Magic Grand Hotel in Bucharest, 3 star hotel, offers to our guests a wide range of facilities and services, some are free and others for a fee, prices being available at reception. During their stay at the hotel, our guests can use the following services: - free access to internet
- pick up and drop off from and to airport
- business services (print, copy, scan, fax documents)
- La Casa Iorga Restaurant
- rent a car and taxi
- wake up services
- safe box at reception
- laundry and dry cleaning services
- express check in, check out
- room service
- reception 24/24
- luggage storage
- security 24/24
- minibar
- breakfasts
- local and international TV channels
- central heating
- newspapers and magazines
- sale of souvenirs and postcards
- cash, credit cards (VISA, MASTER CARD, MAESTRO) or bank transfers accepted
- organizing the tour and visit to Bucharest objectives
- organizing tours in the country
- fly tickets booking
- cinema, shows and events tickets booking