Study Group is the world's largest educational provider providing high quality education for 50,000 students from 90 different countries into a wide range of educational programmes in the English speaking world. Top quality education requires top quality educational partners and we believe that in Mirunette International Education we have the dedication, commitment, energy and drive that our business requires. 2008 saw a year of unprecedented growth for Study Group worldwide as we introduced our new centres, partners, programmes and innovative platforms to the marketplace. In 2007 we won the award for Best Chain School and capitalised on this in 2008 by winning the coveted Innovation Award for our I- study programmes, our new Partners website and our 60 million USD investments in new centres and the advanced whiteboard technology within new and existing centres. In Mirunette International Education we can be sure we have a partner that reflects our need to send the right kind of message and make sure that our students get the best kind of advice and service before they leave overseas. As we end 2009 we do so on a note of uncertainty as the world?s economies take stock of the present slowdown. Now more than ever is a time for us to concentrate on the one sure investment that never goes out of fashion- our children?s? future with education at the heart of it. With our partner Mirunette, Study Group is committed to provide the best possible educational options for the students of our region, offering choice and outcomes that are second to none in order to maintain our joint place at the cutting edge of international education. We end 2008 having seen the most successful period of growth in the history of our region and intend for 2009 to be even more successful despite the current jitters. What we need more than ever are real partnerships and our friends at Mirunette International Education provide an excellent example of that, offering the sound counselling, honesty, gravitas, knowledge and wisdom of experience that our clients expect. Governments, parents and students can be proud of their efforts for their investments in the future of your region and their contribution to international relations. William Maciver Regional Director (Russia and Eastern Europe) Study Group Recomandare Prin programele de vara pe care Mirunette International Education le organizeaza in colaborare cu scoli prestigioase din strainatate, ofera copiilor si tinerilor oportunitatea de a combina vacanta cu studiul, intr-un mediu multinational si in locatii deosebite. Cei doi ani de colaborare dintre centrul de limbi straine Shakespeare School din Bucuresti si agentia de turism educational Mirunette International Education ne-au convins de seriozitatea si profesionalismul echipei condusa de dna Director General Daniela Pavoni. In vara 2008 mai multe grupuri de cursanti ai Shakespeare School au participat la programe de vara de limba engleza in locatii precum :Cambridge, Oxford, Londra, Malta, destinatii selectate de noi din gama variata a ofertelor agentiei de turism educational Mirunette International Education si recomandate cursantilor nostri. Analiza atenta a opiniilor participantilor la aceste cursuri de vara , exprimate in chestionarele de feedback pe care acestia le-au completat la intoarcere, ne-a creat o imagine reala a felului in care s-au derulat programele. Putem conchide ca toate programele de vara s-au bucurat de aprecierile participantilor de la Shakespeare School ,care de altfel au oferit un feedback pozitiv in privinta calitatii cursurilor , a conditiilor de cazare si masa, a activitatilor sociale si a excursiilor. Entuziasmul cu care au povestit celorlati colegi despre experienta lor ,cat si dorinta exprimata de multi dintre ei de a repeta experienta si in anul urmator, ne- au convins sa continuam parteneriatul cu Mirunette International Education. In plus, anul acesta vom alege si destinatii noi pentru vara 2009, precum Paris si New York,pe care le vom promova in randul cursantilor nostri, avand certitudinea unor oferte bine alese si cu un raport calitate-pret foarte bun. Ceece apreciem in mod deosebit este faptul ca dna Director Pavoni selecteaza locatiile si partenerii externi cu multa grija si responsabilitate, reusind sa viziteze marea majoritatea a scolilor inainte de a le introduce in oferte. Acest lucru face posibila o descriere foarte detaliata si reala a fiecarei destinatii in parte, dovedind o transparenta totala in prezentatrea acestora. Asadar informatiile pe care noi la randul nostru le oferim cursantilor sunt verificate, complete si corecte. In concluzie, Mirunette International Education este pentru noi un partener care ne-a dovedit in repetate randuri seriozitate, promptitudine in rezolvarea solicitarilor noastre, flexibilitate si nu in ultimul rand dorinta permanenta de a oferi satisfactie deplina clientilor sai. Adriana Alionte Director Shakespeare School |