723682498
Gorj | harta
Str. IL Caragiale , nr. 17, Targu Jiu, judetul Gorj 0723682498
Gorj | harta
Gea Denta Clinic-clinica dentara- Doicesti
Aleea Sinaia, nr. 321 C, Doicesti, judetul Dimbovita 0731732525
Dimbovita | harta
Aleea Sinaia, nr. 321 C, Doicesti, judetul Dimbovita 0731732525
Dimbovita | harta
Dr. Mikki Ioana Veturia-cabinet stomatologie- Bucuresti
Str. Hategana, Nr.7, Ap. 2, Int. 2, Sector 4, 0723706165
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Hategana, Nr.7, Ap. 2, Int. 2, Sector 4, 0723706165
Bucuresti | harta
CMI Dr. Pascu -cabinet stomatologic-Ploiesti
Str. Banesti , nr. 38, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0771616298
Prahova | harta
Str. Banesti , nr. 38, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0771616298
Prahova | harta
Orto Dental-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str.Clucerului, nr. 2, et. 1, Int. 5, sector 1 , 0749336825
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Clucerului, nr. 2, et. 1, Int. 5, sector 1 , 0749336825
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Experts Prof. Dr. Bratu-clinica stomatologica-Timisoara
Str. Memorandului, Nr. 16, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256275221,0766230616
Timis | harta
Str. Memorandului, Nr. 16, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256275221,0766230616
Timis | harta
Pomadent-clinica stomatologica- Targu Mures
Str. Gheorghe Marinescu, nr. 58/1, Tirgu Mures, judetul Mures 0365882220,0771130494
Mures | harta
Str. Gheorghe Marinescu, nr. 58/1, Tirgu Mures, judetul Mures 0365882220,0771130494
Mures | harta
White Dental Care -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Calea Plevnei, nr. 172, et. 2, sector 6, 0314381751,0728311111
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Plevnei, nr. 172, et. 2, sector 6, 0314381751,0728311111
Bucuresti | harta
High Class Medical -laborator de tehnica dentara - Bucuresti
Str. Vasile Gherghel, nr. 102, sector 1, 0212225054,0744356061
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vasile Gherghel, nr. 102, sector 1, 0212225054,0744356061
Bucuresti | harta
SemenDent - Clinica Dentara & Estetica Faciala Bucuresti
Sos. Colentina, nr. 37, Bl. OD43, Ap.4,sector 2, 0723601871
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Colentina, nr. 37, Bl. OD43, Ap.4,sector 2, 0723601871
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Cosmin Ungureanu-cabinet stomatologic- Buzau
Str. Basca Mare , nr. 16, Buzau, judetul Buzau 0742845997
Buzau | harta
Str. Basca Mare , nr. 16, Buzau, judetul Buzau 0742845997
Buzau | harta
Swiss Dental-stomatologie-Buzau
Str. Soroca, nr. 23, Buzau, judetul Buzau 0338401982,0753334961
Buzau | harta
Str. Soroca, nr. 23, Buzau, judetul Buzau 0338401982,0753334961
Buzau | harta
Dr. Amelia Fortuna-cabinet stomatologic-Ploiesti
Str. Andrei Mureseanu , nr. 37, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0723016446,0244534672
Prahova | harta
Str. Andrei Mureseanu , nr. 37, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0723016446,0244534672
Prahova | harta
Dental House- cabinet stomatologie- Pitesti
Bd. Republicii, nr. 150, parter, Pitesti, judetul Arges 074071727,0248221240
Arges | harta
Bd. Republicii, nr. 150, parter, Pitesti, judetul Arges 074071727,0248221240
Arges | harta
Teddy Care-clinica stomatologica- Pitesti
Str. Smeurei, nr 58 , Et 2 (Galeriile Praxis), Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348421222,0762637743
Arges | harta
Str. Smeurei, nr 58 , Et 2 (Galeriile Praxis), Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348421222,0762637743
Arges | harta
Favorit Dental Clinic - cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr 27, bl. Z33, Ap 03, Sector 6, 0217941466,0722367642
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr 27, bl. Z33, Ap 03, Sector 6, 0217941466,0722367642
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Muntean-clinica ortodontie-Ramnicu Valcea
Str. Gib Mihaescu , nr 15B, et 1, Ramnicu Valcea, judetul Vilcea 0350805122,0743410675
Vilcea | harta
Str. Gib Mihaescu , nr 15B, et 1, Ramnicu Valcea, judetul Vilcea 0350805122,0743410675
Vilcea | harta
Dental Privilege-cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Calea Apeductului, nr. 5, Bl. B4A, Sc. 1, Ap. 1, Int. 01, Sector 6, 0742188753
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Apeductului, nr. 5, Bl. B4A, Sc. 1, Ap. 1, Int. 01, Sector 6, 0742188753
Bucuresti | harta
Pelident-cabinet stomatologic-Bucurresti
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 94-100, bl 18, sc.3, ap 84, int. 84, sector 6, 0724511340
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 94-100, bl 18, sc.3, ap 84, int. 84, sector 6, 0724511340
Bucuresti | harta
Oral-Dent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Aurel Vlaicu , nr. 158, Sector 2, 0212101067,0726181275
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Aurel Vlaicu , nr. 158, Sector 2, 0212101067,0726181275
Bucuresti | harta
Cliniquedent -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Petre Ispirescu, nr. 2, sector 5, 0766969244
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Petre Ispirescu, nr. 2, sector 5, 0766969244
Bucuresti | harta
AS Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Otopeni
Calea Bucurestilor, nr. 90 , Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0314257667,0742033808
Ilfov | harta
Calea Bucurestilor, nr. 90 , Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0314257667,0742033808
Ilfov | harta
Sam Dental-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Dorneasca , nr. 6, bl. P63 ap. 1, int.01, sector 5, 0731716194
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dorneasca , nr. 6, bl. P63 ap. 1, int.01, sector 5, 0731716194
Bucuresti | harta
Duo Dent -clinica stomatologica-Satu Mare
Str. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 35, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0771.049.041
Satu Mare | harta
Str. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 35, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0771.049.041
Satu Mare | harta
Diva Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Satu Mare
Str. Rodnei, Nr. 2, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0745616010
Satu Mare | harta
Str. Rodnei, Nr. 2, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0745616010
Satu Mare | harta
Elite Dental Spa - Primul Dental Spa -Timisoara
Str. Horia, Nr. 16, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0356441889
Timis | harta
Str. Horia, Nr. 16, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0356441889
Timis | harta
ArtLaserDent-cabinet stomatologic Botosani
Str. Iuliu Maniu, nr.6, Botosani, judetul Botosani 0744.482.267,0231.534.478
Botosani | harta
Str. Iuliu Maniu, nr.6, Botosani, judetul Botosani 0744.482.267,0231.534.478
Botosani | harta
Community Dental-clinica stomatologica-Cluj Napoca
Str. Avram Iancu, nr. 2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364112515,0720778877
Cluj | harta
Str. Avram Iancu, nr. 2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364112515,0720778877
Cluj | harta
ArtDent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
P-ta Amzei, nr. 7-9, sc. A, et. 1, ap. 4, interfon 4 sector 1, 0732926238
Bucuresti | harta
P-ta Amzei, nr. 7-9, sc. A, et. 1, ap. 4, interfon 4 sector 1, 0732926238
Bucuresti | harta
Omnia Dental - clinica de parodontologie si implantologie-Bucuresti
Str Grigore Cobalcescu, nr. 42, sector 1, 0761575155
Bucuresti | harta
Str Grigore Cobalcescu, nr. 42, sector 1, 0761575155
Bucuresti | harta
Total Dent -clinica stomatologica-Sibiu
Str. Rennes, nr. 2, Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0269214404
Sibiu | harta
Str. Rennes, nr. 2, Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0269214404
Sibiu | harta
Dental Crown Health-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 51, bl. J38, sc. C, ap. 32, parter, sector 3, 0314361059,0764800048
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 51, bl. J38, sc. C, ap. 32, parter, sector 3, 0314361059,0764800048
Bucuresti | harta
Hel Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Suceava
Str. Universitatii , nr. 36, Suceava, judetul Suceava 0766.643.893,0747783297
Suceava | harta
Str. Universitatii , nr. 36, Suceava, judetul Suceava 0766.643.893,0747783297
Suceava | harta
Dental Artist Implant -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Chisinau , nr. 8, Bl. M2, sc. C, parter, Ap. 81, Sector 2, 0723180294,0318057871
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Chisinau , nr. 8, Bl. M2, sc. C, parter, Ap. 81, Sector 2, 0723180294,0318057871
Bucuresti | harta
Jollydent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Ion Creanga , nr. 6B, bl. 89, sc. A, ap. 4, sector 5, 0724752114
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ion Creanga , nr. 6B, bl. 89, sc. A, ap. 4, sector 5, 0724752114
Bucuresti | harta
Dento Care-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Sos. Virtutii, nr. 2C,sector 6, 0758052040
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Virtutii, nr. 2C,sector 6, 0758052040
Bucuresti | harta
Premiere Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Brasov
Str. Harmanului , nr. 74, bl. 246, sc. A, ap. 1, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0738614316,0728825214
Brasov | harta
Str. Harmanului , nr. 74, bl. 246, sc. A, ap. 1, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0738614316,0728825214
Brasov | harta
Dr. Ghitescu Simona-clinica dentara- Pitesti
Str. Libertatii, bl.12C, ap.2 (Complex I vis-a-vis de Piata Trivale), Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348430062
Arges | harta
Str. Libertatii, bl.12C, ap.2 (Complex I vis-a-vis de Piata Trivale), Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348430062
Arges | harta
KopfZeit -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Gradinarilor, nr. 6B, Sector 3, 0311012171,0311012173
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Gradinarilor, nr. 6B, Sector 3, 0311012171,0311012173
Bucuresti | harta
Mystic Dent -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Lacul Tei, nr. 123, Sector 2, 0757017017
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Lacul Tei, nr. 123, Sector 2, 0757017017
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Dent-clinica stomatologica- Bistrita
Str. Imparatul Traian, nr. 12A, Bistrita, judetul Bistrita Nasaud 0263233330,0740008181
Bistrita Nasaud | harta
Str. Imparatul Traian, nr. 12A, Bistrita, judetul Bistrita Nasaud 0263233330,0740008181
Bistrita Nasaud | harta
Migadent -cabinet stomatologic-Galati
Str. Anghel Saligny , nr. 74, Galati, judetul Galati 0743098286
Galati | harta
Str. Anghel Saligny , nr. 74, Galati, judetul Galati 0743098286
Galati | harta
Chiromax-clinica stomatologica-Galati
Str. Lupeni , nr. 2, Galati, judetul Galati 0236491112,0756038640
Galati | harta
Str. Lupeni , nr. 2, Galati, judetul Galati 0236491112,0756038640
Galati | harta
Artdentis -clinica stomatologica-Timisoara
Str. C. Salceanu , nr. 5a, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256202678,0721919845
Timis | harta
Str. C. Salceanu , nr. 5a, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256202678,0721919845
Timis | harta
Uniklinic- clinica stomatologie -Timisoara
Bd. Eroilor de la Tisa , nr. 20A, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256270437,0728170701
Timis | harta
Bd. Eroilor de la Tisa , nr. 20A, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256270437,0728170701
Timis | harta
Radius Dent-clinica dentara- Constanta
Bd.Ferdinand, nr. 47, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0756353167
Constanta | harta
Bd.Ferdinand, nr. 47, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0756353167
Constanta | harta
DentoSanMed -clinica stomatologica- Cluj Napoca
Str. Fabricii , nr. 2, Sc IV, Ap. 99 , Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264.447.906,0722.689.289
Cluj | harta
Str. Fabricii , nr. 2, Sc IV, Ap. 99 , Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264.447.906,0722.689.289
Cluj | harta
Confidens - cabinet stomatologic-Floresti, jud. Cluj
Str. Florilor , nr. 192A, Floresti, judetul Cluj 0364882609
Cluj | harta
Str. Florilor , nr. 192A, Floresti, judetul Cluj 0364882609
Cluj | harta
Dent Oral Max-cabinet stomatologic- Cluj Napoca
Str. Almasului , nr. 5, ap 21, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740149815
Cluj | harta
Str. Almasului , nr. 5, ap 21, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740149815
Cluj | harta
Intelident-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Iacob Felix , nr. 28, Sector 1, 0721288622, 0314258217
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Iacob Felix , nr. 28, Sector 1, 0721288622, 0314258217
Bucuresti | harta
Art Dental New-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd Carol I , nr 54B, sector 2, 0752543656
Bucuresti | harta
Bd Carol I , nr 54B, sector 2, 0752543656
Bucuresti | harta
Chisnoiu Andrea- centru stomatologic - Cluj Napoca
Str. Gheorghe Dima, nr 4, ap. 2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745759592,0364266787
Cluj | harta
Str. Gheorghe Dima, nr 4, ap. 2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0745759592,0364266787
Cluj | harta
Smile Dental Clinic-clinica stomatologica-Cluj Napoca
Str. Louis Pasteur, nr. 74, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364439070,0746466461
Cluj | harta
Str. Louis Pasteur, nr. 74, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364439070,0746466461
Cluj | harta
Delta Smile - clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Basarabia, nr 170-176, Sector 2, 0730611415
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Basarabia, nr 170-176, Sector 2, 0730611415
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Experts-clinica stomatologice- Bucuresti
Str. Pictor Ion Negulici , Nr. 13C, Sector 1, 0723651002,0743607939
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pictor Ion Negulici , Nr. 13C, Sector 1, 0723651002,0743607939
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Factory -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Intr. Noptii , nr 5, sector 1, 0735533553
Bucuresti | harta
Intr. Noptii , nr 5, sector 1, 0735533553
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Smile Bucharest Dental Clinic
Calea Dudesti , nr. 202, sector 3, 0722190499,0749165675
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Dudesti , nr. 202, sector 3, 0722190499,0749165675
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Chilintan Dorin-cabinet stomatologic-Satu Mare
Bd. Transilvania, Bl. 6, Ap. 1, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0764138380
Satu Mare | harta
Bd. Transilvania, Bl. 6, Ap. 1, Satu Mare, judetul Satu Mare 0764138380
Satu Mare | harta
Confort Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr 182, bl G1, et 1, ap3, sector 6, 0214340300,0752149816
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr 182, bl G1, et 1, ap3, sector 6, 0214340300,0752149816
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Dunca Ionut-cabinet stomatologic-Baia Mare
Bd.Unirii, nr.22, Baia Mare, judetul Maramures 0771690499
Maramures | harta
Bd.Unirii, nr.22, Baia Mare, judetul Maramures 0771690499
Maramures | harta
Rosetti Dent Clinic-stomatologie-Bucuresti
Str. Comana, nr. 3, sector 1, 0740044228
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Comana, nr. 3, sector 1, 0740044228
Bucuresti | harta
CMI Dr. Neagoe Daniela-centrul stomatologic-Otopeni
Str. 23 August, nr. 71, Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0755020515,0755020515
Ilfov | harta
Str. 23 August, nr. 71, Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0755020515,0755020515
Ilfov | harta
Clinica Dr. Stanescu -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr.88, b. 409, sc. 1, ap. 7, int. 07C, 0734160300,0722556589
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr.88, b. 409, sc. 1, ap. 7, int. 07C, 0734160300,0722556589
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Andreea Barbulescu -cabinet stomatologic-Tunari - Ilfov
Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 4, Tunari, judetul Ilfov 0749987388,02.2675073
Ilfov | harta
Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 4, Tunari, judetul Ilfov 0749987388,02.2675073
Ilfov | harta
Dentaclass Professional Dentistry-clinica stomatologica- Brasov
Str. General Dumitrache , Nr. 2 , Brasov, judetul Brasov 0730122118
Brasov | harta
Str. General Dumitrache , Nr. 2 , Brasov, judetul Brasov 0730122118
Brasov | harta
Xanaclass Dental Clinic -clinica stomatologic-Bucuresti
Calea Calarasilor , nr. 176, Bl. 59, sc. A, at.3, parter, Sector 3, 0722649049
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Calarasilor , nr. 176, Bl. 59, sc. A, at.3, parter, Sector 3, 0722649049
Bucuresti | harta
Bio Dentarium-clinica stomatologica- Timisoara
Calea Aradului, nr. 30, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256295699
Timis | harta
Calea Aradului, nr. 30, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0256295699
Timis | harta
Dentist Popescu -cabinet stomatologic-Craiova
Str. Eustatiu Stoenescu , nr. 1B, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0351447914
Dolj | harta
Str. Eustatiu Stoenescu , nr. 1B, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0351447914
Dolj | harta
Ina Dnt-clinica stomatologica- Ploiesti
Str. Logofat Tautu , nr. 1B, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0729112121
Prahova | harta
Str. Logofat Tautu , nr. 1B, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0729112121
Prahova | harta
Evi Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd.Iuliu Maniu, nr. 57, bl.OD16, sector 6, 0745649456
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Iuliu Maniu, nr. 57, bl.OD16, sector 6, 0745649456
Bucuresti | harta
DaVinci Dental Clinic-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Carol Davila , nr. 21A, Sector 5, 0212339261,0720351602
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Carol Davila , nr. 21A, Sector 5, 0212339261,0720351602
Bucuresti | harta
Mirdent Dental Studio-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Liviu Rebreanu, nr. 27/2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0729165478,0740121245
Cluj | harta
Str. Liviu Rebreanu, nr. 27/2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0729165478,0740121245
Cluj | harta
Dr. Aristide Dan-cabinet stomatologie - Bucuresti
Bd. Alexandru Obregia , nr. 3, bl M2, sc A, ap. 5, parter, 0722463368,0735498977
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Alexandru Obregia , nr. 3, bl M2, sc A, ap. 5, parter, 0722463368,0735498977
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Zen Estetic-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Ionescu Gheorghe, nr. 2G, sector 4, 0314207072,0726231167
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ionescu Gheorghe, nr. 2G, sector 4, 0314207072,0726231167
Bucuresti | harta
Sig Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Brasov
Str. Dr. Ioan Senchea , nr. 134, Zarnesti, judetul Brasov 0757327410,0368409448
Brasov | harta
Str. Dr. Ioan Senchea , nr. 134, Zarnesti, judetul Brasov 0757327410,0368409448
Brasov | harta
Natural Smile-cabinet stomatologic-Targu Mures
Str. Gheorghe Doja, nr. 76E, Targu-Mures, judetul Mures 0374604444
Mures | harta
Str. Gheorghe Doja, nr. 76E, Targu-Mures, judetul Mures 0374604444
Mures | harta
Arra Dental Clinique -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str.Puccini, nr.8A , et.3 sector 2, 0722230238,0721191716
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Puccini, nr.8A , et.3 sector 2, 0722230238,0721191716
Bucuresti | harta
Toldimed-clinica stomatologica- Constanta
Bd. Mamaia , nr. 222, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0341802153
Constanta | harta
Bd. Mamaia , nr. 222, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0341802153
Constanta | harta
Smart Dental-clinica dentara- Cluj Napoca
Str.Republicii, nr. 102, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264410699,0749410699
Cluj | harta
Str.Republicii, nr. 102, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264410699,0749410699
Cluj | harta
Biodent-clinica stomatologica- Calarasi
Str. Rahova, Nr. 211, Calarasi, judetul Calarasi 0721698832,0723133011
Calarasi | harta
Str. Rahova, Nr. 211, Calarasi, judetul Calarasi 0721698832,0723133011
Calarasi | harta
Emma Dental Care - Clinica de Stomatologie Bucuresti
Bd. Basarabia, nr. 90, parter, bl. A2, sector 2, 0733336825
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Basarabia, nr. 90, parter, bl. A2, sector 2, 0733336825
Bucuresti | harta
Denta-clinica stomatologica- Bacau
Str. Patrascanu Lucretiu, nr. 2, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0234581780
Bacau | harta
Str. Patrascanu Lucretiu, nr. 2, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0234581780
Bacau | harta
Coltea -clinica stomatologie-Bucuresti
Str. General Florescu, nr. 6,sector 3, 0742406288
Bucuresti | harta
Str. General Florescu, nr. 6,sector 3, 0742406288
Bucuresti | harta
Corina Dent-clinica stomatologica- Constanta
Bd. Tomis , nr. 153, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0372998511,0722827444
Constanta | harta
Bd. Tomis , nr. 153, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0372998511,0722827444
Constanta | harta
Dr. Dumitriu Dental Clinic Buftea
Str. Viilor, nr 7 BIS, Buftea, judetul Ilfov 0737.773.337
Ilfov | harta
Str. Viilor, nr 7 BIS, Buftea, judetul Ilfov 0737.773.337
Ilfov | harta
Dr. Ana Marina Balasoiu-cabinet ortodontie - Bucuresti
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, nr.29, Bl.3, Sc.A, Ap.9, sector 1, 0212305191,0728873289
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, nr.29, Bl.3, Sc.A, Ap.9, sector 1, 0212305191,0728873289
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Andrei Popovici Svetlana-cabinet stomatologic-Brasov
Bd. Garii, Nr 38, Bl 227, Sc F, Ap 1, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0745921052
Brasov | harta
Bd. Garii, Nr 38, Bl 227, Sc F, Ap 1, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0745921052
Brasov | harta
Ami Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Ploiesti
Str. Crisan , nr 1.A, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0745254016,0724211322
Prahova | harta
Str. Crisan , nr 1.A, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0745254016,0724211322
Prahova | harta
EvyDent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 37, etaj 1, int. 01, sector 2, 0757049728
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 37, etaj 1, int. 01, sector 2, 0757049728
Bucuresti | harta
Orto Care - clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea Vitan, nr. 108, Bl. V35, Sc. 2, Parter, Ap. 39, Int. 39, 0767599939
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Vitan, nr. 108, Bl. V35, Sc. 2, Parter, Ap. 39, Int. 39, 0767599939
Bucuresti | harta
Implant Dental Office-cabinet stomatologie- Sighisoara
Str. M. Viteazu, nr 30 , Sighisoara, judetul Mures 0365430310,0774025415
Mures | harta
Str. M. Viteazu, nr 30 , Sighisoara, judetul Mures 0365430310,0774025415
Mures | harta
Easy Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Falticeni
Str. Republicii, nr. 16, Falticeni, judetul Suceava 0754589115
Suceava | harta
Str. Republicii, nr. 16, Falticeni, judetul Suceava 0754589115
Suceava | harta
Nazzarino Dental -clinica stomatologie-Ilfov
Str. Prunilor , nr. 2C , 1 Decembrie, judetul Ilfov 0769717020
Ilfov | harta
Str. Prunilor , nr. 2C , 1 Decembrie, judetul Ilfov 0769717020
Ilfov | harta
Ultra Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Sibiu
Str. Banatului , nr. 10, Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0744533174
Sibiu | harta
Str. Banatului , nr. 10, Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0744533174
Sibiu | harta
Hollywood Smile Dental Clinic-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Eroii Sanitari , nr. 65, sector 5, 0731810910
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Eroii Sanitari , nr. 65, sector 5, 0731810910
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Life Medical -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 162, Sector 5, 0729200002
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 162, Sector 5, 0729200002
Bucuresti | harta
Nord Vest Dental-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Elie Carafoli , nr. 7, sector 1, 0748170701
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Elie Carafoli , nr. 7, sector 1, 0748170701
Bucuresti | harta
HappySmile-clinica stomatologie -Brasov
Bd. 15 Noiembrie , nr. 18, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268414577
Brasov | harta
Bd. 15 Noiembrie , nr. 18, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0268414577
Brasov | harta
Sanadent -centru de stomatologie-Bucuresti
Str. Avrig, nr. 8, Parter, Sector 2, 0786511919,0216427992
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Avrig, nr. 8, Parter, Sector 2, 0786511919,0216427992
Bucuresti | harta
DentAngelo-clinica stomatologica- Chiajna
Str. Ion Luca Caragiale , nr. 98C, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0761340001,0314302508
Ilfov | harta
Str. Ion Luca Caragiale , nr. 98C, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0761340001,0314302508
Ilfov | harta
Max Implant-cabinet stomatologic- Sibiu
Str.Fabricii, nr 22 , Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0799338060
Sibiu | harta
Str.Fabricii, nr 22 , Sibiu, judetul Sibiu 0799338060
Sibiu | harta
Dr. Citu Carmen-clinica stomatologica-Constanta
Bd. I.C. Bratianu, Nr.86, bl. SR 9A, Sc. A, ap3, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0723766722,0241671388
Constanta | harta
Bd. I.C. Bratianu, Nr.86, bl. SR 9A, Sc. A, ap3, Constanta, judetul Constanta 0723766722,0241671388
Constanta | harta
Dr. Vanvore Nicoleta -cabinet stomatologic- Timisoara
Str. Coriolan Brediceanu , nr. 1A, ap.4, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0722997662
Timis | harta
Str. Coriolan Brediceanu , nr. 1A, ap.4, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0722997662
Timis | harta
Migali Dental Clinic-clinica stomatologica-Iasi
Sos. Pacurari , nr. 2B, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0741015483,0332440880
Iasi | harta
Sos. Pacurari , nr. 2B, Iasi, judetul Iasi 0741015483,0332440880
Iasi | harta
Dentist Studio-cabinet stomatologic-Bacau
Str. Garii, Nr 60, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0744.779.879
Bacau | harta
Str. Garii, Nr 60, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0744.779.879
Bacau | harta
Dent-A-life-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Henri Barbusse , nr. 5, Parter, Interfon 4, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0744265965,0264430384
Cluj | harta
Str. Henri Barbusse , nr. 5, Parter, Interfon 4, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0744265965,0264430384
Cluj | harta
Clinica de Medicina Dentara si Implantologie Orala Prof. Dr. Ioan Sirbu Bucuresti
Str. Izvor, nr.80, Sector 5, 0213117842,0722193616
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Izvor, nr.80, Sector 5, 0213117842,0722193616
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Victor Purea-cabinet stomatologic-Timisoara
Aleea Lirei , nr. 9, Bl. 9, Ap. 3, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0744569316,0762203679
Timis | harta
Aleea Lirei , nr. 9, Bl. 9, Ap. 3, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0744569316,0762203679
Timis | harta
Inter Dent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Lt. Sachelarie Visarion , nr. 12A, sector 2, 0770711327
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lt. Sachelarie Visarion , nr. 12A, sector 2, 0770711327
Bucuresti | harta
Ortho Image-cabinet stomatologic-Timisoara
Str. Armoniei, nr. 25,Corp H, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0763717120
Timis | harta
Str. Armoniei, nr. 25,Corp H, Timisoara, judetul Timis 0763717120
Timis | harta
Dentocalm-clinica stomatologica-Cluj Napoca
Calea Turzii, Nr. 7, Et. 3, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0774070690
Cluj | harta
Calea Turzii, Nr. 7, Et. 3, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0774070690
Cluj | harta
Crini Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Craiova
Str. Vulturi, bl.A9, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0740204585
Dolj | harta
Str. Vulturi, bl.A9, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0740204585
Dolj | harta
Dr. Loredana Carhat-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Heinrich Heine, , Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364885539
Cluj | harta
Str. Heinrich Heine, , Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0364885539
Cluj | harta
Dentana Estet- clinica stomatologica - Ploiesti
Str. Malu Rosu, nr 116, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244584466
Prahova | harta
Str. Malu Rosu, nr 116, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244584466
Prahova | harta
Best White Dent - cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Str. Breaza , nr. 8, Bl. V23B, Sc.1, Ap.1, Parter, Int. 01, Sector 3, 0213273005,0757300289
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Breaza , nr. 8, Bl. V23B, Sc.1, Ap.1, Parter, Int. 01, Sector 3, 0213273005,0757300289
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Crown -clinica dentara-Bucuresti
Str. Turturelelor, nr. 50, et.2 ap 0.3, int. 03, sector 3, 0214343026,0767268544
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Turturelelor, nr. 50, et.2 ap 0.3, int. 03, sector 3, 0214343026,0767268544
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Luchian-clinica stomatologica-Radauti
Calea Bucovinei, Nr 2 C, Radauti 0230565355
Calea Bucovinei, Nr 2 C, Radauti 0230565355
Opera Dental-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Unirii, nr. 14,sector 3, 0722227922
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Unirii, nr. 14,sector 3, 0722227922
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Sarhan Al Jawabra-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Barsei, nr.3, Bl. L1, ap.2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264412376
Cluj | harta
Str. Barsei, nr.3, Bl. L1, ap.2, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0264412376
Cluj | harta
Estedent-cabinet stomatologic-Cluj Napoca
Str. Primaverii , nr. 12/1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0744869453,0264452270
Cluj | harta
Str. Primaverii , nr. 12/1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0744869453,0264452270
Cluj | harta
Zambet Fericit -clinica stomatologica- Cluj Napoca
Str. Macinului, nr. 11A , Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0741020804
Cluj | harta
Str. Macinului, nr. 11A , Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0741020804
Cluj | harta
Dr. Andrei Ciocan-cabinet stomatologic- Ploiesti
Str. Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, nr. 6, ap. 4 (interfon 04, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0344147756,0733057590
Prahova | harta
Str. Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu, nr. 6, ap. 4 (interfon 04, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0344147756,0733057590
Prahova | harta
Plaza Dent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Gheorge Rostogolea, nr. 1,sector 6, Bucuresti 0214130015,0722163303
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Gheorge Rostogolea, nr. 1,sector 6, Bucuresti 0214130015,0722163303
Bucuresti | harta
Dr Ciko-cabinet stomatologic-Voluntari
Str. I.L Caragiale, nr.78, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0767513950
Ilfov | harta
Str. I.L Caragiale, nr.78, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0767513950
Ilfov | harta
Dental Artis -clinica stomatologica-Otopeni
Str. Lacul Ursului, nr. 22, Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0770732355
Ilfov | harta
Str. Lacul Ursului, nr. 22, Otopeni, judetul Ilfov 0770732355
Ilfov | harta
Popesti Dent-stomatologie-Ilfov
Drumul Fermei , nr. 95, ap 12, et. 1, int. 112, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0721656935
Ilfov | harta
Drumul Fermei , nr. 95, ap 12, et. 1, int. 112, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0721656935
Ilfov | harta
Dr. Fischer Anemari-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Calea Ferentari , nr. 15, bl. 95, sc. 3, ap. 64, interfon 64,sector 5, 0214240696,0721263007
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Ferentari , nr. 15, bl. 95, sc. 3, ap. 64, interfon 64,sector 5, 0214240696,0721263007
Bucuresti | harta
Dublen Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Magurele
Str. Atomistilor, nr. 389 A, Magurele, judetul Ilfov 0737467607
Ilfov | harta
Str. Atomistilor, nr. 389 A, Magurele, judetul Ilfov 0737467607
Ilfov | harta
Magic Elite Dent-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Sos Chitilei, nr. 114-116, sector 1 , 0732010078
Bucuresti | harta
Sos Chitilei, nr. 114-116, sector 1 , 0732010078
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Dental Spa - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Hategana, nr. 7, ap. 2, Int. 2, sector 4, 0760257337
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Hategana, nr. 7, ap. 2, Int. 2, sector 4, 0760257337
Bucuresti | harta
HealDental Clinic -clinica stomatologie, urgente Non Stop- Bucuresti
Str. Lotrioara, nr 7, bl V32, sc A, Sector 3, 0216747508
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lotrioara, nr 7, bl V32, sc A, Sector 3, 0216747508
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica New Dental-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Pictor Daniel Rosenthal, Nr.41, Sector 1, 0755800300
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pictor Daniel Rosenthal, Nr.41, Sector 1, 0755800300
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Planet-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Tarancutei , nr. 10B, Sc1, Ap 2, Int 2, Sector 3, 0757100408,0740185153
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Tarancutei , nr. 10B, Sc1, Ap 2, Int 2, Sector 3, 0757100408,0740185153
Bucuresti | harta
Dr.Anda Cruceru-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Petre Ispirescu , nr. 107, sector 5, 0740211661,0757108867
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Petre Ispirescu , nr. 107, sector 5, 0740211661,0757108867
Bucuresti | harta
CMI Dr. Todosi-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 139-145, bl. D10 Sector 2, 0728227907
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 139-145, bl. D10 Sector 2, 0728227907
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Sorin Boata - Clinica Stomatologie Voluntari
Intr. Marului, nr. 6, Voluntari, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0724557533
Ilfov | harta
Intr. Marului, nr. 6, Voluntari, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0724557533
Ilfov | harta
Dental Travels-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Polona, nr.55, sector 1, 0722615811
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Polona, nr.55, sector 1, 0722615811
Bucuresti | harta
Estet-Dent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr. 71, Bl. TD42, sector 6, 0311099555
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr. 71, Bl. TD42, sector 6, 0311099555
Bucuresti | harta
Excedent -clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Str. Progresului, nr. 20, bl. P52, sc. 1, ap. 4,sector 5, 0217810890,0745585877
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Progresului, nr. 20, bl. P52, sc. 1, ap. 4,sector 5, 0217810890,0745585877
Bucuresti | harta
Grin Dental Smile-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str.George Enescu, nr.40,bl.6C,sc.2,ap.3,sector 1, Bucuresti 0732365368
Bucuresti | harta
Str.George Enescu, nr.40,bl.6C,sc.2,ap.3,sector 1, Bucuresti 0732365368
Bucuresti | harta
Ioana -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Rosia Montana, nr.19, bl.30, parter, sector 6, 0728543016
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Rosia Montana, nr.19, bl.30, parter, sector 6, 0728543016
Bucuresti | harta
DSDentalClinic-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Ramnicu Valcea, nr. 29, bl. 20D, sector 3, 0743094090,0314366427
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ramnicu Valcea, nr. 29, bl. 20D, sector 3, 0743094090,0314366427
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Dan Ionescu-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Nicolae Titulescu , nr.18, sector 1, 0722526260
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Nicolae Titulescu , nr.18, sector 1, 0722526260
Bucuresti | harta
Periodent - Dr. Cristina Ghita-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Abrud, nr 140, Bl. 12C, Sc. B, Apt. 45, sector 1, 0768625555
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Abrud, nr 140, Bl. 12C, Sc. B, Apt. 45, sector 1, 0768625555
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Craciun (Inisconi) Mariana Constantina -cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Valea Lunga, Nr. 14, Bl. Z3, parter, Sector 6, 0748200943
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Valea Lunga, Nr. 14, Bl. Z3, parter, Sector 6, 0748200943
Bucuresti | harta
OfficeDent-clinica stomatologica- Ploiesti
Str. Laboratorului , nr. 5A, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244434843,0720582319
Prahova | harta
Str. Laboratorului , nr. 5A, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244434843,0720582319
Prahova | harta
Platinum Dent -clinica stomatologica-Ploiesti
Str. Cezar Bolliac, nr 1, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0751515515
Prahova | harta
Str. Cezar Bolliac, nr 1, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0751515515
Prahova | harta
Senso Dento -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Dristorului, nr. 112, bl. 13 sc. B, ap. 45, Sector 3, 0722105803
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dristorului, nr. 112, bl. 13 sc. B, ap. 45, Sector 3, 0722105803
Bucuresti | harta
Denti Dent -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Prelungirea Ghencea, Nr. 91F, Bl. 2, Demisol, Sector 6, 0314202847,0735351230
Bucuresti | harta
Prelungirea Ghencea, Nr. 91F, Bl. 2, Demisol, Sector 6, 0314202847,0735351230
Bucuresti | harta
Sf. Stefan-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Piata Sf. Stefan, nr. 13B, Sector 2,
Bucuresti | harta
Piata Sf. Stefan, nr. 13B, Sector 2,
Bucuresti | harta
Pegadent-clinica dentara- Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 225 Bl. 66, sc. 1, ap. 4 sector 2, 0212502004
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 225 Bl. 66, sc. 1, ap. 4 sector 2, 0212502004
Bucuresti | harta
Perfect Smile Studio-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Izvorul Rece, nr. 5, bl. ap.10, sc. E, ap.61, Int. 61, 0311022007,0753022022
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Izvorul Rece, nr. 5, bl. ap.10, sc. E, ap.61, Int. 61, 0311022007,0753022022
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Zambetului-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Dristorului, nr. 4, bl. B13, Sc.1, interfon 01, Sector 3, 0735559584
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dristorului, nr. 4, bl. B13, Sc.1, interfon 01, Sector 3, 0735559584
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Concept Studio-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Intr. Av. Teodor Iliescu, nr. 59 ,sector 1, 0723198032
Bucuresti | harta
Intr. Av. Teodor Iliescu, nr. 59 ,sector 1, 0723198032
Bucuresti | harta
Imadenta-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Aleea Vergului , nr.4, bl.15, parter, sector 2, 0722297041
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Vergului , nr.4, bl.15, parter, sector 2, 0722297041
Bucuresti | harta
Dentac - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Straduintei, nr 2A, bloc A19, sector 4, 0751307362,0726206000
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Straduintei, nr 2A, bloc A19, sector 4, 0751307362,0726206000
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Excellence-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str.Iordache Golescu, nr. 17,sector 1, 0311301260
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Iordache Golescu, nr. 17,sector 1, 0311301260
Bucuresti | harta
Dentana CAS-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Apusului, nr. 76, sector 6, 0214346110, 0214341002
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Apusului, nr. 76, sector 6, 0214346110, 0214341002
Bucuresti | harta
Rana Art Dent -clinica stomatologica si implantologie - Bucuresti
Str. Lanariei , nr. 5, etaj 2, sector 4, 0787698416
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lanariei , nr. 5, etaj 2, sector 4, 0787698416
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica stomatologica ARK MEDICAL Calarasi
Str. Panduri, Nr.8, Calarasi, judetul Calarasi 0770389737,0342401851
Calarasi | harta
Str. Panduri, Nr.8, Calarasi, judetul Calarasi 0770389737,0342401851
Calarasi | harta
Essentialdent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Ritmului, nr. 14, bl. 432, sc. A, parter, ap. 1, int. 001, sector 2, 0314209822,0766535267
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ritmului, nr. 14, bl. 432, sc. A, parter, ap. 1, int. 001, sector 2, 0314209822,0766535267
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Eli's-cabinet stomatologic- Ploiesti
Str. Ghe. Gr. Cantacuzino , nr.14, ap.2, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0724363144
Prahova | harta
Str. Ghe. Gr. Cantacuzino , nr.14, ap.2, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0724363144
Prahova | harta
Laurdental-cabinet stomatologic- Ploiesti
Str. Rudului, nr. 45, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0721337458
Prahova | harta
Str. Rudului, nr. 45, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0721337458
Prahova | harta
Dentalis Art Concept-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Rumeoara , nr. 27, sector 2, 0747410000,0314053242
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Rumeoara , nr. 27, sector 2, 0747410000,0314053242
Bucuresti | harta
Dr.Saki Estetix-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Mihail Sebastian , Nr. 130, Sector 5, 0314344124,0730502323
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Mihail Sebastian , Nr. 130, Sector 5, 0314344124,0730502323
Bucuresti | harta
Marimed Superdental-clinica stomatologica- Ploiesti
Aleea Bahluiului, nr.12, bl.149, sc.D Ap.135, Parter., Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244550593,0727671830
Prahova | harta
Aleea Bahluiului, nr.12, bl.149, sc.D Ap.135, Parter., Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0244550593,0727671830
Prahova | harta
Urgente Miodent -cabinet stomatologic-Ploiesti
Str. Vasile Lupu, nr. 50, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0758567442
Prahova | harta
Str. Vasile Lupu, nr. 50, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0758567442
Prahova | harta
Dentalin-cabinet stomatologic-Ploiesti
Str. Cosminele , nr. 12, Bl. 168, sc. B, parter, ap. 22, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0756210477
Prahova | harta
Str. Cosminele , nr. 12, Bl. 168, sc. B, parter, ap. 22, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova 0756210477
Prahova | harta
Chris Tehnodent - laborator dentar Bucuresti
Str. Paraschiva Gherghel , Nr.4 , Sector 1, 0722.295.535,0766.749.600
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Paraschiva Gherghel , Nr.4 , Sector 1, 0722.295.535,0766.749.600
Bucuresti | harta
AriDent, Cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Str. Alexandru Vlahuta , Nr. 3 Bl. M48, Sector 3, 0725436111
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Vlahuta , Nr. 3 Bl. M48, Sector 3, 0725436111
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Harmony -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea Floreasca, nr.92, sector 1, 0732117793
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Floreasca, nr.92, sector 1, 0732117793
Bucuresti | harta
Allsmiles Dental-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Str. Traian, nr 195, Bl 24, parter, Sector 2, 0738321255
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Traian, nr 195, Bl 24, parter, Sector 2, 0738321255
Bucuresti | harta
ABC Eurodent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Col. Iosif Albu, nr. 58, sector 3, 0219924
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Col. Iosif Albu, nr. 58, sector 3, 0219924
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Estet 4 Teens-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd. Aviatorilor, nr. 27, Sector 1, 0756206030
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Aviatorilor, nr. 27, Sector 1, 0756206030
Bucuresti | harta
White Dental-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Hristo Botev, nr. 7, Sector 2, 0727336825,0724450887
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Hristo Botev, nr. 7, Sector 2, 0727336825,0724450887
Bucuresti | harta
No Pain-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Chisinau, nr. . 75, bl. A14, sc. A, ap. 3, int. 3C, sector 2, 0730932956,0212551824
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Chisinau, nr. . 75, bl. A14, sc. A, ap. 3, int. 3C, sector 2, 0730932956,0212551824
Bucuresti | harta
Zambetdent-clinica stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str Moinesti , nr 8,BL. 202, Ap.5, Sc.A, parter, sector 6, 0722244058,0754077274
Bucuresti | harta
Str Moinesti , nr 8,BL. 202, Ap.5, Sc.A, parter, sector 6, 0722244058,0754077274
Bucuresti | harta
Epicdent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Parfumului, nr. 35,sector 3, 0744955584,0741549272
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Parfumului, nr. 35,sector 3, 0744955584,0741549272
Bucuresti | harta
Awadent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Academiei, nr. 28-30, sector 1, 0726749693,0722720366
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Academiei, nr. 28-30, sector 1, 0726749693,0722720366
Bucuresti | harta
3D Dental Tineretului-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Tineretului, nr 47, bl 57. sc B, ap 37,sector 4, 0732060050,0721000023
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Tineretului, nr 47, bl 57. sc B, ap 37,sector 4, 0732060050,0721000023
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Ana Maria Nitu-cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Str. Foisorului , nr. 4, bl. F1C, sector 3 , 0772241265,0318075162
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Foisorului , nr. 4, bl. F1C, sector 3 , 0772241265,0318075162
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Dentara Victoria Bucuresti
Str.Negru Voda, nr.4, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348434436
Arges | harta
Str.Negru Voda, nr.4, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0348434436
Arges | harta
Ada Dental Center-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Justinian, nr. 1, sector 2, 0212246155, 0723071014
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Justinian, nr. 1, sector 2, 0212246155, 0723071014
Bucuresti | harta
Gandrabur Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Sergent Nitu Vasile, nr. 53A, Sector 4, 0214605256,0723264334
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sergent Nitu Vasile, nr. 53A, Sector 4, 0214605256,0723264334
Bucuresti | harta
Glamour Dental Clinic-stomatologie Bucuresti
Str. Prinosului, nr. 13-19 bl. 1, sc. 1, ap. 3, sector 4, 0723415944, 0314053600
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Prinosului, nr. 13-19 bl. 1, sc. 1, ap. 3, sector 4, 0723415944, 0314053600
Bucuresti | harta
Creating Smile-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Radu Voda, nr. 17,sector 4, 0746700500
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Radu Voda, nr. 17,sector 4, 0746700500
Bucuresti | harta
HM Dent - clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
nr. 51, Sector 3, Str. Viesparilor, 0319486,0766933076
Bucuresti | harta
nr. 51, Sector 3, Str. Viesparilor, 0319486,0766933076
Bucuresti | harta
Dridih Dent-clinica dentara- Dridu
Str. Principala, nr.180, Dridu, judetul Ialomita 0243283261,0786336433
Ialomita | harta
Str. Principala, nr.180, Dridu, judetul Ialomita 0243283261,0786336433
Ialomita | harta
Dr. Dragus-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Stirbei Voda, nr. 110 A, sector 1, 0213124690,0722555269
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Stirbei Voda, nr. 110 A, sector 1, 0213124690,0722555269
Bucuresti | harta
DentalARIA-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Tudor Stefan, nr. 53-55, sector 1, 0742269269
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Tudor Stefan, nr. 53-55, sector 1, 0742269269
Bucuresti | harta
Q-Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr.329, sector 1 , 0769668873
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr.329, sector 1 , 0769668873
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Design by Dr Abboud - Bucuresti
Intr. Amzei, nr. 2, Sector 1, 0749414848,0727414848
Bucuresti | harta
Intr. Amzei, nr. 2, Sector 1, 0749414848,0727414848
Bucuresti | harta
Q Med -clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str Iarba Campului , nr 2, parter ,sector 4, 0216845972,0219622
Bucuresti | harta
Str Iarba Campului , nr 2, parter ,sector 4, 0216845972,0219622
Bucuresti | harta
Cheo Pipera-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Piper, nr. 4C, vila F1, Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0767919714,0311098004
Ilfov | harta
Bd. Piper, nr. 4C, vila F1, Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0767919714,0311098004
Ilfov | harta
Dr. Marius Calinescu Florian-cabinet stomatologie-Bragadiru Ilfov
Sos. Alexandriei, nr 247, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0734394324
Ilfov | harta
Sos. Alexandriei, nr 247, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0734394324
Ilfov | harta
Dental France-cabinet stomatologic- Pipera
Str.Erou Iancu Nicolae, nr. 41, Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0756111666,0213109926
Ilfov | harta
Str.Erou Iancu Nicolae, nr. 41, Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0756111666,0213109926
Ilfov | harta
Scandinavia Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bragadiru
Str. Coralului, nr.2 bl.1 sc.2 (parter), Bragadiru, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0770694542,0724331337
Ilfov | harta
Str. Coralului, nr.2 bl.1 sc.2 (parter), Bragadiru, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0770694542,0724331337
Ilfov | harta
Dr. Mousavi-clinica dentara- Voluntari
Str.Caporal Musat, nr. 2, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0722651854
Ilfov | harta
Str.Caporal Musat, nr. 2, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0722651854
Ilfov | harta
Inodent-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Octavian Goga, nr 21, bl M103, sc 2, ap 37, 0754523624
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Octavian Goga, nr 21, bl M103, sc 2, ap 37, 0754523624
Bucuresti | harta
5 Dent - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Graului, nr. 42, sector 4, 0752271755
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Graului, nr. 42, sector 4, 0752271755
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Avenue-cabinet stomatologic- Bacau
Str. Energiei, nr. 36, , judetul Bacau 0744400987
Bacau | harta
Str. Energiei, nr. 36, , judetul Bacau 0744400987
Bacau | harta
Dr. Alexandra Sitaru-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 5, sector 2, 0749105155
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 5, sector 2, 0749105155
Bucuresti | harta
Ony Dental-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Dristorului , nr. 97-119, bl. 63, sc. 1, ap. 1, interfon 1C, 0762085033
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dristorului , nr. 97-119, bl. 63, sc. 1, ap. 1, interfon 1C, 0762085033
Bucuresti | harta
Ageless Clinic-stomatologie si chirurgie estetica - Bucuresti
Intrarea Temisana, nr. 9, Sector 1, 0732233556
Bucuresti | harta
Intrarea Temisana, nr. 9, Sector 1, 0732233556
Bucuresti | harta
Dr Oltean-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Sos. Iancului, nr. 8, bl. 114A, sc. B, parter, sector 2, 0212569947,0723224920
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Iancului, nr. 8, bl. 114A, sc. B, parter, sector 2, 0212569947,0723224920
Bucuresti | harta
Evrika Dent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Aviatiei, nr. 11-13, bl. 4D, scara A, ap. 2 parter,sector 1, 0740611679,0314222221
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Aviatiei, nr. 11-13, bl. 4D, scara A, ap. 2 parter,sector 1, 0740611679,0314222221
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Armonia- clinica dentara-Bucuresti
Str. Poieni , nr.1, ap.1, sector 4, 0314366159,0751219696
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Poieni , nr.1, ap.1, sector 4, 0314366159,0751219696
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Dr.Grigoriu-cabinet stomatologic-Bacau
Str. Banca Nationala, nr. 17, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0726202000
Bacau | harta
Str. Banca Nationala, nr. 17, Bacau, judetul Bacau 0726202000
Bacau | harta
Easy Dent-cabinet stomatologic- Craiova
Bd. Nicolae Titulescu, nr. 35A, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0723663629,0729591897
Dolj | harta
Bd. Nicolae Titulescu, nr. 35A, Craiova, judetul Dolj 0723663629,0729591897
Dolj | harta
Fresh Dent -cabinet stomatologie- Bucuresti
Str. Economu Cezarescu, nr 47, Centrul Medical Artifex, Parter, Camera 13, 0721228417
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Economu Cezarescu, nr 47, Centrul Medical Artifex, Parter, Camera 13, 0721228417
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Dental Practice- cabinet stomatologic -Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr. 39A, bl. 801, sc. B, parter, ap.46, interfon 46C, 0722435485
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr. 39A, bl. 801, sc. B, parter, ap.46, interfon 46C, 0722435485
Bucuresti | harta
Ak Dental-clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Bd. Octavian Goga , nr. 23, Bl.M106, Sc.4,parter.Sector 3, 0721336334,0749108881
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Octavian Goga , nr. 23, Bl.M106, Sc.4,parter.Sector 3, 0721336334,0749108881
Bucuresti | harta
Dentiq Atelier de zambete -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Giacomo Puccini, nr. 8A , sector 1, 0745336847
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Giacomo Puccini, nr. 8A , sector 1, 0745336847
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Studio-Dr. Alexandru Dumitrescu-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Ciresoaia, nr 88, sector 1, 0765901221,0752683483
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ciresoaia, nr 88, sector 1, 0765901221,0752683483
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Cristina Mocanu-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Jules Michelet, nr. 19, ap.2, parter, sector 1, 0724516850
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Jules Michelet, nr. 19, ap.2, parter, sector 1, 0724516850
Bucuresti | harta
Dentarbre-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Sos. Colentina, nr. 16, bl. A1, Complex Rose Garden, Sector 2, 0787877799,0762573398
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Colentina, nr. 16, bl. A1, Complex Rose Garden, Sector 2, 0787877799,0762573398
Bucuresti | harta
Ideal Dental-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Teodosie Rudeanu, nr 35, Sector 1, 0722535666
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Teodosie Rudeanu, nr 35, Sector 1, 0722535666
Bucuresti | harta
Punto Dental-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str.Haga, nr. 10 , sector 1, 0314246095,0727522521
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Haga, nr. 10 , sector 1, 0314246095,0727522521
Bucuresti | harta
Happy-Clinic-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Pipera, nr. 9, Sector 1, 0744351674
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pipera, nr. 9, Sector 1, 0744351674
Bucuresti | harta
Miko Dental - Clinica stomatologica, Bucuresti
Intrarea Catedrei, Nr. 27, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0766407782,0745201251
Bucuresti | harta
Intrarea Catedrei, Nr. 27, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0766407782,0745201251
Bucuresti | harta
Dental As-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Nicolae Titulescu, nr. 1, Bl. A7, Sc. 4, Ap. 94, Et.1, interfon 094, 0216531752,0744498432
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Nicolae Titulescu, nr. 1, Bl. A7, Sc. 4, Ap. 94, Et.1, interfon 094, 0216531752,0744498432
Bucuresti | harta
Ridenta-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Prometru, nr.28, bl.14 F, sc.3, sector 1, 0735967954,0722961994
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Prometru, nr.28, bl.14 F, sc.3, sector 1, 0735967954,0722961994
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Studio Radian-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 25, Bl. 28, Sc. C, Ap. 77, Sector 2,, 0722683781
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 25, Bl. 28, Sc. C, Ap. 77, Sector 2,, 0722683781
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Mircea Teodor Merchea - Medic stomatolog, Specialist Implantologie Bucuresti
Str. Ardeleni, nr. 1, bl. 39A, sc. 1, ap. 1, sector 2, 0724309159
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ardeleni, nr. 1, bl. 39A, sc. 1, ap. 1, sector 2, 0724309159
Bucuresti | harta
Ramis Clinique -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Cenusaresei, nr. 4, bL. 50, sc. 2, parter, ap. 58, interfon 58C, sector 2, 0722556633
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Cenusaresei, nr. 4, bL. 50, sc. 2, parter, ap. 58, interfon 58C, sector 2, 0722556633
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Bicheru-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Viesparilor , nr. 33, sector 2, 0212114360
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Viesparilor , nr. 33, sector 2, 0212114360
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Lorelei Nassar-clinica de implantologie-Bucuresti
Str.Putul lui Zamfir, nr. 16, sector 1, 0751051096
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Putul lui Zamfir, nr. 16, sector 1, 0751051096
Bucuresti | harta
Ortho-Extend-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Campia Libertatii, Parc Alexandru Ioan Cuza ( IOR ) Sector 3, 0771452714
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Campia Libertatii, Parc Alexandru Ioan Cuza ( IOR ) Sector 3, 0771452714
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Bogdan Calenic-clinica stomatologie- Bucuresti
Bd. Octavian Goga, nr 23, Bloc M 106, sc 3, interfon 69, 0755044047
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Octavian Goga, nr 23, Bloc M 106, sc 3, interfon 69, 0755044047
Bucuresti | harta
Lili Dent-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Str. Calusarilor, nr. 1, parter, interfon 01, 0756151316
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Calusarilor, nr. 1, parter, interfon 01, 0756151316
Bucuresti | harta
DiagnoMed-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea Vitan, nr. 28, et. 2, 0769610764,0314382860
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Vitan, nr. 28, et. 2, 0769610764,0314382860
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Adrian Pitila-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Aleea Blajel, nr. 9B, Ap.4, sector 3, 0724578033
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Blajel, nr. 9B, Ap.4, sector 3, 0724578033
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Studio Plus-cabinet stomatologic- bucuresti
Str. Trapezului, nr 2 bl. M6; sc. D, ap.133, 0314305121
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Trapezului, nr 2 bl. M6; sc. D, ap.133, 0314305121
Bucuresti | harta
OdeDent - cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Bd.Alexandru Obregia, nr.23 bl.M8, sector 4, 0769412787
Bucuresti | harta
Bd.Alexandru Obregia, nr.23 bl.M8, sector 4, 0769412787
Bucuresti | harta
Atelierul de Zambete Colordent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Campia Libertatii, nr. 42, Bloc B2, Ecara E, Sector 3, 0744504182
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Campia Libertatii, nr. 42, Bloc B2, Ecara E, Sector 3, 0744504182
Bucuresti | harta
DentCadra Smile-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Aleea Cetatuia, nr. 12, bloc 25, scara A, apartament 5 ,sector 6, 0741526334,0740428859
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Cetatuia, nr. 12, bloc 25, scara A, apartament 5 ,sector 6, 0741526334,0740428859
Bucuresti | harta
DentallPro-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd. Corneliu Coposu, nr. 4, Bloc 105A Parter, 0318055925,0723578464
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Corneliu Coposu, nr. 4, Bloc 105A Parter, 0318055925,0723578464
Bucuresti | harta
Roz Estetic-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Teodosie Rudeanu , nr. 12-14l. sector 1, 0722297027
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Teodosie Rudeanu , nr. 12-14l. sector 1, 0722297027
Bucuresti | harta
Orthodontis-cabinet stomatologie_Bucuresti
Str. Breaza , Nr. 7 Sector3, 0213226417,0728357878
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Breaza , Nr. 7 Sector3, 0213226417,0728357878
Bucuresti | harta
Neodenta - Dr. Fianu Alexandru-Sorin-cabinet stomatologie-Bucuresti
Str. Soldanului , nr. 3E, et. 2, cabinet 4, interfon 4, Sector 4, 0722390003
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Soldanului , nr. 3E, et. 2, cabinet 4, interfon 4, Sector 4, 0722390003
Bucuresti | harta
Stoma-San- cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr 37A, sector 6, 0724666612,0214137226
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr 37A, sector 6, 0724666612,0214137226
Bucuresti | harta
Emira Dent -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai, nr. 9A, Bl.3A, Sc.A, Et.2, Ap.6 Sector 4, 0732445116
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai, nr. 9A, Bl.3A, Sc.A, Et.2, Ap.6 Sector 4, 0732445116
Bucuresti | harta
Dr.Gina Tataru-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str.Paduroiu, nr. 5,sector 4, 0721416994
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Paduroiu, nr. 5,sector 4, 0721416994
Bucuresti | harta
Dentart Express - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Sos. Berceni, nr. 23, bl. 35, sc.3, ap. 90, parter, sector 4, 0216363296,0732056781
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Berceni, nr. 23, bl. 35, sc.3, ap. 90, parter, sector 4, 0216363296,0732056781
Bucuresti | harta
Trio Dent Med-clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Pomarla, nr.2, bl. B 20, sc. 2 ap. 29, interfon 29, sector 4, 0734068178
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pomarla, nr.2, bl. B 20, sc. 2 ap. 29, interfon 29, sector 4, 0734068178
Bucuresti | harta
Zambet frumos-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai, Nr. 16, Bl. C2, Ap.3, Et.1, Interfon 7, 0721.037.038
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Gheorghe Sincai, Nr. 16, Bl. C2, Ap.3, Et.1, Interfon 7, 0721.037.038
Bucuresti | harta
Ortoexpert - cabinet ortodontie- Bucuresti
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr.65-71, Bl.29, Sc.2, P, ap.38, interfon 38, sector 4, 0735176117
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr.65-71, Bl.29, Sc.2, P, ap.38, interfon 38, sector 4, 0735176117
Bucuresti | harta
Spektra Dent- radiologie dentara- Bucuresti
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 18, bl. C, sector 4, 0744841966
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Constantin Brancoveanu, nr. 18, bl. C, sector 4, 0744841966
Bucuresti | harta
Evimeria Dent -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Barnova , nr 1, bl M115, parter ap 1, sector 5, 0311056884,0737046180
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Barnova , nr 1, bl M115, parter ap 1, sector 5, 0311056884,0737046180
Bucuresti | harta
Twin Dent-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 81, parter, sector 5, 0310690690,0743087087
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 81, parter, sector 5, 0310690690,0743087087
Bucuresti | harta
Andra Dent Estetic-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Caporal Misca Petre, , Nr. 5, Bl. M18, Parter, Sector 5, 0722229893
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Caporal Misca Petre, , Nr. 5, Bl. M18, Parter, Sector 5, 0722229893
Bucuresti | harta
Cotroceni Dental-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Marinescu , nr. 3, ap. 2, sector 5, 0723362702
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Marinescu , nr. 3, ap. 2, sector 5, 0723362702
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Florin Staicu -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Pucheni, Nr. 111B, sector 5, 0744989236,0756321491
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pucheni, Nr. 111B, sector 5, 0744989236,0756321491
Bucuresti | harta
Parodent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Delea Noua , nr. 11 ap.2, int. 02c,sector 3, 0314202434
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Delea Noua , nr. 11 ap.2, int. 02c,sector 3, 0314202434
Bucuresti | harta
Tradent-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Bd. Corneliu Coposu, nr. 51, parter ap. 1, 0213185301,0751949472
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Corneliu Coposu, nr. 51, parter ap. 1, 0213185301,0751949472
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Nicoleta Miron -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Sos. Virtutii, nr. 18, Bl. R11E, Sc. 2, Ap. 34, Interfon 34, Sector 6, 0724336825,037133.825
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Virtutii, nr. 18, Bl. R11E, Sc. 2, Ap. 34, Interfon 34, Sector 6, 0724336825,037133.825
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Dentara Militari-cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str.Dezrobirii, nr.4, bl.M25, sc.3, sector 6, 0214345049
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Dezrobirii, nr.4, bl.M25, sc.3, sector 6, 0214345049
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Vodita -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Str. Apusului, nr. 83, sector 6, 0217691997,0723367981
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Apusului, nr. 83, sector 6, 0217691997,0723367981
Bucuresti | harta
Aldent -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str. Valea Argesului , nr. 4, Bl. M21, Ap. 1, Interfon 1, sector 6, 0217776652,0724261371
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Valea Argesului , nr. 4, Bl. M21, Ap. 1, Interfon 1, sector 6, 0217776652,0724261371
Bucuresti | harta
Metropolitan Dental Spa - cabinet stomatologic- Pitesti
Str. Victoriei, nr. 1A, bl. 2, sc. B, parter, ap. 4bis, jud. Arges, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0771138430
Arges | harta
Str. Victoriei, nr. 1A, bl. 2, sc. B, parter, ap. 4bis, jud. Arges, Pitesti, judetul Arges 0771138430
Arges | harta
Heinerich 1929 -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr. 15, Bl A1, Sc 2, Ap 46, Sector 6, 0217266778,0744521342
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr. 15, Bl A1, Sc 2, Ap 46, Sector 6, 0217266778,0744521342
Bucuresti | harta
Creative Dental-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Str. Gral. Stefan Burileanu, nr.12, bl12 k, ap. 2, sector 1, 0728889979,0756889979
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Gral. Stefan Burileanu, nr.12, bl12 k, ap. 2, sector 1, 0728889979,0756889979
Bucuresti | harta
Corildent-cabinet stomatologig- Bucuresti
Bd. Constructorilor , nr.22, Bl.20, Sc.A, Ap.2, Sector 6, 0744219430,0212205454
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Constructorilor , nr.22, Bl.20, Sc.A, Ap.2, Sector 6, 0744219430,0212205454
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Draghescu Cornel-cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 35, Bl.31, sc.2, ap.39,sector 2, 0212124958,0731668457
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 35, Bl.31, sc.2, ap.39,sector 2, 0212124958,0731668457
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Care- clinica stomatologica - Bucuresti
Bd. Lacul Tei, nr. 29,sector 2, 0747151516,0314051998
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Lacul Tei, nr. 29,sector 2, 0747151516,0314051998
Bucuresti | harta
CMI DR. Gresinger Livia clinica stomatologica- Arad
Str. Crinului, nr. 2, Arad, judetul Arad 0742213848
Arad | harta
Str. Crinului, nr. 2, Arad, judetul Arad 0742213848
Arad | harta
DentaGo -clinica stomatologica-Bucuresti
Bd. Timisoara, nr 17b, sector 6, 0770308743
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Timisoara, nr 17b, sector 6, 0770308743
Bucuresti | harta
Aesthetic Dental Care - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str.Brailita, nr. 1, sector 3, 0729690925
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Brailita, nr. 1, sector 3, 0729690925
Bucuresti | harta
Dentaline - clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Calea Vacaresti , nr. 356-358, sector 4, 0310051795
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Vacaresti , nr. 356-358, sector 4, 0310051795
Bucuresti | harta
Eminence Dent Clinique -cabinet stomatologic-Bucuresti
Str.Edgar Quinet,, nr 5, Parter, Ap 3, Sector 1, 0761913112
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Edgar Quinet,, nr 5, Parter, Ap 3, Sector 1, 0761913112
Bucuresti | harta
La Stomatologie-clinica stomatologica- Bucuresti
Bd. Basarabia , nr. 90, Sector 2, 0733336825
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Basarabia , nr. 90, Sector 2, 0733336825
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Badea-cabinet stomatologie NonStop -Bucuresti
Str.Zarandului, nr. 4, bl. 467, sc. 1, Ap. 9, 0762974174
Bucuresti | harta
Str.Zarandului, nr. 4, bl. 467, sc. 1, Ap. 9, 0762974174
Bucuresti | harta
Evolution Dent -cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Str. Anton Pann , nr. 4, sector 3, 0749990900
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Anton Pann , nr. 4, sector 3, 0749990900
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Asnan -cabinet stomatologic- Bucuresti
Aleea Barajul Iezerul, nr. 4, Bl. M2A+B, Sc. C, Ap. 41 , 0787570393,0721252316
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Barajul Iezerul, nr. 4, Bl. M2A+B, Sc. C, Ap. 41 , 0787570393,0721252316
Bucuresti | harta
Excedent- clinica stomatologica -Bucuresti
Sos. Pipera, nr. 14, sector 1, 0744537377,0314260326
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pipera, nr. 14, sector 1, 0744537377,0314260326
Bucuresti | harta
SmileHouse-cabinet stomatologic - Bucuresti
Str. Turnul Eiffel, nr. 15,sector 2, 0771701272
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Turnul Eiffel, nr. 15,sector 2, 0771701272
Bucuresti | harta
Dent House-clinica stomatologica - Cluj Napoca
Str. Milcov, nr. 20, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740365093
Cluj | harta
Str. Milcov, nr. 20, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj 0740365093
Cluj | harta
Rident Estetic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 293, bl.1, sc.1, ap.2, sector 2 0212555494,0728240415
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 293, bl.1, sc.1, ap.2, sector 2 0212555494,0728240415
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Stomatologica HMDent
Viesparilor, 51, sector 2, Bucuresti 0319486,0766933076
Bucuresti | harta
Viesparilor, 51, sector 2, Bucuresti 0319486,0766933076
Bucuresti | harta
Alia Dent for Kids - Cabinet stomatologic, Bucuresti
Sos. Colentina, Nr. 58, bl. 102, sc. 1, ap. 1, parter, sector 2 0734094727
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Colentina, Nr. 58, bl. 102, sc. 1, ap. 1, parter, sector 2 0734094727
Bucuresti | harta
House of Beauty Clinic - Estetica dentara si stomatologie Bucuresti
Bulevardul Pipera, Nr. 59B, parter, judetul Ilfov 0755354555
Ilfov | harta
Bulevardul Pipera, Nr. 59B, parter, judetul Ilfov 0755354555
Ilfov | harta
Ada Ideal Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, Nr. 106, bl. M19, sc. 1, ap. 1, Sector 6 0771633183
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, Nr. 106, bl. M19, sc. 1, ap. 1, Sector 6 0771633183
Bucuresti | harta
Samyra Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Grigore Romniceanu, Nr. 12, Sector 5 0766523878
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Grigore Romniceanu, Nr. 12, Sector 5 0766523878
Bucuresti | harta
Smiles of Bucharest - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Strada Sperantei, Nr 5, Sector 2 0748183593
Bucuresti | harta
Strada Sperantei, Nr 5, Sector 2 0748183593
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Identiq - Medicina dentara Bucuresti
Strada Doamna Oltea, Nr.10, Sector 2 0212103077,0734336847
Bucuresti | harta
Strada Doamna Oltea, Nr.10, Sector 2 0212103077,0734336847
Bucuresti | harta
Dentart2001 - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, Nr. 73 B, Bl. TS40, Parter, Ap. 06, Sector 6 0721330728
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, Nr. 73 B, Bl. TS40, Parter, Ap. 06, Sector 6 0721330728
Bucuresti | harta
Dentart2001 - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, Nr. 73 B, Bl. TS40, Parter, Ap. 06, Sector 6 0721330728
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, Nr. 73 B, Bl. TS40, Parter, Ap. 06, Sector 6 0721330728
Bucuresti | harta
Dentiful - Clinica stomatologie si beauty, Bucuresti
Str. Racari, Nr. 5, corp 51B, parter, sector 3 0722237127
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Racari, Nr. 5, corp 51B, parter, sector 3 0722237127
Bucuresti | harta
Ava Smile Clinique - Estetica faciala si stomatologie, Bucuresti
Calea Floreasca , Nr.169A , Sector 1, Bucuresti 0314053775,0732044261
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Floreasca , Nr.169A , Sector 1, Bucuresti 0314053775,0732044261
Bucuresti | harta
Blu Dental - Clinica Stomatologica Voluntari
Str. Lotusului, nr 2, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0748466560
Ilfov | harta
Str. Lotusului, nr 2, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0748466560
Ilfov | harta
Dental ID - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Hristache Pitarul, nr. 9, sector 1 0739621294, 0745763699
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Hristache Pitarul, nr. 9, sector 1 0739621294, 0745763699
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Silvia Covrig - Cabinet Stomatologic Corbeanca
Sos. Unirii, nr. 356, Tamasi, Corbeanca, judetul Ilfov 0736139054
Ilfov | harta
Sos. Unirii, nr. 356, Tamasi, Corbeanca, judetul Ilfov 0736139054
Ilfov | harta
Dent-X - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bulevardul 1 Mai, Nr.39, bl. C15, ap. 2, sector 6 0217255403
Bucuresti | harta
Bulevardul 1 Mai, Nr.39, bl. C15, ap. 2, sector 6 0217255403
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Park - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Bulevardul Eroii Sanitari, Nr. 25, Sector 5, 0770333123, 0770333123
Bucuresti | harta
Bulevardul Eroii Sanitari, Nr. 25, Sector 5, 0770333123, 0770333123
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Dr. Andrei Capra - Stomatologie Bucuresti
Str. Vlad Judetul, Nr. 62, sector 2, 0754848253
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vlad Judetul, Nr. 62, sector 2, 0754848253
Bucuresti | harta
Clinica Dentara Trufas - Stomatologie Bucuresti
Str. Ramnicu Valcea, Nr. 4, Bl. S19, Sc. 1, Ap. 5, parter, Sector 3 0722787377
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ramnicu Valcea, Nr. 4, Bl. S19, Sc. 1, Ap. 5, parter, Sector 3 0722787377
Bucuresti | harta
Elite Dental Care - Clinica dentara Bucuresti
Strada Constantin Matei, Nr. 27, sector 5 0736031111
Bucuresti | harta
Strada Constantin Matei, Nr. 27, sector 5 0736031111
Bucuresti | harta
DRM - Clinica stomatologica, Bucuresti
Str. Vlaicu Voda, Nr. 7A, Sector 3, Bucuresti 0725220940
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vlaicu Voda, Nr. 7A, Sector 3, Bucuresti 0725220940
Bucuresti | harta
Finess Dental - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Strada Nicolae G. Caramfil, Nr. 51, sector 1 0745904904
Bucuresti | harta
Strada Nicolae G. Caramfil, Nr. 51, sector 1 0745904904
Bucuresti | harta
Pure Smile Dental Bucuresti
Str. Economu Cezarescu, nr 47-59, parter cabinet 12, sector 6 0770810102
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Economu Cezarescu, nr 47-59, parter cabinet 12, sector 6 0770810102
Bucuresti | harta
Occidental - Floreasca Dental Clinic
Str. Serg. Maj. Teodor Buzoiu, nr. 15, parter, int. 001, sector 2 0787275590,0217946312
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Serg. Maj. Teodor Buzoiu, nr. 15, parter, int. 001, sector 2 0787275590,0217946312
Bucuresti | harta
Dexellence Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. I.C. Visarion, Nr. 10, Et. 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0769042672
Bucuresti | harta
Str. I.C. Visarion, Nr. 10, Et. 3, Sector 1, Bucuresti 0769042672
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Zoom - Medic dentist generalist, Bucuresti
Strada Clabucet, 4-8, Policlinica Medicala Clabucet, sector 1 0212244489
Bucuresti | harta
Strada Clabucet, 4-8, Policlinica Medicala Clabucet, sector 1 0212244489
Bucuresti | harta
Q Dental Clinic - Clinica de stomatologie si implantologie, Bucuresti
Theodor Sperantia, Nr.106, BL. S 24, Scara 2, ap.30, parter, sector 3 0744293865
Bucuresti | harta
Theodor Sperantia, Nr.106, BL. S 24, Scara 2, ap.30, parter, sector 3 0744293865
Bucuresti | harta
Latin Dent 9 - Cabinet stomatologie, Ilfov
Prelungirea Ghencea, Nr 45, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0723171738
Ilfov | harta
Prelungirea Ghencea, Nr 45, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0723171738
Ilfov | harta
Crown Medical Center - Ortodont, Bucuresti
Strada Petre Ispirescu, Nr. 89-91, sector 5 0214233595
Bucuresti | harta
Strada Petre Ispirescu, Nr. 89-91, sector 5 0214233595
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Cronos Med - Clinica Stomatologica, Bucuresti
Str. Aron Cotrus, nr. 57, Sector 1 0756048030
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Aron Cotrus, nr. 57, Sector 1 0756048030
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Chioasca - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Cameliei, Nr. 2, sector 1 0766660027
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Cameliei, Nr. 2, sector 1 0766660027
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Tudor Arghezi, Nr.2, Zalau, ZALAU, judetul Salaj 0746233222
Salaj | harta
Str. Tudor Arghezi, Nr.2, Zalau, ZALAU, judetul Salaj 0746233222
Salaj | harta
3D Dental - Clinici dentare Bucuresti
Sos. Nordului, nr. 60, sector 1 0737444488,0720932294
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Nordului, nr. 60, sector 1 0737444488,0720932294
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Monica Popa - Medic stomatolog Bucuresti
Str. Lujerului, nr. 6, bl. 100, sc. 1, ap. 3, sector 6 0744239575
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lujerului, nr. 6, bl. 100, sc. 1, ap. 3, sector 6 0744239575
Bucuresti | harta
Amident Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Popesti Leordeni
Str. Amurgului, Nr 61, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0771181960
Ilfov | harta
Str. Amurgului, Nr 61, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0771181960
Ilfov | harta
DP Dental - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr. 48, sector 1 0726769991
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, nr. 48, sector 1 0726769991
Bucuresti | harta
Dentalite Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Ilfov
Drumul Fermei, nr. 62 sc. 1, ap. 4 , interfon 4 , parter, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0774963752
Ilfov | harta
Drumul Fermei, nr. 62 sc. 1, ap. 4 , interfon 4 , parter, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0774963752
Ilfov | harta
Smile Avenue - Centru Stomatologic Ilfov
Drumul Fermei, nr. 92, Popesti-Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0799548484
Ilfov | harta
Drumul Fermei, nr. 92, Popesti-Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0799548484
Ilfov | harta
Dental Medical Glas - Cabinet Stomatologic Ilfov
Sos. Oltenitei, nr 32A, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0769255359
Ilfov | harta
Sos. Oltenitei, nr 32A, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0769255359
Ilfov | harta
Dentissimo Smile Clinique - Servicii stomatologice Ilfov
Str. Oituz, Nr. 1, Bl. 1, Ap. 1, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0764855977
Ilfov | harta
Str. Oituz, Nr. 1, Bl. 1, Ap. 1, Popesti Leordeni, judetul Ilfov 0764855977
Ilfov | harta
Dental 22 - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Chisinau, nr. 24, Sc.1, Bl. M14, Ap.1, Sector 2 0726970691
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Chisinau, nr. 24, Sc.1, Bl. M14, Ap.1, Sector 2 0726970691
Bucuresti | harta
Elite Smile - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Traian Vuia, Nr. 7, sector 2 0769984400
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Traian Vuia, Nr. 7, sector 2 0769984400
Bucuresti | harta
Dent All Fine - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Academiei, nr. 35-37, sc B, et. 1, ap. 1, Sector 1 0787749432, 0724279329
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Academiei, nr. 35-37, sc B, et. 1, ap. 1, Sector 1 0787749432, 0724279329
Bucuresti | harta
Kvdental - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Dr. Raureanu, nr. 7, sector 5 0744494946,0724372917
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dr. Raureanu, nr. 7, sector 5 0744494946,0724372917
Bucuresti | harta
G&A Dent - Cabinet Stomatologic Dobroesti
Str. Doinei, nr. 89, Dobroesti, judetul Ilfov 0764836780,0770315995
Ilfov | harta
Str. Doinei, nr. 89, Dobroesti, judetul Ilfov 0764836780,0770315995
Ilfov | harta
Onuta Constantin - Medic stomatolog Bucuresti
Str. Ramnicu Valcea, nr. 30, bl. 15, sc. 2, sector 3 0752557311
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ramnicu Valcea, nr. 30, bl. 15, sc. 2, sector 3 0752557311
Bucuresti | harta
Clever Dental - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Jiului, Nr 15, Sector 1 0750847798
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Jiului, Nr 15, Sector 1 0750847798
Bucuresti | harta
Ebi Dent - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Drumul Gura Calitei, nr. 4-32, Bl. 5, Sc. B, ap. 9, Sector 3 0739010800
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Gura Calitei, nr. 4-32, Bl. 5, Sc. B, ap. 9, Sector 3 0739010800
Bucuresti | harta
M Dental Design - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, Nr. 20, Bl. 8, Sc. 1, Ap. 2, sector 4 0769661977, 0799625070
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, Nr. 20, Bl. 8, Sc. 1, Ap. 2, sector 4 0769661977, 0799625070
Bucuresti | harta
Vio Dent - Clinica Stomatologica Chitila
Sos. Banatului, nr. 58, Chitila, judetul Ilfov 0729935601
Ilfov | harta
Sos. Banatului, nr. 58, Chitila, judetul Ilfov 0729935601
Ilfov | harta
Tonia Dental Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Ilfov
Str. Rezervelor, nr. 58c, Bl. 1, Ap. 2, interfon 2, Dudu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0758222352
Ilfov | harta
Str. Rezervelor, nr. 58c, Bl. 1, Ap. 2, interfon 2, Dudu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0758222352
Ilfov | harta
Helvetosan - Clinica Stomatologica Ilfov
Str. Tineretului, nr. 65 C, Militari Residence, Dudu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0741265634
Ilfov | harta
Str. Tineretului, nr. 65 C, Militari Residence, Dudu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0741265634
Ilfov | harta
Tinka Smile - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 115, bl. 400A, parter, ap. 4, Sector 2 0212568181,0722578181
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 115, bl. 400A, parter, ap. 4, Sector 2 0212568181,0722578181
Bucuresti | harta
Profiladent - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Aleea Barajul Dunarii, nr. 10, Bl. M8A, sector 3 0745014040
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Barajul Dunarii, nr. 10, Bl. M8A, sector 3 0745014040
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Rosca - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr.14, bl. B 3, sc. 1, parter, ap. 03, sector 6 0771140880
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr.14, bl. B 3, sc. 1, parter, ap. 03, sector 6 0771140880
Bucuresti | harta
Bdent - Cabinet Urgente Stomatologice Non Stop Bucuresti
Str. Luncsoara, nr.5, bl. 75, sc. A, parter, ap. 1, Sector 2 0754921730
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Luncsoara, nr.5, bl. 75, sc. A, parter, ap. 1, Sector 2 0754921730
Bucuresti | harta
Star Dent - Clinica Stomatologica Ilfov
Sos. Pipera - Tunari, Nr. 35. Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0212312263,0740000006
Ilfov | harta
Sos. Pipera - Tunari, Nr. 35. Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0212312263,0740000006
Ilfov | harta
Dental Paradis - Stomatologie Corbeanca
Str. Stejarului, nr.14 (Complex ParadisulVerde), Corbeanca, judetul Ilfov 0787573341
Ilfov | harta
Str. Stejarului, nr.14 (Complex ParadisulVerde), Corbeanca, judetul Ilfov 0787573341
Ilfov | harta
Sys Dental Care - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Camil Ressu, nr 49, Bl H 26, sc. D, et. P, ap. 61, interfon 461, sector 3 0771490058
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Camil Ressu, nr 49, Bl H 26, sc. D, et. P, ap. 61, interfon 461, sector 3 0771490058
Bucuresti | harta
Neuvia Clinics - Clinica Stomatologica Ilfov
Str. Rezervelor, nr. 55, Bl. 1, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0722179199
Ilfov | harta
Str. Rezervelor, nr. 55, Bl. 1, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0722179199
Ilfov | harta
DentArt Consulting - urgente stomatologice Bucuresti
Str. Lanariei, nr. 90, sector 4 0747661111
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lanariei, nr. 90, sector 4 0747661111
Bucuresti | harta
Innovation Medical Center - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Prof. Grigore Cobalcescu, nr. 10, Sector 1 0753666111
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Prof. Grigore Cobalcescu, nr. 10, Sector 1 0753666111
Bucuresti | harta
Prokinder Dent - Dr. Dana Ivan
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, Nr. 1A, sector 1 0772100246
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Constantinescu, Nr. 1A, sector 1 0772100246
Bucuresti | harta
Cabinet Stomatologic Dr. Goodie
Str. Funigeilor, nr. 80-80A, sector 5 0731273820,0799168888
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Funigeilor, nr. 80-80A, sector 5 0731273820,0799168888
Bucuresti | harta
Smile Spot - Clinica Ortodontie Bucuresti
Bd. Pache Protopopescu, nr. 21, et. 2, sector 2, 0770986565
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Pache Protopopescu, nr. 21, et. 2, sector 2, 0770986565
Bucuresti | harta
Stomatologie Dr. Valeriu Druciuc
Str. Soldat Iancu Petre, nr 21, Dobroesti, judetul Ilfov 0766226461
Ilfov | harta
Str. Soldat Iancu Petre, nr 21, Dobroesti, judetul Ilfov 0766226461
Ilfov | harta
Central Dental - Clinica urgente stomatologice non stop
Str. George Enescu, Nr. 40, Bl. 6C, Sc. 2, sector 1 0767761690
Bucuresti | harta
Str. George Enescu, Nr. 40, Bl. 6C, Sc. 2, sector 1 0767761690
Bucuresti | harta
Apex Dental Clinic
Str. Panait Cerna, Nr. 4, Bl. M57, Sc. 2, Ap. 28, Sector 3 0744662200
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Panait Cerna, Nr. 4, Bl. M57, Sc. 2, Ap. 28, Sector 3 0744662200
Bucuresti | harta
Sonrisa Dental - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Splaiul Unirii, nr. 45, bl. M15, sc. A, ap. 3, int. 003, sector 3 0739457190
Bucuresti | harta
Splaiul Unirii, nr. 45, bl. M15, sc. A, ap. 3, int. 003, sector 3 0739457190
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Garant - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Intrarea Gliei, nr. 14, sector 1 0731838977
Bucuresti | harta
Intrarea Gliei, nr. 14, sector 1 0731838977
Bucuresti | harta
Optim Dental Clinic by Dr. Aurelia Radulescu - Cabinet Stomatologic, Bragadiru / Ilfov
Str. Safirului, nr. 28, Bl.1, Sc. 1, Parter, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0765703754
Ilfov | harta
Str. Safirului, nr. 28, Bl.1, Sc. 1, Parter, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0765703754
Ilfov | harta
Dr. Jawoosh Dental Clinic - Urgente stomatologice Bucuresti
Str. Zizin, nr. 6, sector 3 0724181992
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Zizin, nr. 6, sector 3 0724181992
Bucuresti | harta
Denttaglio Clinic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Calea Floreasca, nr. 35, Sector 1 0733733030,0733733031
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Floreasca, nr. 35, Sector 1 0733733030,0733733031
Bucuresti | harta
Forever Smile - Dr. Andreea Teaca-Roman
Str. George Calinescu, nr. 26, Parter, sector 1 0726104104
Bucuresti | harta
Str. George Calinescu, nr. 26, Parter, sector 1 0726104104
Bucuresti | harta
Orto-Implant Expert - Clinica Ortodontie si implantologie
Aleea Blajel, Nr.4, Bl.V3, Sc.1, Parter, sector 3 0728122828,0217961028
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Blajel, Nr.4, Bl.V3, Sc.1, Parter, sector 3 0728122828,0217961028
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Anna Buzduga - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Lucretiu Patrascanu, Nr. 13, Bl. G1, sector 3 0769185858
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Lucretiu Patrascanu, Nr. 13, Bl. G1, sector 3 0769185858
Bucuresti | harta
DentFlor ProActiv - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 354, Sector 2 0314051226
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 354, Sector 2 0314051226
Bucuresti | harta
Alice Perfect Smile - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Aleea Livezilor, nr. 1, sector 5 0720943996
Bucuresti | harta
Aleea Livezilor, nr. 1, sector 5 0720943996
Bucuresti | harta
Logos Dental Clinic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Calea Grivitei, nr. 242, Bl. A, Ap. 1, Parter, Sector 1 0740036647
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Grivitei, nr. 242, Bl. A, Ap. 1, Parter, Sector 1 0740036647
Bucuresti | harta
Dr Sitaru Dental Office - Cabinet stomatologic Bragadiru
Str. Safirului, Nr. 89-91 H, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0772044116
Ilfov | harta
Str. Safirului, Nr. 89-91 H, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0772044116
Ilfov | harta
Dentalist - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Intrarea Taciunelui, nr. 5, sector 2 0764760760
Bucuresti | harta
Intrarea Taciunelui, nr. 5, sector 2 0764760760
Bucuresti | harta
Paradise Medical Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Corbeanca
Sos. Unirii, nr. 178 A, Corbeanca, judetul Ilfov 0743055769
Ilfov | harta
Sos. Unirii, nr. 178 A, Corbeanca, judetul Ilfov 0743055769
Ilfov | harta
Circo Dentistry Center - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Nicolae Caramfil, Nr. 61C, Corp B, parter, sector 1 0732441900
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Nicolae Caramfil, Nr. 61C, Corp B, parter, sector 1 0732441900
Bucuresti | harta
Zorila Dent - Cabinet Stomatologic Bragadiru
Str. Gloriei, nr. 9-11B, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0771213213
Ilfov | harta
Str. Gloriei, nr. 9-11B, Bragadiru, judetul Ilfov 0771213213
Ilfov | harta
Vivenda Smile - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Sos. Morarilor, nr. 4C, Bl. H2, sector 2 0758989888
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Morarilor, nr. 4C, Bl. H2, sector 2 0758989888
Bucuresti | harta
Ino Dental - Servicii stomatologice Bucuresti
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 10, bl. 5D, int. 4C, sector 2 0721584935
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 10, bl. 5D, int. 4C, sector 2 0721584935
Bucuresti | harta
Smart Family Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Moinesti, nr. 54, sector 6 0744375486
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Moinesti, nr. 54, sector 6 0744375486
Bucuresti | harta
iDent Estetic - Servicii stomatologice Branesti
Str. I.C.Bratianu, nr. 73, Branesti, judetul Ilfov 0770804437
Ilfov | harta
Str. I.C.Bratianu, nr. 73, Branesti, judetul Ilfov 0770804437
Ilfov | harta
Zana Maseluta MedConcept - Stomatologie copii Bucuresti
Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 105, sector 2 0791178475
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 105, sector 2 0791178475
Bucuresti | harta
Smile 4 Kids - Dentist pentru copii Bucuresti
Str. Sfanta Maria, Nr. 58, Sector 1 0761888776
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sfanta Maria, Nr. 58, Sector 1 0761888776
Bucuresti | harta
Family Dental Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Gheorghe Titeica, nr. 188 B, sector 2 0790536577
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Gheorghe Titeica, nr. 188 B, sector 2 0790536577
Bucuresti | harta
Implant Studio - Servicii stomatologice
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 41, sector 2 0755900009
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 41, sector 2 0755900009
Bucuresti | harta
SyroDent - by Dr Adel Abboud - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 41, Et. 1, Sector 2 0752100030
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 41, Et. 1, Sector 2 0752100030
Bucuresti | harta
DentaImplant - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Mihaela Ruxandra Marcu, Nr. 2, Bl. B4, Sc. 3, sector 6 0731276389
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Mihaela Ruxandra Marcu, Nr. 2, Bl. B4, Sc. 3, sector 6 0731276389
Bucuresti | harta
Cubic Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Grigore Moisil, nr. 1, bl. 13B, Sc. A, sector 2 075789749,0314362054
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Grigore Moisil, nr. 1, bl. 13B, Sc. A, sector 2 075789749,0314362054
Bucuresti | harta
Strumfi's Ark Dent - Clinica dentara pentru copii si adulti
Bd. Metalurgiei, nr. 29C, Bl. C4, Sector 4 0314190695,0770726721
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Metalurgiei, nr. 29C, Bl. C4, Sector 4 0314190695,0770726721
Bucuresti | harta
Junior & Family Dental Center - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Invingatorilor, nr. 29, Sector 3 0770569787
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Invingatorilor, nr. 29, Sector 3 0770569787
Bucuresti | harta
Esthetic Dental Empire - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Povernei, nr. 20, parter, Ap. 1, sector 1 0770238761
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Povernei, nr. 20, parter, Ap. 1, sector 1 0770238761
Bucuresti | harta
Optim Dent - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Colentina, nr. 40, bl. 71, sc. 3, ap. 92, Sector 2 0744342485
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Colentina, nr. 40, bl. 71, sc. 3, ap. 92, Sector 2 0744342485
Bucuresti | harta
2inkle Dent - Clinica stomatologica pentru copii Bucuresti
Str. Leonida Varnali, nr. 8, sector 1 072360101,0775507617
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Leonida Varnali, nr. 8, sector 1 072360101,0775507617
Bucuresti | harta
Dependent Care - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Calea Mosilor, nr. 227, sector 2 0721391646,0771342385
Bucuresti | harta
Calea Mosilor, nr. 227, sector 2 0721391646,0771342385
Bucuresti | harta
Eurodent Millenium - Stomatologie Bucuresti
Str. Baba Novac, nr. 6, bl. T2, sc. D, ap. 64, sector 3 0754470604,0213248330
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Baba Novac, nr. 6, bl. T2, sc. D, ap. 64, sector 3 0754470604,0213248330
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Marana - Estetica Dentara Bucuresti
Str. Radu Boiangiu, nr. 1, sc. B, ap. 2, sector 1 0730547000
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Radu Boiangiu, nr. 1, sc. B, ap. 2, sector 1 0730547000
Bucuresti | harta
Edent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Louis Blanc, nr. 28, sector 1 0745118888
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Louis Blanc, nr. 28, sector 1 0745118888
Bucuresti | harta
Smile & Aesthetic Creators Dr. Bodnariuc - Servicii stomatologice Bucuresti
Str. Dristorului, nr. 6, sector 3 0746690225,0736757845
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dristorului, nr. 6, sector 3 0746690225,0736757845
Bucuresti | harta
Dentics Team - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Plantelor, nr. 50, sector 2 0753086809,0314335241
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Plantelor, nr. 50, sector 2 0753086809,0314335241
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Catted - Clinica Stomatologica Pipera
Str. Emil Racovita, nr. 26, Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0733228828
Ilfov | harta
Str. Emil Racovita, nr. 26, Pipera, judetul Ilfov 0733228828
Ilfov | harta
Dr. Fagaras - Clinica Stomatologica Magurele
Str. Atomistilor, nr. 250 A, Magurele, judetul Ilfov 0788906099
Ilfov | harta
Str. Atomistilor, nr. 250 A, Magurele, judetul Ilfov 0788906099
Ilfov | harta
Dr. Sala Codruta Irina - Cabinet stomatologic Voluntari
Str. Sergent Gheorghe Dinca, nr. 30, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0723687280
Ilfov | harta
Str. Sergent Gheorghe Dinca, nr. 30, Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0723687280
Ilfov | harta
Radiance Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Rumeoara, nr. 27, Parter, sector 2 0756967019
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Rumeoara, nr. 27, Parter, sector 2 0756967019
Bucuresti | harta
Perfect Dental Medical Clinic - Cabinet stomatologic Mogosoaia
Str. Poieni, nr. 60A, Mogosoaia, judetul Ilfov 0722542308,0751088990
Ilfov | harta
Str. Poieni, nr. 60A, Mogosoaia, judetul Ilfov 0722542308,0751088990
Ilfov | harta
Clinica Dr. Popescu - Implantologie & Estetica Bucuresti
Str. Callimachi, nr. 13, sector 2 0722474796
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Callimachi, nr. 13, sector 2 0722474796
Bucuresti | harta
Dacvil Dent - Cabinet Stomatologic Popesti Leordeni
Str. Sf. Nicolae, nr. 2Bis, Popesti-Leordeni, , judetul Ilfov 0723947014
Ilfov | harta
Str. Sf. Nicolae, nr. 2Bis, Popesti-Leordeni, , judetul Ilfov 0723947014
Ilfov | harta
Astrident Family - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Theodor Pallady, Nr. 5, Bl. X4, Sc. 3, Parter, sector 3 0769940743
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Theodor Pallady, Nr. 5, Bl. X4, Sc. 3, Parter, sector 3 0769940743
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Laura Caraivan - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 325, bl. 19, parter, ap. 2, interfon 02, sector 1 0740065020
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 325, bl. 19, parter, ap. 2, interfon 02, sector 1 0740065020
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Lupu - Dental & Implant Center Bucuresti
Str. Emil Racovita, nr. 27 C, Pipera-Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0741665511
Ilfov | harta
Str. Emil Racovita, nr. 27 C, Pipera-Voluntari, judetul Ilfov 0741665511
Ilfov | harta
Samident - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 85-93, Bl. C16, Sc. C, Ap. 3, Sector 2 0771670579
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, nr. 85-93, Bl. C16, Sc. C, Ap. 3, Sector 2 0771670579
Bucuresti | harta
Dentree - Cabinet Medicina dentara integrativa Bucuresti
Str. Poiana Florilor, nr. 4, sector 4 0732092835
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Poiana Florilor, nr. 4, sector 4 0732092835
Bucuresti | harta
Nicodent Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Sergent Alexandru Cutieru, nr 25A, Bl. 2, Sc. 3, Ap. 271, sector 6 0759072512
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sergent Alexandru Cutieru, nr 25A, Bl. 2, Sc. 3, Ap. 271, sector 6 0759072512
Bucuresti | harta
Kriss Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Partizanilor, nr. 1, Sector 6 0723612916
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Partizanilor, nr. 1, Sector 6 0723612916
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Oana Madalina Sandu - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Timisoara, nr. 51, bl. F7, sector 6 0721268521
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Timisoara, nr. 51, bl. F7, sector 6 0721268521
Bucuresti | harta
Albi Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Sos. Salaj, nr. 136, bl. 49, parter, sector 5 0723981982
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Salaj, nr. 136, bl. 49, parter, sector 5 0723981982
Bucuresti | harta
Zeed Dent Clinic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Tepes Voda, Nr. 55, Sector 2 0749323802,0727388894
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Tepes Voda, Nr. 55, Sector 2 0749323802,0727388894
Bucuresti | harta
Daff Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Calea 13 septembrie, nr 231, bl V1, sc 1, ap 2., Sector 5 0726024373
Bucuresti | harta
Calea 13 septembrie, nr 231, bl V1, sc 1, ap 2., Sector 5 0726024373
Bucuresti | harta
Danielle Med Center - Clinica dentara Bucuresti, Ilfov
Bd. 1 Mai, Nr. 30, Bl. OD15, Sc. H, Parter, Ap. 283, Interfon: 283C, sector 6, 0314012437,0730316748
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. 1 Mai, Nr. 30, Bl. OD15, Sc. H, Parter, Ap. 283, Interfon: 283C, sector 6, 0314012437,0730316748
Bucuresti | harta
Atlantis Dental - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Dobroesti, Nr. 7, sector 2, 0730895789
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Dobroesti, Nr. 7, sector 2, 0730895789
Bucuresti | harta
Complet Dental - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Matei Basarab, nr. 20, sector 3 0756783783
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Matei Basarab, nr. 20, sector 3 0756783783
Bucuresti | harta
Iris Dent Clinic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Vlad Judetul, nr. 46, Sector 3 0759607946
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Vlad Judetul, nr. 46, Sector 3 0759607946
Bucuresti | harta
Agident - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Panduri, Nr. 9, Bl P21, Sc 1, Ap 1, Sc 5, sector 5 0726439492
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Panduri, Nr. 9, Bl P21, Sc 1, Ap 1, Sc 5, sector 5 0726439492
Bucuresti | harta
Skyline Dental - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Dambovicioarei, nr. 17, sector 2 0770589019,0770592050
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dambovicioarei, nr. 17, sector 2 0770589019,0770592050
Bucuresti | harta
Dreossi Dental - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, nr. 29, bl. 3, sc. B, ap. 94, int. 094, Sector 1 0725336825
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, nr. 29, bl. 3, sc. B, ap. 94, int. 094, Sector 1 0725336825
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Harmony - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 15, bl. 15, parter, Sector 2 0771084324
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 15, bl. 15, parter, Sector 2 0771084324
Bucuresti | harta
Miclea Dental - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 13B, bl. R2, sc. 1, ap. 5, int. 05, sector 6 0748282625
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 13B, bl. R2, sc. 1, ap. 5, int. 05, sector 6 0748282625
Bucuresti | harta
Ultra Smile - Cabinet Stomatologic Chiajna
Str. Tineretului, nr. 35 bis, Chiajna, Militari Residence, judetul Ilfov 0737752777
Ilfov | harta
Str. Tineretului, nr. 35 bis, Chiajna, Militari Residence, judetul Ilfov 0737752777
Ilfov | harta
My Smile Dent - Cabinet Stomatologic Ilfov
Str. Apeductului, nr. 26, spaitul nr, 6, sat Rosu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0314301719,0771257788
Ilfov | harta
Str. Apeductului, nr. 26, spaitul nr, 6, sat Rosu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0314301719,0771257788
Ilfov | harta
Dent Alert - Clinica Stomatologica Ilfov
Str. Rezervelor, nr. 89, bl. 2, Militari Residence, Rosu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0765798518
Ilfov | harta
Str. Rezervelor, nr. 89, bl. 2, Militari Residence, Rosu, Chiajna, judetul Ilfov 0765798518
Ilfov | harta
Charisma Dental Clinic - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Giaccomo Puccini, nr. 8A, sector 2 0721235449
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Giaccomo Puccini, nr. 8A, sector 2 0721235449
Bucuresti | harta
Kara Dent - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Londra, nr. 21, sector 1 0752723368,0724529414
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Londra, nr. 21, sector 1 0752723368,0724529414
Bucuresti | harta
Circeag Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Pajurei, Nr. 13, sector 1 0721377523,0755942452
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Pajurei, Nr. 13, sector 1 0721377523,0755942452
Bucuresti | harta
Apple Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Londra, nr. 9, Sector 1 0744552295,0755950950
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Londra, nr. 9, Sector 1 0744552295,0755950950
Bucuresti | harta
Promedent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Doamna Ghica, nr. 24, bl. 6, sc. 1, ap. 3, sector 2 0736090940
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Doamna Ghica, nr. 24, bl. 6, sc. 1, ap. 3, sector 2 0736090940
Bucuresti | harta
FAB Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Fainari, nr. 22, bl. 55, Sector 2 0770298290
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Fainari, nr. 22, bl. 55, Sector 2 0770298290
Bucuresti | harta
Agata Dental - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 166, bl. 2, sc. A, ap. 2, parter, int. 2, Sector 1 0766954364
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 166, bl. 2, sc. A, ap. 2, parter, int. 2, Sector 1 0766954364
Bucuresti | harta
Crispodent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 152,bl. 6c, ap. 65, Sector 1 0722676831,0212240228
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Ion Mihalache, nr. 152,bl. 6c, ap. 65, Sector 1 0722676831,0212240228
Bucuresti | harta
Beres Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Drumul Taberei, nr. 20, bl. C2, sc. 2, ap. 40, sector 6 0762537297
Bucuresti | harta
Drumul Taberei, nr. 20, bl. C2, sc. 2, ap. 40, sector 6 0762537297
Bucuresti | harta
Tom Dent - Servicii stomatologice pentru intreaga familie
Str. Liviu Rebreanu, Nr. 13, Bl. N2, parter, Ap. 5, Int. 005, Sector 2 0216436703,0729850070
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Liviu Rebreanu, Nr. 13, Bl. N2, parter, Ap. 5, Int. 005, Sector 2 0216436703,0729850070
Bucuresti | harta
City Smile - Clinica dentara Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 20, Et. 2, Ap. 4, sector 2 0723683890,
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 20, Et. 2, Ap. 4, sector 2 0723683890,
Bucuresti | harta
Clara Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Turda, Nr. 122, Bl. 39, Sc. C, Ap. 89, Sector 1 0727547717
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Turda, Nr. 122, Bl. 39, Sc. C, Ap. 89, Sector 1 0727547717
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Vladescu Rucsandra - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Cetatea Histria, Nr 1, Bl. MII b /13, Sc. 1, Parter, sector 6 0744422918
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Cetatea Histria, Nr 1, Bl. MII b /13, Sc. 1, Parter, sector 6 0744422918
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Laura Nanau - Cabinet Stomatologic Sector 2
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 107, Bl. 400, Sc. B, Ap. 56, sector 2 0723295260
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Pantelimon, nr. 107, Bl. 400, Sc. B, Ap. 56, sector 2 0723295260
Bucuresti | harta
The Tooth Corner - Cabinet Stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. George Ionescu Gion, nr. 4, parter, int. 009, Sector 3 0752180988,0742310496
Bucuresti | harta
Str. George Ionescu Gion, nr. 4, parter, int. 009, Sector 3 0752180988,0742310496
Bucuresti | harta
Dent Now - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Ramnicul Valcea, nr. 29, ap 1, int. 01, sector 3 0720509802
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Ramnicul Valcea, nr. 29, ap 1, int. 01, sector 3 0720509802
Bucuresti | harta
Ki Dental Clinic - Stomatologie Bucuresti
Str. Teodosie Rudeanu, Nr. 35, sector 1 0723277878
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Teodosie Rudeanu, Nr. 35, sector 1 0723277878
Bucuresti | harta
MMD Dental - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 25, bl 28, sc B, parter, sector 2 0722683568
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 25, bl 28, sc B, parter, sector 2 0722683568
Bucuresti | harta
Megadent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, nr. 19, bl. 5, sc. B, ap. 32, sector 4 0213310202,0756099410
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, nr. 19, bl. 5, sc. B, ap. 32, sector 4 0213310202,0756099410
Bucuresti | harta
Dr. Adina Popescu - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, nr. 3, bl. 4, sc. A, parter, ap. 2, Sector 4 0721910914
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir, nr. 3, bl. 4, sc. A, parter, ap. 2, Sector 4 0721910914
Bucuresti | harta
Santedent - Cabinet stomatologic Dristor
Str. Dristorului, Nr. 96, Bl. 12B, Sc. A, Ap. 4, Sector 3 0317829688
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dristorului, Nr. 96, Bl. 12B, Sc. A, Ap. 4, Sector 3 0317829688
Bucuresti | harta
Bite Dental - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Burebista, nr. 2, sector 3 0741336837
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Burebista, nr. 2, sector 3 0741336837
Bucuresti | harta
Best Dental Studio - cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti
Str. Dristorului, nr. 97-119, bl. 63, sc. 3, ap. 328, int. 9135C, Sector 3 0721288298
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Dristorului, nr. 97-119, bl. 63, sc. 3, ap. 328, int. 9135C, Sector 3 0721288298
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Sud - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Bd. Metalurgiei, nr. 468-472, Bl. C6, Ap.3, parter, sector 4 0726485637
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Metalurgiei, nr. 468-472, Bl. C6, Ap.3, parter, sector 4 0726485637
Bucuresti | harta
Carailident by Dr. Ilici Roxana Romanita - Cabinet Stomatologic pentru copii si adulti
Bd. Metalurgiei, nr. 61A, Bl. 4, Ap. 4, Metalurgiei Park Residence, sector 4 0723602179
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Metalurgiei, nr. 61A, Bl. 4, Ap. 4, Metalurgiei Park Residence, sector 4 0723602179
Bucuresti | harta
Artis Denta - Clinica Stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Sg. maj. Samoila Dumitru, nr. 11, bl. 106, sc. 1, sector 4 0787838575
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Sg. maj. Samoila Dumitru, nr. 11, bl. 106, sc. 1, sector 4 0787838575
Bucuresti | harta
Synris Dent - Servicii stomatologice Bucuresti
Bd. Decebal, nr. 14 A, sector 3 0720618689
Bucuresti | harta
Bd. Decebal, nr. 14 A, sector 3 0720618689
Bucuresti | harta
Prime Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 98, sector 2 0767007787
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr. 98, sector 2 0767007787
Bucuresti | harta
Stomatologie Panduri
Sos. Panduri, nr. 5, Bl P31, parter, ap. 1, sector 5 0771141041
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Panduri, nr. 5, Bl P31, parter, ap. 1, sector 5 0771141041
Bucuresti | harta
Api Dent - Clinica stomatologica Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 34, bl 27, parter, Sector 2 0737392110
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 34, bl 27, parter, Sector 2 0737392110
Bucuresti | harta
Dentio Clinic - Stomatologie si estetica dentara Bucuresti
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, Nr. 1-3, Bl. Perla, Sc. 6, Et. 1, Ap. 228, sector 2 0736298989,0212311037
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Stefan cel Mare, Nr. 1-3, Bl. Perla, Sc. 6, Et. 1, Ap. 228, sector 2 0736298989,0212311037
Bucuresti | harta
White Lines Dental Clinic Bucuresti
Str. Alexandru Philippide, nr. 9B, parter, sector 2 0723612162
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Alexandru Philippide, nr. 9B, parter, sector 2 0723612162
Bucuresti | harta
Dental Reflex - Clinica stomatologie Bucuresti
Sos. Mihai Bravu, Nr. 2, Bl. 60B, Ap 131, sector 2 0721065545
Bucuresti | harta
Sos. Mihai Bravu, Nr. 2, Bl. 60B, Ap 131, sector 2 0721065545
Bucuresti | harta
Stomatolog Brasov Dr Arhire
Str. General Dumitrache, nr.2, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0741086141
Brasov | harta
Str. General Dumitrache, nr.2, Brasov, judetul Brasov 0741086141
Brasov | harta
Life Dental Spa - Clinici Stomatologice Laser
Str. Oitelor, nr. 24, sector 4, Bucuresti 0318282274,0770647110
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Oitelor, nr. 24, sector 4, Bucuresti 0318282274,0770647110
Bucuresti | harta
Family Dental Care Clinic - Clinica Stomatologica Cluj Napoca
Str. Constantin Brancusi, nr. 176, et. 1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0770832313
Cluj | harta
Str. Constantin Brancusi, nr. 176, et. 1, Cluj Napoca, judetul Cluj 0770832313
Cluj | harta
Wolf 7 Dent - Cabinet stomatologic Bucuresti, Ilfov
Str. Resita, nr. 20, bl. A19, sc. F, ap. 77, sector 4 0774003935
Bucuresti | harta
Str. Resita, nr. 20, bl. A19, sc. F, ap. 77, sector 4 0774003935
Bucuresti | harta