Ageniia Spatiala Romana (ROSA), Bucuresti Afisari: 1665
Categorie: SERVICII PUBLICE >> Ministere si institutii de interes public Vizitatori: 801
Harta: Localizare pe harta Romaniei
Contact: Adresa
Str.Mendeleev, Nr. 21-25, sector 1, Bucuresti
Phone: Telefon
  0213168720; 0213168723; 0213128804
Web: Internet

National Expertise  

ROSA is a public organization, integral contract-based financed; sources: RTD contracts, consultancy, international cooperation, management.National Atributes:

  • Acting under the Authority of the Romanian Government - Ministry of Education and Research (1995)‏
  • Reporting to the Sub-commission for Space – RO Parliament (2007)‏
  • Executive president for the Inter-Ministerial Board on Security Research (2004) and Inter-agency INSPIRE Group of experts
  • Interagency coop. : Ministry of Defense, M. Foreign Affairs, M. Agriculture and Environment, M. of Interior, M. Telecomm. and IT, Romanian Intelligence Service
  • Contract authority and PMU for the national RTD Programs on Space, Aeronautics, Security (1995-2008)‏
  • Component of the National Emergencies Council (2000)‏
  • National Certification Authority for GRID information infrastructures (2006)
  • Certified security and classification organizational structure wAuthorized to establish research and development Centers oriented on specific objectives of the Romanian RTD Plan
Galerie foto (1)
[Image #1]
Activitate principala  |  Antene gps  |  Aplicatii gis  |  Aplicatii gps  |  Autentificare oferta donatie  |  Centre cercetare  |  Comunicatii mobile  |  Comunicatii prin gps   |  Date wireless servicii  |  Dezvoltare aplicatii  |  Dezvoltare web  |  Dispozitive de acces   |  Echipamente birou  |  Echipamente conferinte  |  Echipamente de comunicatii  |  Echipamente retea  |  Implementarea unui sistem  |  Indeplineste functia  |  Institutii de interes public  |  Internet wireless  |  Localizare gps  |  Ministere si institutii de interes public  |  Ministerului afacerilor externe   |  Navigatie gps  |  Prelucrarea informatiilor  |  Proceduri securitate  |  Reducerea pierderilor   |  Resurse umane   |  Resurse umane servicii  |  Retea internet  |  Servicii resurse umane  |  Servicii birou  |  Servicii protocol  |  Servicii securitate  |  Sistem informatii  |  Sisteme acces  |  Sisteme automate  |  Sisteme comunicatii  |  Sisteme comunicatii mobile  |  Sisteme gps  |  Sisteme securitate  |  Sisteme wireless  |  Sistemul de directie   |  Tehnologie spatiala  |  Transport avion  |  Transport pasageri  |  Universitatea bucuresti  |  Wireless sisteme  |  Zonele de acoperire   | 
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