| | Test TOEIC pentru companii | | | Detalii | | | | lobal English- One of the few schools in Romania accredited to organise TOEIC tests!4.5 mil candidates world-wide annually!5000 international companies!Flexibility in test organization and fast results!No pass or failure- just higher or lower scores!TOEIC preparation courseCurs pregatire TOEICPrograma de pregatire curs TOEICDurata: 30 hNivel minim cerut la inscriere: intermediateThe contents of the TOEIC Preparation Course was developed to meet the needs of the working world.You will learn the specific strategies and develop the abilities that will allow you to pass the test successfully!The test questions are developed from samples of spoken and written language collected from various countries around the world where English is used in the workplace.Test questions incorporate many different settings and situations, such as: - General business: contracts, negotiations, marketing, sales, business planning, conferences
- Manufacturing: plant management, assembly lines, quality control
- Finance and budgeting: banking, investments, taxes, accounting, billing
- Corporate development: research, product development
- Offices: board meetings, committees, letters, memoranda, telephone, fax and e-mail messages, office equipment and furniture, office procedures
- Personnel: recruiting, hiring, retiring, salaries, promotions, job applications and advertisements
- Purchasing: ordering supplies, shipping, invoices, shopping
- Technical areas: electronics, computers, laboratories and related equipment, technical specifications
- Housing/corporate property: construction, buying and renting, electric and gas services
- Travel: trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport announcements, car rentals, hotels, reservations, delays and cancellations
- Dining out: business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations
- Entertainment: cinema, theatre, music, art, media
- Health: medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals
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