HELCO Afisari: 161
Categorie: COMERT >> Ambalaje Vizitatori: 87
Harta: Localizare pe harta Romaniei
Contact: Adresa
Calea Caracal 254 , Craiova, , Craiova, judetul Dolj
Phone: Telefon
Web: Internet
  email: marketing@helco.ro
  site: www.helco.ro



SupportBVT service department is at your service from the moment on that the machine arrives in your premises.

When the machine arrives, our engineer(s) will also arrive in order to assemble the machine, preferably in cooperation with your technical staff, in order to teach them the construction of the machine.When the assembling has been finished our people will start up the machine together with your machine operators and with your technologist to transfer the knowledge how to operate the machine. When our engineer(s) leave our service department will still be available for assistance when required.  Of course this is also applicable to our electric department who also gives assistance by modem.

Galerie foto (1)
[Image #1]
Contract leasing  |  Contract rate  |  Contract rate / leasing   |  Contractul de asigurare  |  Dospitoare brutarie  |  Electric  |  Hard disk  |  Interfata permite   |  Linii patiserie  |  Management al afacerilor  |  Panificatie si patiserie  |  Panificatie utilaje  |  Service hard  |  Service post garantie  |  Servicii it  |  Servicii leasing  |  Temperatura de lucru  |  Utilaje panificatie  |  Utilaje patiserie  | 
Email: Parola:

Nume firma  
Nume site ~ www.ghidul.ro/  
  Exemplu: www.ghidul.ro/nume-firma  
Persoana de contact  
  * Toate campurile sunt obligatorii.  
In cel mai scurt timp veti fi contactat de catre redactie.