Pasta obtinuta din alune prin prelucrare mecanica intensa. In functie de solicitarile clientilor poate fi furnizata in diverse variante de culoare.Datorita vascozitatii specifice nu permite accesul oxigenului atmosferic in masa substantei astfel ca desi este un produs obtinut din alune prelucrate termic durata sa de viata este ridicata. Utilizare Pasta de alune se utilizeaza ca materie prima de baza la fabricarea pralinelor si in cofetarie DetaliiCOLOUR, ROASTING MEDIUM - LIGHT - DARKPACKING 25, 30, 60, 200 kg NET drums, 1000 kg NET plastic containers bulk tanker trucks/containerSTANDARD MARKING Description, size, crop, producer, origin, weight, lot, best beforeSHELF LIFE 12 months in drums / plastic containers (storage under 10-15o C, relative humidity max. 65%) ORGANOLEPTICAPPEARANCE HomogeneousTASTE/ODOUR Typical hazelnut paste taste, free from foreign taste/odoursTEXTURE HomogeneousCOLOUR Beige, light brown to dark brown according to the requested roasting degree CHEMICAL&PHYSICAL WATER CONTENT 2 % max. FAT CONTENT 61 +/- 3% FREE FATTY ACIDS 1 % max. PEROXIDE 1 mEq/kg max. AFLATOXIN B1 In conformity with importing country's regulations AFLATOXIN B1+B2+G1+G2 In conformity with importing country's regulations PARTICLE SIZE 20-25 m, 25-35 m, < 40 m, 40-80 m, > 80 mMICROBIOLOGICAL TOTAL PLATE COUNT 2000/gr max. SALMONELLA absent/ 25 gr COLIFORM absent/gr E. COLI absent/gr MOULD & YEAST 100 cfu/ gr max. S. AEREUS absent/gr ENTEROBACTERIACEAE 10 cfu/gr max. |